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BASIN trans Atlantic cruise with RV GO Sars

BASIN trans Atlantic cruise with RV GO Sars. Geir Huse & Webjørn Melle. EURO-BASIN cruise planning meeting 29-30 September, London. RV METEOR ‘ Deep Convection ’ Cruise 2012. EURO-BASIN Cruise Programme, 29-30 Sep 2011. Overall research questions.

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BASIN trans Atlantic cruise with RV GO Sars

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  1. BASIN trans Atlantic cruise with RV GO Sars Geir Huse & Webjørn Melle EURO-BASIN cruise planning meeting 29-30 September, London RV METEOR ‘Deep Convection’ Cruise 2012 EURO-BASIN Cruise Programme, 29-30 Sep 2011

  2. Overall research questions Ecosystem structure and functioning: How are ocean basins in the North Atlantic structured and, what are the key drivers affecting them? Comparative approach: What are the commonalities and differences in the structure and functioning of the Subpolar gyre, the Labrador, Irminger and Nordic Seas? Connectivity: What are the major oceanographic and biological interconnections between these basins? Ecosystem effects of climate variability and change: How is the distribution of water masses in the different basins and how does it affect the species distribution? RV METEOR ‘Deep Convection’ Cruise 2012 EURO-BASIN Cruise Programme, 29-30 Sep 2011

  3. The RV GO Sars 25 berths available

  4. Tentative survey dates • Leg 1 – Bergen – St John’s • Time: 1 May-30 June 2013. • Departure Bergen: 1 May a.m. • Arrival St. John’s: 1 June a.m. • PI: Webjørn Melle, Institute of Marine Research, Norway • Leg 2 - St John’s - Bergen • Time: 4 June-30 June 2013. • Departure St. John’s: 4 June a.m. • Arrival Bergen: 30 June a.m. • PI: Leif Nøttestad, Institute of Marine Research, Norway RV METEOR ‘Deep Convection’ Cruise 2012 EURO-BASIN Cruise Programme, 29-30 Sep 2011

  5. Key sites – leg 1 Icelandic Sea Norwegian Sea Labrador Sea Irminger Sea

  6. Key sites – leg 2 Icelandic Sea Norwegian Sea Labrador Sea Irminger Sea

  7. Work content • Continuous acoustic mapping of pelagic nekton and zooplankton with keel based and towed platforms • Station sampling with: • Trawls • Plankton nets • Acoustics/optics • Onboard process studies of zooplankton • Opportunistic sampling (by large midwater trawl) • Seabird and cetacean studies. • Sightings, and if possible tagging. • Passive acoustics • Active acoustics for ecological and predator-prey interactions • Physical oceanography • CTD, ADCP • Bathymetry mapping. • Conceptual ecosystem modelling.

  8. The most important technologies available on GO Sars

  9. MUST and MESSOR Mulitfrq. Acoustics, VPR, L-OPC, F-CTD... RV METEOR ‘Deep Convection’ Cruise 2012 EURO-BASIN Cruise Programme, 29-30 Sep 2011

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