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ACTION RESEARCH. Finding Findings Ch.6. Adapted from: Mills, G. E. (2003). Action Research: A guide for the teacher researcher, 2nd ed. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall. Step 1: Review Triangulation Matrix. Can you answer your research questions based on 2-3 sources?
ACTION RESEARCH Finding FindingsCh.6 Adapted from: Mills, G. E. (2003). Action Research: A guide for the teacher researcher, 2nd ed. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Step 1: ReviewTriangulationMatrix • Can you answer your research questions based on 2-3 sources? • Any “extra” findings based on 2-3 sources? • Example: • What kind of prior knowledge do students have in the using of reading strategies? • How do interactive reading strategies in history classes improve reading comprehension? • How do interactive reading strategies improve academic performance?
Step 2: Try toanswerresearchquestionsbasedon data fromeachsource • Ssunderstand & usedsomer.s. • Ss do not use graphicorganizersordiagrams (r.s.) • Sspoororlack of use of r.s. • Sssaidusedr.s. • Ssimproved test scores • Ss time same • Pre- Ss can answer literal butnothigher-levelr.compques., Post-betterhigherr.comp. ques • Somessreluctant, butthosethatusedr.s.felthelpedr.comp • Somess more confident w/ r.s. • Ssdifficultywithgrapicorgan • Teachingr.s. time consuming • Ssimproved test scores • Ss time same • Pre- Ss can answer literal butnothigher-levelr.compques., Post-betterhigherr.comp. ques • Somessreluctant, butthosethatusedr.s.felthelpedr.comp • Somess more confident w/ r.s. • Ssdifficultywithgrapicorgan • Teachingr.s. time consuming
Findings … Summarize the main findings/interpretations Directly (or indirectly) answer your research questions Can be in bullet point format
Step 1: Findings Now, write it down! (Can be in bullet points or in paragraph form ) Tell me in 30 seconds or less: What did you find out by doing your study?
Example Bullet points Findings Before the intervention, students had a wide prior knowledge about reading strategies, but they did not use them accurately. Even after the intervention, the students had difficulty answering logical inference and critical thinking questions.
Findings CHECK • Did you directly (or indirectly) answer your research questions? • Were there any findings that were beyond your research questions? • Did you include all of the main findings based on your Data Analysis and Interpretation section?
Action Plan is the… Action you will take, based on this information. Action Plan is the… “What will I DO now, with this information?”
Action Plan • Organized in bullet format • A specific list of what action you will take, based on this information… What will you DO? • What changes you will make in your teaching for the future? • With whom will you share this information? How? What information will you share?
Action Plan • EXAMPLE: • I will… • Work closely with the teaching staff in the “pre” stage of the program by…In this aspect, teachers must be given an explicit role, responsibility … and make sure these roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in advance. • Ensure that all of the trips are carefully planned by both ... and design and implement …