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Research Challenges for Sustainable Development 19.03-23.03.2012, Timi ş oara. Concepte de dezvoltare durabilă în ingineria mileniului III Impactul asupra mediului Abordarea pe ciclu de viaţă (LCA) Studiu de caz. Conf.dr.ing. Adrian Ciutina Prof.dr.ing Daniel Grecea
Research Challenges for Sustainable Development 19.03-23.03.2012, Timişoara Concepte de dezvoltare durabilă în ingineria mileniului III Impactul asupra mediuluiAbordarea pe ciclu de viaţă (LCA)Studiu de caz Conf.dr.ing. Adrian Ciutina Prof.dr.ing Daniel Grecea Conf.dr.ing. Viorel Ungureanu
NIVELE ALE ANALIZELOR DE TIP LCA ÎN CONSTRUCŢII componenta 1.1 (ex. beton) componenta 1.2 (ex. armătura) -------- componenta 1.m (ex. armătura) componenta 2.1 componenta 2.2 -------- componenta 2.m componenta n.1 componenta n.2 -------- componenta n.m ansamblul 1 (ex. infrastructura) ansamblul 2 (ex. structura de rezistenţă) ------------ ansamblul n CONSTRUCŢIE Abordare Abordare parţială Abordare primară globală (pe ansambluri) (pe elemente componente)
NIVELE ALE ANALIZELOR DE TIP LCA ÎN CONSTRUCŢII Abordarea primară a impactului construcţiilor asupra mediului • Cea mai simplă modalitate de considerare a impactului construcţiilor asupra mediului este prin analiza simplă a materialelor care pot avea aceeaşi funcţiune într-o construcţie. • În acest caz analiza este efectuată doar pentru stadiul de producţie, considerând câte o unitate din fiecare material, urmărindu-se ca efectul final să fie acelaşi. • Aplicaţie simplă de alegere a materialului pentru izolarea termică a pereţilor: • vata minerală • vata de sticlă.
NIVELE ALE ANALIZELOR DE TIP LCA Abordarea primară a impactului Comparaţie de impact asupra mediului: vată minerală/vată de sticlă pe categorii de impact
NIVELE ALE ANALIZELOR DE TIP LCA Impactul asupra mediului pe ansambluri • Atunci când un ansamblu (element structural şi/sau nestructural) poate fi realizat în mai multe moduri, fiecare dintre ele integrând materiale diferite, în analizele LCA trebuie considerate ansambluri. • În acest caz avem nevoie de liste complete de materiale pentru ansamblurile analizate. • Exemplu de analiză pe ansambluri (analiza pe 1m2 de planşeu): Sistemul clasic de construcţie cu dală din beton: • mortar de ciment, 84 kg (4 cm). • hidroizolaţie bituminoasă, 5kg • beton nearmat 310kg (15 cm) • armătură 15.3 kg. Planşeu uşor, pentru case construite pe structură metalică: • mortar de ciment, 42 kg (2cm) • polistiren extrudat 2kg (5cm) • hidroizolaţie bituminoasă, 5kg • plăci din fibre lemnoase (OSB), 7.92kg (12mm) • profile C formate la rece 8kg • vată de sticlă 2kg • plăci din ghips-carton 5kg.
NIVELE ALE ANALIZELOR DE TIP LCA Impactul asupra mediului pe ansambluri Comparaţie pe două sisteme de planşeu. Rezultate pe categorii de impact.
CASE STUDY – CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMAFFORDABLE HOUSE PROJECT • Socio – economical assessment • The “Prima Casa” (“First House”) program aimed at helping young people and young couples to acquire a home. • For a 60,000€ loan, the program is directed only to certain segments of the population, with incomes over 4,500 lei/month (approx. 1,000€). • The solution thought at CEMSIG Laboratory (within Affordable Houses Project – sustained by ARCELOR – MITTAL) is represented by a modular cold-formed steel house. • Innovative aspects: • Application of industrial building technologies to a house based on a modular progression concept
CASE STUDY – CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMAFFORDABLE HOUSE PROJECT Modular progression Terraced roof construction Pitched roof construction
CASE STUDY – CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMAFFORDABLE HOUSE PROJECT steel main frame envelope glazing additional glazing
CASE STUDY – CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMAFFORDABLE HOUSE PROJECT Plan view (first floor, second floor) • The thermo-energetic efficiency was achieved by: • Indoor temperature and air quality; • Passive ventilation and shading; • The glazed loggias act as a buffer zone; • Different heating and cooling systems (conventional or unconventional); • Ventilation of loggias; • Natural cross ventilation. • Thermal Insulation; • Moisture Protection;
COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY • The comparative life-cycle analysis was performed for four different solutions, each of them corresponding to a certain building system: • (1) Masonry structure: • classic Romanian solution of dwelling • hollow-brick walls of 25 cm thickness • polystyrene thermal-insulation • the infrastructure system is assured by continuous foundations under the walls and a solid concrete slab • flooring is also a solid concrete slab of 13 cm. • roofing is assured also by a reinforced concrete slab.
