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Scope lunch hour talk April 2, 2014

Yukon Invasive Species Council (YISC ) Cooperation on the science-policy interface, a case study of the Yukon Spotter’s Network. Scope lunch hour talk April 2, 2014. Invasive species. YISC. ISIWG. EDRR. Prevention. Management. Why do we need Science and Policy to interface?.

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Scope lunch hour talk April 2, 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Yukon Invasive Species Council (YISC)Cooperation on the science-policy interface, a case study of the Yukon Spotter’s Network. Scope lunch hour talk April 2, 2014

  2. Invasive species YISC ISIWG EDRR Prevention Management

  3. Why do we need Science and Policy to interface? Spotted Knapweed, L.L. Berry, Bugwood.org http://theriverwhisperer.blogspot.ca/2011/10/zebra-mussels-destructive-force.html

  4. “Truth” speaks to “power” Science Policy

  5. Citizen Science Program Spotter’s Network science policy • Dirty 10 • Data (storage, communication) • Outreach/Awareness/Behaviour Change • Stewardship/ Mindset • Communication strategies

  6. Successful science – policy interface Ways of working together to communicate, exchange ideas and develop knowledge jointly to enrich policy and decision-making processes and/or research Shared projects Strategic planning Face to face communication Supported projects

  7. YISC brings together Stakeholders Who are my partners and how can we effectively communicate? • All level of government • Research • Professionals • Industry • Public • Organizations • Renewable Resources Councils • Invasive species organizations within Canada and across the border

  8. How can this be applied to other situations? What has been working for you/your department? Where do you see room for improvement?

  9. Andrea AltherrCoordinatorYukon Invasive Species Council (YISC) info@yukoninvasives.com www.yukoninvasives.com

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