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PHENIX Experiment at RHIC - Advancements and Achievements in High Energy Physics

Discover the significant milestones and achievements of the Hungarian team in the PHENIX experiment at RHIC, BNL. Delve into the analysis of perfect fluids, hydrodynamic scaling in RHIC data, and the exact integrals of fluid dynamics. Learn about the Hungarian contributions, future plans, and the exciting journey towards unraveling the mysteries of the Universe. Explore the cutting-edge research and collaborations that aim to recreate the matter post-Big Bang in the glimpse after the RHIC collisions. Witness the evolution of the PHENIX experiment and its impactful role in high-energy physics.

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PHENIX Experiment at RHIC - Advancements and Achievements in High Energy Physics

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  1. Hungary in PHENIX experiment at RHIC, BNL a sustained Fulbright Alumni Initiative story T. Csörgő MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary • A Hungarian team in PHENIX - milestones and achievements: • RHIC Scientists serve up “Perfect Liquid”, April 18, 2005 • AIP Top Physics Story 2005 • Hungarian chronology and results in PHENIX • Perfect fluids: analysing and understanding the observations • Exact (i.e. not numerical) integrals of fluid dynamics • Evidence for hydrodynamic scaling in RHIC data • A fluid of quarks at RHIC • Projected time schedule and manpower • Future plans

  2. Approved upgrades: PHENIX experiment at RHIC, BNL PHENIX: Pioneering High ENergy eXperiment (high energy physics) RHIC: Relativistic Heavy Ion (and polarized proton) Collider on Long Island, near New York, NY, USA 4 experiments, PHENIX is one of the two “big” RHIC Experiments BNL: Brookhaven National Laboratory, one of the 10 National Labs funded by DOE Goal of PHENIX/RHIC: to produce the matter that filled the Universe in a glimpse after the Big Bang By colliding Au+Au @ Ecms(NN) = 200 GeV (also at 130 , 62.4 and 19.6 GeV) also Cu+Cu,polarized p+polarized p andd+Aucollisions Hungarian institutional participation in the PHENIX-Hungary sub-collaboration: Debrecen University, Debrecen, Hungary ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary “RHIC has a bright future ... will likely survive the nextdecade” (~ 2020) (S. Aronson, BNL Director, Oct/3/06)

  3. PHENIX • photons, electrons muons and hadrons • Investigates all stages of the reaction • Penetrating probes: early state of the reaction • Hadrons

  4. 1st milestone: new phenomena Suppression of high pt particle production in Au+Au collisions at RHIC

  5. 2nd milestone: new form of matter d+Au: no suppression Its not the nuclear effect on the structure functions Au+Au: new form of matter !

  6. 3rd milestone: Top Physics Story 2005 http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-ex/0410003

  7. Hungarian chronology in PHENIX T. Cs. Fulbright Advanced Research Award (1998) theoretical physics w M. Gyulassy, Columbia Uni. + initiation of a PHENIX group in Hungary with W.A.Zajc, PHENIX Spokesperson (Columbia Uni.) and with J. Zimányi (1931 - 2006) Head, Science Council, KFKI RMKI 1998-1999: Fundraising period T. Csörgő: Fulbright Alumni Initiative Award for the organization of PHENIX-Hungary 2000- : Hungarian contributions to PHENIX started: contribution to centrality determination (A. Ster, KFKI RMKI/MFA) P. Tarján, V. Veszprémi (Debrecen) contribution to PHENIX EMCal quality assurance, calibrations, lead by G. David 2002: Memorandum of Understanding signed: between PHENIX Experiment, Physics Department of BNL, Debrecen University, ELTE University and KFKI RMKI, Budapest 2006: Memorandum of Understanding between PHENIX and PHENIX-Hungary Institutions has been extended till 2011