CASE STUDY – CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM • (2) Cold-formed steel framing: • isolated foundations under columns linked by foundation beams and a concrete floor slab; • cold-formed steel profiles for the framed skeleton structure (C150 cold-formed sections); • secondary structure: cold-formed steel studs (C150 profiles spaced at 600mm) on which Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) laid at interior and exterior; • floor structure made of OSB on trapezoidal steel deck; • envelope system and double glazed loggias with aluminum frames; • flat roof (thermal and hydro – insulations) laid on trapezoidal steel sheeting. • (3) Wood framing realised on the same principle as the cold-formed system. • In this case the wood skeleton is extended to roofing; • The secondary structure and envelope is built on the same principle as in the case of the cold-formed house.
CASE STUDY – CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM • (4) Hot-rolled steel frames: • moment resisting frames on transversal directions; • longitudinal direction the structure is stiffened by cold-formed wall studs sheeted with OSB; • floor structure is made by light concrete topping on trapezoidal steel deck; • infrastructure is composed by isolated foundation connected with beam foundations.
SYSTEM BOUNDARIES AND INVENTORY • It was included the material production, construction, end-of life of materials as well as a maintenance scenario for a life-time period of the house of 50 years. • System boundary conditions: • the electrical and heating systems were left out of comparison; • transportation was not taken into account, although the values (especially the weights) are different from system to system; • domestic use of the building (water / gas / electricity use), was not integrated herein by considering that these values are similar; • energy used for construction purposes (such as cranes and other technological machinery) was not integrated in comparison.
SYSTEM BOUNDARIES AND INVENTORY • Life Cycle Inventory (Input Data): the constructive elements were considered according to the design material lists and stratification. • In order to have an easier input of constitutive materials in the analysis tool, they were gathered in assemblies: • constitutive materials on infrastructure: plain concrete in foundations, reinforcing bars, gravel, sand layer, polyethylene foil, extruded polystyrene, concrete and reinforcement for ground floor slab; • constitutive materials on superstructure – according to the construction system: (1) masonry and concrete floors; (2) wood for studs and floors; (3) cold-formed steel members for studs and trapezoidal steel deck; (4) hot-rolled profiles and light concrete topping on trapezoidal steel deck; • materials considered for secondary elements steel studs for the hot-rolled house; • materials integrated in enclosures: OSB interior and exterior sheeting, thermal insulation for internal and external walls, hydro-insulations etc.; • materials used for finishing: finishing on exterior (stucco) and internal (acrylic paint) walls, gypsum plasterboards etc.
SYSTEM BOUNDARIES AND INVENTORY Calculated quantities of the main materials for construction stage.
MAINTENANCE • The following prediction (considered as a pre-planned maintenance) was made: • 9 internal decorations (every 5 years); • 4 changes of internal finishing (every 10 years); • 4 changes of roof hydro-insulation (every 10 years); • 3 external decorations (every 12.5 years); • 3 changes for bathroom/kitchen sanitary: sandstone, sanitary furniture etc. (every 12.5 years); • 1 change of the electric and heating system (every 25 years); • 1 change of the roofing system (every 25 years); • 1 change of the thermo-system (every 25 years).
SYSTEM BOUNDARIES AND INVENTORY Calculated quantities of the main materials for maintenance stage
END-OF-LIFE - RECYCLE, REUSE AND DISPOSAL End-of life for building materials (prediction according to present conditions)
RESULTS OF THE LC ANALYSIS - CONSTRUCTION STAGE - Environmental impact for the construction stage (weighting) Environmental impact for the construction stage (single score)
RESULTS OF THE LC ANALYSIS - CONSTRUCTION STAGE - Results may also help for the identification of assemblies with highest/lowest impact Example for masonry house
RESULTS OF THE LC ANALYSIS - CONSTRUCTION STAGE INCLUDING EOL- Environmental impact for the construction and end-of-life (weighting) Environmental impact for the construction and end-of-life (single score)
RESULTS OF THE LC ANALYSIS - MAINTENANCE STAGE - Environmental impact for the maintenance stage only (weighting) Environmental impact for the maintenance stage only (single score)
RESULTS OF THE LC ANALYSIS - LIFE-CYCLE - Life Cycle (weighting) Life Cycle impact (single score)
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