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Dedicated to Michelle. When a man was sitting beside a sleeping woman after working late one day His young son came by and said : “ Why do you spend so much time beside her ?” And the man answered : “Son, Have you seen all what she is capable of ?”.
Dedicatedto Michelle When a manwassittingbeside a sleeping womanafterworking late oneday Hisyoung son cameby and said: “Why do youspend so much time besideher ?” And themananswered: “Son, Haveyouseenallwhatsheiscapable of ?”
“Shefunctionsonanykind of food, and so rarelycomplains. Sheisabletoembraceall of herchildrenat thesame time, Shegivesa hugthat can healanythingfrom a splinterto a bruisedkneeand even a brokenheart and …… Shedoesallthiswithonlytwohands”.
Theyoung son wasimpressed. “Justtwohands, Dad,....impossible!, and thisis a normal woman?! No, thisisyourmother and eachday I am overwhelmed at themotherthatsheistoyou, yoursister and yourbrother. “Dad, thisiswaytoomuchworkforonedayforoneperson”…...
“Indeed”, saidtheman. “Thatiswhysheis my favorite”. “She cures herselfwhensheissickand she can work 18 hours a day”. Theyoung son camenearer and touchedthewoman.
“Butsheis so soft” “Sheisso perfectlysoft", saidtheman, “Butsheisalso so strong. Youcan’t imagine whatshe can endure and overcome” “Can shethink?” thelittleboyasked. Themananswered: “Notonly can shethink, she can reason and negotiate."
Thelittleboytouchedthewoman’scheek.... “Itseemssheisleaking! Youhaveputtoomanyburdensonher.” “Sheisnotleaking....it’s a tear” themancorrectedthelittleman. “What’sitfor?” askedthelittleboy.
And themansaid: “Tears are herway of expressinggrief, herdoubts, herlove, herloneliness, hersuffering and herpride.” Thismade a bigimpressiononthelittleboy; “Hey, Dad , you are smart.Youknoweverything. Momisindeedmarvelous!“ And themansaid: “I am notthatsmartunfortunately. Son, ittookwaytoolongfor me tounderstand…...
Indeedsheismarvelous! Momhas strengthsthatamazeyourfathereveryday. She can handletrouble and carry heavy burdens. Sheholdshappiness, love and opinions. Shesmileswhenfeelinglikescreaming. Shesingswhenshefeelslikecrying, crieswhensheishappy and laughswhensheisafraid.
Shefightsforwhatshebelievesin. Stands up againstinjustice. Shewon’ttake “no” forananswer, whenshe can see a bettersolution. Shegivesherself so herfamily can thrive. Shetookherfriendtothe doctor when he wasafraid, eventhoughshedidnotwantto. Herloveisunconditional.
Shecriedwheneach of herchildrencameintothisworld. Shecrieswhenherkids are victorious. Sheishappywhenherfriends do well. Sheishappywhenshehears of a birthor a wedding.
Herheartwasbrokenwhenherclosestfriendletherdown. Herheartisbrokenwhen a next of kinorfrienddies. Butshefindsthestrengthtogetonwithlife. Sheknowsthat a kiss and a hug can heal a brokenheart”.
Thereisonlyonethingwrong Sheforgetswhatsheisworth... I forgotwhatsheisworth and howmuchshemeansto me !
Sometimesweallneedtobereminded..!!! All my love and regret, To my bestfriend, Michelle and to my children, Michael, Alana and Jordan.