  8. Hu in PHENIX: chronology projection - 2011 Cutting edge advantage:Extended MoU with PHENIX: no running cost! KFKI RMKI: 3 faculty + 1 student ELTE group: 1 faculty + 2 students Debrecen: 0 faculty + 1 visiting prof + 2 grad. students + 2 others PHENIX: production mode, exciting live physics in both cases: theoretical activity, desire to understand results. Unique nature of the group: students are trained both in theory and in experiment and have to be able to prepare papersin both. 2006: fundraising 2007-2011: PHENIX data taking shifts, data analysis PHENIX upgrades: interested but no funds for this Electronics, PHENIX DAQ: same Data production: same Software infrastructure and analysis: PHENIX-Hungary cluster 38 CPU-s, used for simulations in Global/Hadron PWG, PPG05 Shortage of funds in Hungary (OTKA/government budget problem): limits manpower, most serious risk Upgrade plans for PHENIX-Hu: computing+grid, proposals submitted

  9. PHENIX Hungary and summary of contributions: 12 Hungarian authors and three Hu Institutions on PHENIX review paper (White Paper, Nucl, Phys, A (2005). By now: SLAC Spires famous paper, AIP Top Physics Story in 2005 Debrecen University (mentor prof. P. Raics): Dávid Gábor (BNL/Debrecen) founder of the group, 1996- . Founding member of PHENIX: design, fund raising, construction, operation, data taking and analysis. Important discovery: suppression of high ptp0 production in central Au+Au collisions (2001). Cover page of PRL and top-cited paper at RHIC. In the control experiment d+Au the suppression of high pt particle production is not seen (2003), hence new form of matter is created in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Author of several analysis notes, group leader in PHENIX. Visited Hungary during his holidays, at various times on his budget. Trained several Debrecen students who contributed significantly to EMCal related observations in PHENIX. A need for local PHENIX team leader .

  10. Debrecen PhD Students Péter Tarján (PhD?), József Imrek, V. Veszprémi, Róbert Vértesi (PhD) Experts of PHENIX EMCal, contibuted to neutral pion spectra in 200 GeV-es Au+Au. Authors of a number if analysis notes. EMcalorimter: improvement and modernization of its simulatiions and calibrations. Contributions to observation of direct gamma production by quarks. Important contributions to fast Monte-Carlo of hadronic gamma production, needed to reconstruct direct photons below 6 GeV. Reconstruction and timing: contribution to 11 PHENIX papers in 2005. Note: all pictures taken during PHENIX data taking runs (run3-run6)

  11. Contributions from ELTE: Excellent students Máté Csanád:PHENIX ZDC on-line and off-line calibration, HBT and spectrum analysis, contributed to the recongnition of perfect fluid picture, Fulbright Student Award to SUNY at Stony Brook. PHENIX preliminary two and three-particle correlation function measurement, paper preparation for the perfect fluid of quarks (PPG062) paper (PhD). Ádám Kiss:PHENIX Institutional Board member for ELTE, fund raising, student training. M. Nagy:Monte-Carlo Simulations for PHENIX imaging paper (PPG052) and analysis of Lévy stable correlations (MSc). Improvement on Bjorken energy density estimation: a factor of 2 higher densities!

  12. KFKI RMKI - centrality and self-similarity of flow Csörgő, TamásOrganization of PHENIX-Hu team (1998-2002). Internal PHENIX analysis notes. Collaboration with researchers from Columbia (Zajc) and SUNY at Stony Brook (Lacey). Contributions to imaging, HBT, spectra, v2 analysis. Search for chiral symmetry restoration (preliminary data). Fundraising (OTKA, MTA-NSF-OTKA, NATO, Fulbright, BNL, ...) Hidas, Pál:Shifts, ZDC calibration, monitoring, correlation studies Ster, András:PHENIX ZDC on-line and off-line calibrations, spectator clasterization, PISA integration, HBT and spectrum analysis. First, individual PHENIX participant from Hungary. A PHENIX-Hungary PC cluster: fundraising, installation, software (PhD). Sziklai János:A PHENIX PC cluster hardver maintanence and software upgrades with help from M. Purschke, BNL. Fundraising for the development of cluster (project coordinator). Zimányi József+:OTKA fund raising - first successfull attempt. Self-similar hydro picture and quark coalescence picture (theory). + R. Vértesi:now finishing his PhD at KFKI RMKI.

