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NATO/PfP Advanced Distributed Learning Programme. 3rd Annual PfP Training and Education Institutions Commandants’ Conference. 11-13 November 2002 Oberammergau, GE. Dr. G ö kay S ü rsal Allied Command Atlantic Norfolk, Virginia. BACKGROUND. WASHINGTON SUMMIT 1999.
NATO/PfP Advanced Distributed Learning Programme 3rd Annual PfP Training and Education Institutions Commandants’ Conference 11-13 November 2002 Oberammergau, GE Dr. Gökay Sürsal Allied Command AtlanticNorfolk, Virginia
BACKGROUND • WASHINGTON SUMMIT 1999 Training and Education Enhancement Program WASHINGTON SUMMIT 1999 TEEP ADL CDE DCI ………… Prague Summit 2002 …………… PCC. Advanced Distributed Learning Concept Development and Experimentation Defence Capability Initiative • Prague Capability Commitments 2002
NATO/PfP ADL Programme CDE Background • CDE part of Defence Capabilities Initiative (DCI) announced at NATO Summit (Apr 99) • SACLANT, on behalf of both SCs developed Concept Development & Experimentation process • CDE approved by Military Committee (Sep 00)
Advanced Distributed LearningProject Summary Objective: Develop an interactive simulation and advanced distributive learning network that will allow NATO and Partner Nations to realistically and rigorously train, transform, experiment and educate in a multi-national setting. Sponsor/Lead: SACLANT Contributing Nations: Austria,Canada, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, and United States DCI Items Items/Shortfalls addressed: DCI EE9, Develop and implement operational simulation devices Funding: Voluntary national contributions Progress: The prototype is in the Experimentation Phase. The goal is to complete the experimentation by the end of 2003.
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • SACLANT • ADL Programme Lead On Behalf of Both SCs • A Single, Permanent Authority to Organize/Co-ordinate Distance Learning and Simulation in NATO & Harmonize With PfP Efforts
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • SHAPE • Supporting SC • Lead in ACE Command and Staff Training Program (ACSTP)
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • IMS • Conducts the Staff Work for the Military Committee • Lead in ADL Policy
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • NATO Defense College • Participated in Content Development Activity • Provided Content for the “Introduction to NATO” Course • Evaluated the “Introduction to NATO” Course • Will Provide Feedback on the Effectiveness of Prototype Courses
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • NATO School (SHAPE) • Participated in Content Development Activity • Provided Content for the “Introduction to NATO” Course • Evaluated the “Introduction to NATO” Course
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • PfP Consortium/ Marshall Center • Contributed With “English Skills for Staff Officers (ESSO)” Course • Participated in Content Development Activity • Provided Content for the “Introduction to NATO” Course • Will Provide Feedback on the Effectiveness of Prototype Courses
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • HFM Panel ADL TT • Develop Methodology to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Courses • Document and Analyse the Lessons Learned and Experience Gained by users in NATO and Nations
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • NATO Training Group • Conducted a Survey and Prepared a Report Describing the Partners’ Requirements Regarding ADL and Simulation Capability
NATO COMMAND, GROUP AND PANEL CONTRIBUTIONS • NMSG • Organized Workshops and Conducted Feasibility Study on ADL • Evaluated the Technical Feasibility of Simulation Capability within ADL
VOLUNTARY NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS • CANADA • Supported the Co-operative Development Team (CDT) for the Conversion of Two Modules of “Introduction to NATO Course” to SCORM Compliant ADL Format
VOLUNTARY NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS • FINLAND • Provided Software to Evaluate the ADL Prototype
VOLUNTARY NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS • SWITZERLAND • Offered the Learning Management System (LMS) • Supported initial installation of LMS, as well as maintain, upgrade, and amend the LMS during the prototype phase • Supported and contributed to the development of course content and its conversion to LMS Format • Available to support the long-term development effort of ADL Prototype
VOLUNTARY NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS • USA • ADL CO-LAB - Provided support for SCORM (Standards for course conversion to LMS Format) • Defense Language Institute English Language Center - English Skills for Staff Officers (ESSO) course • National Defense University (NDU) - Provided Content for Introduction to NATO Course • JFCOM - Network Server, WEB Master, Network Administrator and Digital Repository of reference material
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Objectives • Provide high quality education and training any- time, anywhere • Reduce cost and time of distribution of training materials • Increase mission readiness • Interoperable, durable, adaptable and distributed education and training capability. • Cooperation and sharing of learning resources • Avoid duplicating other distributed learning or information tools
NATO/PfP ADL ProgrammeLong Range Vision • The Individual education and training needs of the soldier, seaman, or airman in the context of NATO interoperability; • The Staff education and training needs of NCO’s and Commissioned Officers (mid-grade to senior); • The advanced professional education of senior grade officers and senior defence officials.
