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FPS Scenario Writing

FPS Scenario Writing. A quick guide on the rules, basic structure, fundamentals, etc. By Shelby Rorabaugh 13’ If you are reading this at home, my personal notes explaining each slide are in the notes section at the bottom of the screen. . What is Scenario Writing? .

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FPS Scenario Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FPS Scenario Writing A quick guide on the rules, basic structure, fundamentals, etc. By Shelby Rorabaugh 13’ If you are reading this at home, my personal notes explaining each slide are in the notes section at the bottom of the screen.

  2. What is Scenario Writing? • Creative writing in a solo and team environment • Two competitions – States and Internationals • Complete control over your product • Great for bookworms

  3. Who can do Scenario Writing? ANY BODY WITH HANDS!

  4. Skeleton • 1,400-1,500 words • 20 years in the future • 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced • Choose from any of this year’s topic


  6. How to Succeed at Writing a Scenario • Basic grammar and spelling • Plot • Characters • Futuristic realism • MAKE IT INTERESTING!

  7. Plot • Relevancy to topic • Avoid excessive plot twists • You aren’t writing a novel. Be detailed but concise. • SHOW! DO NOT TELL! • Add depth! Don’t be shallow. • Outlines are helpful • Make it interesting!

  8. Characters • No Mary or Gary Sues • Stay constant in your descriptions • Give them reasons behind their actions • Don’t make us (the reader) HATE them – the judges can be arbitrary monsters • MAKE THEM INTERESTING!

  9. Futuristic Realism • Think about historical trends e.g. Technology will be important to the future. People will most likely not revert back to the Stone Age in 20 years. • Create technology/companies/countries – YOU CAN CHOOSE! • Do not patronize or condescend • Make it natural in the narration! • Stay away from holo-____[insert technology here]____

  10. Parts of the Story

  11. Hooks • The first paragraph needs to engage the reader – make them want to continue with the story! • You write for the reader!!! • Types of hooks: • Description • Dialogue • Action • Mystery

  12. Middle Paragraphs • “Meat and potatoes” • Do not get lazy! Take a break and start again! • Stretch your writing out. Experiment!

  13. Conclusions • Cliffhangers or resolutions? • Follow through “This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang but a whimper.” – “The Hollow Men” by T.S. Eliot

  14. Steps

  15. Outlines and Rough Drafts • Organize your thoughts • Draft your characters • Let the words flow out – think journal writing • Rough drafts are supposed to be rough • Finish and walk away!

  16. I hate deleting! • I know some people just don’t like deleting their work. Sure, a few sentences are okay, but given the need to scrap entire pages of work, they just freak out. They go, “OMG ALL MY WORK DOWN THE DRAIN!” But get used to it. Sometimes you may have two great ideas, but only one will fit. • Create a duplicate rough draft, writing one version on one and a second version on the other.

  17. Check and Recheck • Editing your work is important • Look out for: • Spelling and grammar • Punctuation • SAT style sentences where you skip words/misuse words • Get a reliable friend/family member to read it over • Brutality is good

  18. Judging Feedback • Early entry • DO IT! • Take note of the feedback but do not follow it to the letter • Use your gut!

  19. However… • I can give you tips, but I cannot teach you how to write well. • Practice writing on blogs, fanfic sites, emails, twitter updates, etc. • Read! • Writing is a developmental skill! You will not succeed immediately.


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