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Learning session Finance – Introduction RAMIRI 2, Trieste, 19 June 2012

Learning session Finance – Introduction RAMIRI 2, Trieste, 19 June 2012 Florian Gliksohn , Jacco Konijn. Three essential questions. What are the financial needs of an RI? What funding and financial model to ensure sustainability? How does funding connects with governance?.

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Learning session Finance – Introduction RAMIRI 2, Trieste, 19 June 2012

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  1. Learning session Finance – Introduction RAMIRI 2, Trieste, 19 June 2012 Florian Gliksohn, JaccoKonijn

  2. Three essential questions • What are the financial needs of an RI? • What funding and financial model to ensure sustainability? • How does funding connects with governance?

  3. Main issues to consider • What are the financial needs of an RI? • Long-term and complex projects with different needs • How to estimate when information is limited? • What is the scope of the budget? • What risks to consider and how to mitigate them? 2. What funding and financial model to ensure sustainability? • Long-term sustainability requires combination of instruments • Funding and financial management are two different realities 3. How does funding connect with governance? • How to convince an “investor” (i.e. funding agency) to put money in? • What is the reward/return is expected from the “investor”?

  4. Structure of session • Case studies (today) • Building the spending profile of three different Ris • Lifewatch – distributed e-infrastructure • Computing centre • ELI Beamlines – physical infrastructure • Focus on the risks 2. Reporting and discussion (today and/or tomorrow) 3. Funding models, funding negotiations, financial instruments • How to convince funders? • Focus on structural funds and EIB loans • Discussion on the funding of access

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