  13. Hungarians and PHENIX papers • PHENIX: A collaboration of 430-550 authors (depending on run) • 76 SLAC SPIRES PHENIX papers with Hungarian participation. • Our contribution was different for the different papers, • the followings give an approximate qualification: • Participation in planning, simulations, data taking: 1 publications • Participation in data taking only: 11 publications • Participation in: • data taking, Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) • simulation and online monitoring code development, • contributions to centrality determination: 55 publications • Participation in: • data taking, ZDC simulation and online monitoring, • and in the formulation of the manuscript: 6 publications • Contributions in: • data taking, ZDC simulation and online monitoring, • data analysis, PHENIX preliminary data, • presentation of the preliminary data at conferences, • participation in Paper Preparation Group or Internal • Review Committees 3 publications

  14. PHENIX Hungary and Education Debrecen Group G. David(BNL): Visiting professor, voluntary teacher Addicitive 1-week intensive courses annually at Debrecen, 1998 - 2006 P. Tarján: PHENIX Focus Seminar on EMCal, 2004 (PHENIX internal training) ELTE Group: M. Csanád: How to measure Hanbury Brown-Twiss ? PHENIX Focus Seminar 2005 KFKI Group: T. Csörgő:voluntary teaching at ELTE, list of courses: „Big Bang in the Laboratory” „Quantum Statistical Correlations in High Energy Physics” „Experimental techniques in High Energy Particle and Heavy Ion Physics” - special courses at the ELTE University aimed at MSc and PhD Students since about 2000, 2-3 courses annually. „The Perfect Fluid at RHIC” - PHENIX Focus Seminar 2006 Organization of the Budapest RHIC Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics T. Csörgő + Students, 2001 - annually (2001 - 2005) 6th Budapest Winter School, December 4-7, 2006, to be named after József Zimányi (experiment & theory) Note: new possibilities for collaborations (BNL, Stony Brook, Harvard, ...)

  15. Honors to Hungarian PHENIX participants Prize of Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Cs. T., 2006 Physics prize of the Section on Physics, Hung. Acad. Sci. - Cs. T., 2000 US-Hungarian Fulbright Foundation for Educational Exchange Student Fellowship - R. Vértesi, Debrecen/KFKI RMKI, 2006 Student Fellowship - M. Csanád, ELTE, 2005 Alumni Initiatives Award - Cs. T., KFKI RMKI, 2001 World Federation of Scientists, E. Majorana Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy (G. ‘t Hooft and A. Zichichi) P.A.M. Dirac Diploma - M. Csanád, 2006 V.N. Gribov Diploma - M. Csanád, 2005 1st prize in Hungarian Ortvay competition of physics students: - M. Nagy (2004) ELTE University: Best Physics Scientific student study (TDK 1st prize) - M. Nagy (2005) „There is a long tradition of outstanding science by Hungarian physicists, and there should be no surprise that this has also been true in the rapidly developing and very exciting field of relativistic heavy ion physics. ” W. A. Zajc, PHENIX Spokesperson, August 2005 (QM’05, News & Views, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, www.mta.hu) „The addition of all the Hungarian institutions to PHENIX has been very stimulating, and it is gratifying to know that the future will continue this trend.” W. A. Zajc, PHENIX Spokesperson, July 7, 2006 (phenix-hu@lists.kfki.hu)

  16. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES for Hungarian Heavy Ion and Particle Physicists in particular forOUTSTANDINGPhD students Hungarian participation in PHENIX at RHIC: a sustainable success story extended by PHENIX/BNL management till 2011 Hungarian contributions to evidence for a perfect fluid in Au+Au at RHIC new: degrees of freedom FLUID OF QUARKS seen but a PLASMA OF QUARKS and GLUONS Thanks are due to the US-Hungarian Fulbright Foundation that made this research possible! Note: lot of press information available Scientific American cover story, NY Times, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, US and Hungarian daily newspapers, TV channels (US/Hungary) etc ect http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/headlines.html http://www.kfki.hu/~csorgo/press/

  17. Hungarian flag on the PHENIX map!

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