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Data transport with SOAP message. There is a W3C note proposing the SOAP with attachment: http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments. OASIS WSS TC. SOAP Messages with Attachments (SwA) Profile 1.1 OASIS Public Review Draft 01, 28 June 2005 is being discussed in the OASIS Web Services Security TC.
Data transport with SOAP message • There is a W3C note proposing the SOAP with attachment: • http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
OASIS WSS TC • SOAP Messages with Attachments (SwA) Profile 1.1 • OASIS Public Review Draft 01, 28 June 2005 is being discussed in the OASIS Web Services Security TC. • This document describes how to use the OASIS Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security standard [WSS-Sec] with SOAP Messages with Attachments [SwA]. More specifically, it describes how a web service consumer can secure SOAP attachments using SOAP Message Security for attachment integrity, confidentiality and origin authentication, and how a receiver may process such a message. • http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/13288/wss-v1.1-spec-pr-SwAProfile-01.html ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
WS-I • Attachments Profile 1.0 (http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/AttachmentsProfile-1.0-2004-08-24.html)refers this as below: • SOAP Messages with Attachments (SwA) defines a MIME multipart/related structure for packaging attachments with SOAP messages. This profile complements the Basic Profile 1.1 to add support for conveying interoperable SwA-based attachments with SOAP messages. • Attachments Profile 1.0 is referred from WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 (http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/BasicProfile-1.1-2004-08-24.html) ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
Some other specifications. • Relevant specifications for data transport with SOAP. • SOAP 1.2 Attachment Feature • http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/NOTE-soap12-af-20040608/ • SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism • http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-soap12-mtom-20050125/ ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
Other Information on the Web • Overview - SOAP Attachments http://n.ethz.ch/student/jodaniel/37-310/slides/christian_wassmer.ppt • SAAJ: SOAP Attachment API for Java http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/gridforce/fall2004/SAAJOct1.ppt • SOAP 1.2, Introductionhttp://www-serl.cs.colorado.edu/downloads/serl-talks/2002.02.04-SOAP.ppt • Web Services Support over J2EE 1.4 http://www.javapassion.com/webservices/J2EE1.4WebServicesShort4.pdf • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5http://javaoneonline.mentorware.net/mw/subsystems/2000/system/docs/sunw_wb1215.pdf • SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1.2 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
SOAP message and MIME • A SOAP message with MIME header. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-ID: <http://claiming-it.com/claim061400a.xml> Content-Location: claim061400a.xml <?xml version='1.0' ?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <xxx:SomeMessage> .. <xxx:theSignedForm href="claim061400a.tiff"/> .. </xxx:SomeMessage> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> SOAP message ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
SOAP message with attachment(1) • A SOAP message with attachment can be stored in a multipart MIME structure. • The SOAP message itself will be stored in the “root” body part* of the multipart MIME structure. • Attachments to the SOAP will be stored in other parts in a multipart MIME structure. The SOAP message will contain reference to the attachment. • See examples in following pages. • SwA proposes how the reference for the parts in MIME is resolved. See the quotes from the SwA doc to be more precise. • An ACS request as a SOAP message can be contained in the “root” body part of the Multipart/Related MIME structure and has a reference to the attachments, if there are any. * RFC 2387 specifies that “root” body part can be indicated with “start” attribute in the Content-Type header and the first one in the parts by default. ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
SOAP message with attachment(2) • RFC 2396 specifies a process skeleton for establishing a base URI, based on the following options, listed in order of precedence. • Base URI within Document Content: the mechanism for explicit specification of a base URI within a SOAP 1.1 message will be the XML base mechanism. • Base URI from an Encapsulating Entity: If there is a Content-Location header containing an absolute URI in any MIME entity enclosing the primary SOAP 1.1 message, then the URI from the closest such Content-Location header is the base URI for the entity. • Base URI from the Retrieval URI: the retrieval URI for a SOAP message package is never allowed to be used as a base URI. • Default Base URI: the default base URI will be "thismessage:/" in accordance with RFC 2557. • SwA proposes how the reference for the parts in MIME is resolved. • Every MIME part in the Multipart/Related structure that constitutes a SOAP message package has at least one absolute URI label. There are three cases. • If a Content-Location header is present with an absolute URI value then that URI is a label for the part. • If a Content-Location header is present with a relative URI value then rules 2 and 4 above are applied to establish the base URI for the process of converting the relative URI to an absolute one. The resulting absolute URI is a label for the part. • If a Content-ID header is present, then an absolute URI label for the part is formed using the CID URI scheme as described in RFC 2111. ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
SOAP message with attachment(3) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=MIME_boundary; type=text/xml; start="<http://claiming-it.com/claim061400a.xml>" Content-Description: This is the optional message description. Content-Location: http://claiming-it.com/ --MIME_boundary Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-ID: <http://claiming-it.com/claim061400a.xml> Content-Location: claim061400a.xml <?xml version='1.0' ?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <xxx:SomeMessage> .. <xxx:theSignedForm href="claim061400a.tiff"/> .. </xxx:SomeMessage> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> --MIME_boundaryContent-Type: image/tiff Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location: claim061400a.tiff ...base64-encoded TIFF data... --MIME_boundary-- Base URI SOAP message referencing URI to the attachment Referenced URI Attachment to the SOAP message, as another part of the multipart MIME message ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
ACS request as a SOAP message • ACS requests are represented in SOAP message. • ACS (ARI) Create request is accompanied with AA document. • The AA document itself can be embedded in the request message or an attachment to the message. ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
ACS Create message (1) • Discrete files in multipart MIME: <ari:Create> <ari:AA transportType=“discrete”> <ari:aad href=“AAD.xml" /> <ari:ac href=“AAA.bbb" /> <ari:ac href=“CCC.ddd" /> : </ari:AA> </ari:Create> Each refers to other parts in MIME multipart structure (or external storage). ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
Discrete files in multipart MIME • Structure of the ACS Create message Create Request (SOAP) AAD AC-1 AC-2 AC-n ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
ACS Create message (2) • A bundled file in a MIME structure: <ari:Create> <ari:AA transportType=“bundle"> <ari:bundle href=“All.zip”/> </ari:AA> </ari:Create> This refers to another parts in MIME multipart structure. ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
A bundled file in multipart MIME • Structure of the ACS Create message Create Request (SOAP) A bundled file containing AAD and multiple AC’s ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message
In summary… • The AA document for ACS Create request can be embedded in the SOAP message itself without attachments, making a single XML document. • Alternatively, it can be transported as SOAP with attachment. • There are two possible embodiment to the attachment. • Discrete files in multiple MIME • A bundled file in a MIME ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message