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Civil Rights Movement Project Review

Civil Rights Movement Project Review. Montgomery Bus Boycotts. 1955 - Rosa Parks / MLK Launches bus boycott – VERY successful! Bus company revenue cut 65% Busses desegregated. Emmett Till & Medger Evers. 1955 trial Defendants = not guilty *public attention*.

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Civil Rights Movement Project Review

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  1. Civil Rights Movement Project Review

  2. Montgomery Bus Boycotts • 1955 - Rosa Parks / MLK • Launches bus boycott – VERY successful! • Bus company revenue cut 65% • Busses desegregated

  3. Emmett Till & Medger Evers • 1955 trial • Defendants = not guilty *public attention* • Evers – lawyer defending Till • Also killed

  4. Birmingham • SCLC uses children • 1,000 person march • Hoses / dogs released • Results: • **desegregated w/in 90 days** • Racist backlash

  5. March on Washington 1963 • ¼ million people • Kennedy Assassination and still little done • Civil Rights Act 1964

  6. The Little Rock Nine • Integration of Little Rock HS • ~250 Nat’l Guard blocked the 9 from entering • Students attended school - under military protection • Constantly taunted • School shut down

  7. Elizabeth Eckford Jefferson Thomas Event Shows: White hatred, Black determination / restraint and the beginning of gov’t protection

  8. Freedom Summer • 1964- large scale effort to get southern blacks registered to vote by SNCC • Mostly young, white northern volunteers • Murders, beatings, bombings… • LBJ passes *Voting Rights Act*

  9. From Black Rights to Black Power “It’s time we stand up and take over, we been saying freedom for six years and we ain’t got nothin’. What we gonna start saying now is black power” -- Stokley Carmichael

  10. The Rise of Black Power • New strategy in the fight for civil rights • Slow pace of progress • Ghettos – concentrated ethnic areas • Angry at conditions, discrimination, police brutality, poverty

  11. Urban Riots • Watts Riots – 6 days of chaos (burning, looting, $45 M in damage) • 34 killed, 900 injured, 4,000 arrested • Ended when National Guard sent in • Similar riots around country

  12. Malcolm X • Early Beliefs: • White man responsible for black mans condition (X…) • CRM - nonviolence (King) = too slow • Wants black separatism not integration • Black Nationalism – independence, control of institut. • Later focus on human rights in general • Assassinated

  13. Black Power and SNCC • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee • Stokley Carmichael • *shows shift away from integration to independence “Black people must be seen in positions of power, doing and articulating for themselves”

  14. Black Panther Party

  15. Black Panther Party • Huey Newton and Bobby Seal- 1966 • Black nationalism / socialism • Freedom, education, self determination and an “end to police brutality” • Social Programs • Advocate arming for self defense • Viewed as dangerous! • Decline in 1970’s- too violent

  16. Bobby Seale Huey P. Newton

  17. Civil Rights Legislation • Civil Rights Act 1964 - outlaws racial discrimination in all public accommodations • Federal funds cut if measures not taken • Voting Rights Act 1965 - massive reform • Eliminates literacy tests • 1 M – 3.1M registered to vote

  18. Civil Rights Legislation • Civil Rights Act of 1968 – Banned discrimination in housing (rentals and sales) • Federal govt back up • Johnson was more successful in getting laws passed (liberal from TX, used Kennedy’s death)

  19. 1957- Civil Rights Act • Established voting referee system to ensure southern black voting rights • Creation of Civil Rights commission • Overall not that strong

  20. Martin Luther King, Jr. • Influenced by Ghandi – non violence • Civil Disobedience • Highly influential

  21. Affirmative Action • Controversial policy were employers actively seek to increase the minorities in the workforce • Preferential treatment • Regents of the UC vs. Bakke • Courts uphold Affirmative Action • race can be used in admissions • racial quotas are unconstitutional • race can not be the only factor • Unfair? YES / NO?

  22. CRM gains… • What did African Americans gain (+) from the CRM? • Give at least 4 different examples of accomplishments. Be as specific as possible. • Explain what each accomplishment was and how / why it was positive for the movement. • *Confidence for other groups to fight for civil rights – the widening struggle

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