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Priority Areas • Basic and Specialised Language Training and NATO Terminology ; • Practice of Staff Procedures; • Command and Control Arrangements; • Understanding of Alliance Military Doctrine and Standards; • Training and Education at Strategic, Operational and Technical Level for Staff Officers and NCOs for a Combined and Joint Environment
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Web Pages URL : http:/www.saclant.nato.int/adl
PROTOTYPE COURSES • Introduction to NATO • Terrorism and Its Implications for Democratic States • Introduction to Human Rights • English Skills for Staff Officers (ESSO)
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Evaluation Survey • Environment/Background Questions • Website/Technical/Computer Questions • Content Questions • Faculty and Curriculum Questions
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Evaluation Survey Environment/Background Questions: 1. Please identify where you are enrolled as a student or course member. Consider yourself enrolled if you took this course as part of a course evaluation or as a requirement for attending a resident course for which you have been selected. 2. Identify your current status (student, faculty, or staff at a college or institution; international military or civilian official; nationality). 3. Indicate whether you are military or civilian: 4. Rate your English language skills: 5. Is this your first online/Internet course of study? 6. How did you find out about this course (what was the source)? 7. If appropriate, how may we contact you to discuss questions we may have with the information you provided above?
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Evaluation Survey Website/Technical/Computer Questions: 8. Does the organisation and layout of the NATO/PfP ADL Prototype Website seem logical? 9. Do you have daily access to the Internet? 10. Was the NATO/PfP ADL Prototype Website easy to access and use? 11. Do you have any specific recommendations on ways to improve the NATO/PfP ADL Prototype web site? 12. Did your computer system respond satisfactorily? 13. Is Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) too demanding for your organisation at the current time? 14. What was your modem speed? 15. Are you capable of viewing streaming media (video) on the computer you used to take this course? 16. Did you have any technical/computer problems while taking this course?
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Evaluation Survey Content Questions: 17. Rate the usefulness of this on-line course to you. Select the answer that closely matches your opinion: 18. What specific recommendations would you make to improve this course? If appropriate, please specify the particular part of the course (e.g., Module(s), Lesson(s), etc.) to which each recommendation applies. 19. What related websites would you recommend to enhance this course? If appropriate, please specify the particular part of the course (e.g., Module(s), Lesson(s), etc.) to which each recommendation applies. 20. Did you use the following course features? Check all that apply. 21. Is a "Chat Room" useful (i.e., to correspond with an instructor or other students)? 22. Would you prefer designated question and answer periods with the Course Administrator? 23. Are more pictures and/or videos necessary? 24. Approximately how many hours did you take to complete this course? Please identify only time spent working within the course. 25. Are you interested in additional NATO on-line courses?
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Evaluation Survey Faculty and Curriculum Questions: 26. Identify how close the content of Module 1, "Nato Overview", reflected the content of courses taught at your Defence Collage or Training Institution: 27. Identify how closely the content of Module 2, "History and Evolution of NATO," reflected the content of courses taught at your Defence College or Training Institution: 28. Identify how closely the content of Module 3, "Evolution of NATO Strategy," reflected the content of courses taught at your Defence College or Training Institution: 29. Identify how closely the content of Module 4, "NATO Organisations and Decision Making," reflected the content of courses taught at your Defence College or Training Institution: 30. Identify how closely the content of Module 5, "Political Issues," reflected the content of courses taught at your Defence College or Training Institution: 31. What additional topics would be useful to you for use in either resident or non-resident training or education beyond the five modules of this course? 32. Would you be interested in collaborating in the development of other modules regarding NATO?
NATO/PfP ADL Programme Prototype Evaluation Plan • CONCEPT EXPERIMENTATION • Manage/monitor Use Of Prototype • Identify Resource/ Organizational /Architecture Issues • Mirror sites at NATO Schools and PfP Training Centers • Advanced Distributed Learning Center • VNC, Capability Package, NATO Annual Manpower Plan • CONCEPT EVALUATION • Evaluate User Surveys • Faculty • Students and test users • National Point of Contacts
WAY AHEAD • ADL Prototype Experimentation and Evaluation is continuing: May-November 2002. • Final results reported to the Military Committee: January 2003.