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Sub-System for Flood Management in Romania-Hungary Basin

This project implements a sub-system using hydrological modeling and GIS technology for flood management in the transboundary basins of CRISUL ALB and CRISUL NEGRU Rivers, covering 8,000 Km2. It involves an innovative approach to monitoring extreme flood events in Romania and Hungary utilizing EO data, with a focus on forecasting, risk assessment, impact analysis, and damage assessment. The system integrates a relational GIS database, a hydrological forecast model (VIDRA), and a suite of programs for runoff simulation and mitigation.

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Sub-System for Flood Management in Romania-Hungary Basin

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  1. Sub-system based on hydrological modeling and GIS technology for flood management(NATO SfP project 987016) Valentina UNGUREANU1, Gheorghe STANCALIE2, Viorel Alexandru STANESCU1, Ciprian CORBUS1 1 National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Bucharest, Romania 2 National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bucharest, Romania

  2. MONITORING OF EXTREME FLOOD EVENTS IN ROMANIA AND HUNGARY USING EO DATA NATO SCIENCE for PEACE SUB-PROGRAMMEProject 978016 (www@nato.inmh.ro) ROMANIA Project Partners USA HUNGARY HMS, Budapestst, VITUKI, Budapest NIMH, Bucharest, NIHWM Bucharest, Water Authority Oradea DFO, Hanover, NH End-users: Inspectorate of Civil Protection Oradea and Arad Körös Valley District Water Authority NATO Consultant:Dr. Jiri Marsalek, CANADA

  3. UKRAINA HUNGARY MOLDOVA H.B. CRISUL NEGRU BULGARY H.B. CRISUL ALB Study area: the transboundary basins of CRISUL ALB and CRISUL NEGRU Rivers Basinarea: 8 000 Km2 Hydraulic works: Embankment and river training started in 1830 Reservoirs (permanent and non-permanent) Channels

  4. - Components - Images database - Images from meteorological satellites and EO data GIS database - A relational structure of different thematic info-layers Hydrological forecast model - VIDRA model The sub-system for flood management in the Romanian – Hungarian transboundary area • - Functions - • A web-based meta information system • Acquisition, storage, analysis and data interpretation; • Updating of the information (temporal modification); • Generation of value-added information; • Elaboration of maps and graphs; • Facilitate data exchange between partners (rapid access).

  5. The sub-system for flood management in the study area- Utility - • Normal periods: • Evaluation and cartography of the flood hazard zones; • Calculate certain hydrographic basin features necessary to determine initial parameters of the hydrological model; • Validation of hydrological modeling-based flood risk assessment using the inventory of the flooding events already observed by the earth observation facilities. • In case of a meteorological warning: • Evaluation of the soil moisture and snow cover; • Assessment of the flood impact, location of the potentials zones affected by flooding and for the potential damage evaluation (combined with the forecasted hydrographs). • Post-crisis: • Analysis and damage assessment; • Determination of the size of the flood-prone area.

  6. GIS database in the Crisul Alb and Crisul Negru Basins A relational structure of different thematic info-layers • Principal spatial information • Morphology and topography • Hydrographical network and complementary information • Soils (types and infiltration characteristics) • Land cover and land use • Flood vulnerability GIS info-layers related with the hydrographical network, meteorological and hydrometrical stations network

  7. Hydrological model VIDRA used for forecast and simulation of the runoff • Snow melting model (degree-day method); • Effective rain calculation model (deterministic reservoir model – interception, depression, unsaturated zone and saturated zone reservoirs); • Transfer model (Unit hydrograph); • Routing model (Muskingum transfer function); • Attenuation model of the runoff through: reservoirs, lateral polders and derivation channels (Puls method); • Forecasting updating (CORA procedure).

  8. Updating CORA procedure

  9. Hydrological model VIDRA Input data • meteorological variables, • hydrological variables, • characteristics of the river basin, • characteristics of the hydrographic network and the characteristics of the hydraulic structures that influence the runoff. Output data • effective rain, • runoff coefficients, • hydrographs on sub-basins

  10. VIDRA softwer • The softwer chain version 1.0 on PC will include 10 programs: • a managing interface for the program assembly, • two main programs: • HIDRA – computed hydrographs and • COMPUNEREA – wawes mitigation • 8 programs for the creation and updating of the input data files (4 for model parameters and 4 for variable input data – precipitation, discharges, HU type etc). • The entire informatics’ architecture of VIDRA program chain will be extremely flexible, so that an application will can call only one sub-model or all the available sub-models (for example for the continuous forecasting of the runoff). • In order to make the connection with other data bases import-export facilities for the data in ASCII files will be available.

  11. The sub-system for flood management in the Romanian – Hungarian transboundary area • A central platform and information server will be installed in the NIMH, Bucharest for information and data distribution. • The data storage via distributed databases will facilitate a fast and sustainable access to the information required for flood monitoring and for the generation of statistically significant large data records. • The use of the forecasted hydrograph will permit the assessment of the flood impact, the location of the potentials zones affected by flooding and the evaluation of potential damages. • The final products will be maps easily to understand by the end-users. • The proposed structure guarantees effective data management and exchange facilities. • The internet gateway will also makes possible the rapid distribution and collection of information. • We intend to standardize products and to distribute the results of the project via the central network internet interface.

  12. The impact of the expected results with respect to the situation in ROMANIA • The project will provide the decision-makers with updated maps of land cover/land use, hydrological network and with more accurate/comprehensive thematic maps with the extent of the flooded areas.   • The use of the semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model will contribute to a significant increase in precision and an earlier flood warning elaboration for Hungarian territory affected by Crisul Alb River and Crisul Negru River floods. Under these circumstances the reliability and the forecasting time will significantly go up with a corresponding socio-economic and environmental beneficial impact. • The project products could also serve as valuable tools for restoration and rehabilitation of the some river courses, in the study area, whose environment has been altered by flooding events, and also for future analysis and decisions concerning the efficiency and environmental impact of the structure works.

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