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The National Legislature

The National Legislature. Chapter 10 Section 1. 112 Session of Congress. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/curriculum/humanities/socialstudies/gov_09/audio_tours/gov_ch10_s01_at01_capitolbuilding/player.html. Key Terms. Bicameral Term Session Convene Adjourn Recess Prorogue Special Session.

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The National Legislature

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  1. The National Legislature Chapter 10 Section 1

  2. 112 Session of Congress

  3. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/curriculum/humanities/socialstudies/gov_09/audio_tours/gov_ch10_s01_at01_capitolbuilding/player.htmlhttp://media.pearsoncmg.com/curriculum/humanities/socialstudies/gov_09/audio_tours/gov_ch10_s01_at01_capitolbuilding/player.html

  4. Key Terms Bicameral Term Session Convene Adjourn Recess Prorogue Special Session

  5. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Constitution of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. • Article 1, Section 1

  6. A Bicameral Congress • Constitution established a bicameral Congress • Bicameral- legislature made up of two houses • Three reasons are • Historical • Practical • Theoretical

  7. Historical • British parliament had two houses • Framers and most Americans knew the British system • Most colonial assemblies had two houses • Only Georgia and Pennsylvania had a unicameral legislature • Only Nebraska has a unicameral legislature today

  8. Practical • The Framers made two house to settle a conflict between Virginia and New Jersey • Most populous states wanted representation by population • Bicameralism is a reflection on federalism • Each state equally represented in the Senate and population in the House

  9. Theoretical • Framers wanted bicameral so one house could check on the other • Jefferson initially opposed two house legislature • Jefferson poured coffee into his saucer. Washington asked why • Jefferson said to cool it • Washington said we pour legislation into the Senatorial saucer to cool it • Framers thought Congress would dominate the new government

  10. Framers saw bicameralism as a way to diffuse the power of Congress Some people argue that equal representation in the Senate is undemocratic Wyoming with 500,000 residents and California 37 million, yet both have two senators

  11. Terms and Sessions • Terms- for congress last for two years and each is numbered consecutively • Congress began its first term March 4, 1789 • The start date was changed in the 20th century • In earlier times several months from March 4 were allowed for communication delays • 1930’s travel and communication no longer and issue

  12. U.S. Senate The Senate was purposely created as a body in which States would be represented as coequal members and partners in the union. States wanted equal representation if that did not happen there would be no constitution

  13. Sessions • Sessions- of congress is that period of time during which each year congress assembles and conducts business • Two sessions for each term of Congress • “The congress shall assembles at least once in every year , and such meeting will begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless it shall by law appoint another day” 20th Amendment Section 2

  14. Congress does appoint different days Second session of each two year term convenes a few days or a few weeks after January 3. Convenes-begins Adjourns- or suspends Congress adjourns each session as they see fit They meet for most of the year

  15. Both Houses recess for several short periods each session. Recess- take a break Neither house may adjourn without the others permission Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution give the President power to adjourn the two houses when they cannot agree

  16. Prorogue-end, discontinue This is the term for the President’s power Special session-only the President can call Congress to meet to deal with an emergency Only 27 for there special joint sessions have been called Harry Truman called the last session in 1948

  17. The Senate has been called alone 46 times to consider treaties or presidential appointments But has not been called alone since 1933 Now that Congress meets almost all year it reduces the need to call these sessions President’s will sometimes threaten to call a special session

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