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How TO MAKE MONEY WITH mobile marketing !. Mani Pessiani-14092013. EVERYONE HAS A SMARTPHONE!. Smartphones and Applications. 247 million SMARTPHONES Shipped in Q2 2013. + 52% YoY Change Q2 2012 and Q2 2013. 72% of smartphone owners have used an application.
How TO MAKE MONEY WITH mobile marketing ! Mani Pessiani-14092013
Smartphones and Applications 247 million SMARTPHONES Shipped in Q2 2013 +52%YoY Change Q2 2012 and Q2 2013 72%of smartphone owners have used an application 40+ installed applications on device (average) Source = Médiamétrie - IDC
Application Stores • GOOGLE PLAY: • Launched March 2012. • AndroidMarket, Google Movies, Google ebookstore, Google Music • 1 Million Apps, 48 Billion Downloads • APPSTORE : • Launched July 2008 with iPhone 3G • 900 000 Apps, 50 Billion Downloads • WINDOWS PHONE STORE: • LaunchedSeptember 2011 • 160 000 Apps, 2 Billion Downloads
The smartphone : the 1st Screen of our lives 40%of the internet search comes from mobiles 70%have searched a product or a service on their smartphone 69%use their smartphone before making a purchase Source = Google/IPSOS
Mobile but also Local and Social 85%look for local information on mobile 60%would accept to receive location-based commercial offers 70%consult social networks on their smartphone Source = Google/IPSOS + SNCD+TNS Sofres
Digital Loyalty on Smartphones 83% would like to have their loyalty cards stored in their smartphone 73%want promotions when using loyalty programs on smartphones Source = INIT + SNCD
The Value Proposition A good mobile solution is first and foremost a simple idea, carefully developed, with results on sales and of which everybody talks about. An integrated approach ensures the success of your offer to the brand
Full support in ideas and in the execution of a rich user experience Specific contents in order to inform and entertain around your client’s brand and products Innovative features to promote your client’s brand and products A targeted approach to federate customers to your client’s brand A Good Mobile Marketing Offer 11
Analyzing brand problematic (visibility, promotion, customer relationship ) Recommending the strategic scenario of the «simple idea» (a content, a feature, an information, a service...) Create the user path and the interactions with the brand and the community Phase 1: Thinking
Functional and illustrated building of the application Definition of the graphic interface and user interactions Creation of the embedded contents, promotions and geo-marketing modules Multi-platform technical programming (iOS, Android, Windows...) Phase 2: Producing
Communication plan Copywriting Influential target identification Community Management Phase 3: Communicating
Usage report(offline data consolidation) Built-in Sensors Most used features analysis Consolidated volume of downloads on every platforms Then… Analyzing
A Good Mobile Solution in 4 steps... Services Analytics Communication Maintenance Development Application Interface Management Back-Office flows Creation Ergonomics/UX Technical Specs Graphic Charter Consulting Market analysis Benchmark Strategic
Mobile Marketing for Points of Sales An Innovative Solution Intended for Retail Brands ACOMPLETE SHOPPER EXPERIENCE... ...At home ...In the street ...At the checkout ...In points of sale • Using received informations to shop • Geo-locating to win loyalty points • Inquiring about the brand products • Planning to buy thanks to its friends advices on social networks • Following directions to the point of sale • Receiving promotions near the points of sale (Geofencing) • Using its loyalty card • Redeeming its discount coupons and benefits
Catalogue and Points of sale • Search of Products/Service through the catalogue • Geo-location of nearby points of sale • Store Brand News access: new products/services, special offers, events... • Share of Product/service Information with the community on social networks (Facebook, Twitter...)
Traffic Generation and Promotion • Push of targeted Promotional messages near points of sale using geofencing • Use of dematerialized coupons: with automatic destruction once it has been used and real-time control of quantities
Loyalty Program and Rewarding • Digital Loyalty Card • Loyalty program registration, Card integration, management of the account and benefits • Check-in and Reward in Points of sale • Checking-in (QR Code scanning or iBeacons) in points of sale to gain points • Access to Exclusive benefits • Conversion of points gained into goods: discounts, gift certificates, gifts...
Trafic et Promotion - Program Menswear Backoffice Administration To always have efficient and available promotions... • A web interface to plan promotions for the store brand/franchise or the point of sale : • Messages management (events, flash sales, info...) or promotions in Push mode • Selection of the points of sale • Available quantities • Offer validity • Statistics and Reports • Open Data Integration (weather, traffic...) to optimize promotional offers
Nom de l’app The Experience Geolocating restaurants and cinemas nearby and getting directions, showings, movie infos and trailers. Preparing the shopping list before going to the restaurant. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Driving traffic in McDonald’s restaurants
Example of The Customer Journey Commande et paiement sur le mobile, retrait en restaurant : confort de commande ET gain de temps pour le retrait Ouverture de l’Application Paiement sur le mobile via Numéro de CB renseigné Compte virtuel type Paypal Carte de Paiement rechargeable via le web (et/ou via NFC) Choix du restaurant le plus proche grâce à la géoloc + rayonnage d’1km Activation de la préparation de la commande via AirPad à l’arrivée en restaurant Constitution de commande Confirmation de Paiement et Envoi de la commande en restaurant via le mobile : génération d’un code de commande. Consommation sur place ou à emporter Retrait de commande Easy Order Confirmation de commande + validité : La commande est valable 30min SMS de rappel / push notif 10min avant la fin de la période de validité si le numéro de commande n’a pas été utilisé Consommation sur place ou à emporter Sur le mobile En restaurant
ORDERING ON THE MOBILE APP 1. Start App 2. MakeOrder 4. ConfirmOrder 3. PayOrder
ARRIVAL IN THE NEARBY restaurant 6. QR Code Scan 5. Geolocalisation