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IGLO WG on International Cooperation ( 14 May 2019). Recent Progresses of STI and Academic Collaboration Between Japan and the EU. Counsellor for Science, Technology and Education Mission of Japan to the European Union Hideki IWABUCHI. Mission of Japan to the European Union.
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) Recent Progresses of STI and Academic Collaboration Between Japan and the EU Counsellor for Science, Technology and Education Mission of Japan to the European Union Hideki IWABUCHI Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) • Contents • Recent JPN-EU political progress • Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration • Recent topics on JPN-EU academic collaboration • Recent examples of collaboration between JPN and EU member countries Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) Summary Stimulated by the diplomatic progress at the summit-level (e.g. EPA/SPA), since 2018, there were meaningful political commitments to deepen JPN-EU STI and academic collaboration. Based on these political commitments, several JPN-EU collaborative programs have been already introduced. JST-ERC researcher exchange, JPN-EU joint master degree etc. Moreover, the additional ideas on the JPN-EU collaboration are now under discussion. Moonshot - Horizon Europe (missions), Quantum technology, AI principle/ethics etc. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 1. Recent JPN-EU political progress Major political events since 2018 2018.1 JPN-EU STI Ministerial Meeting (Hayashi-Moedas) 2018.7 The 1st JPN-EU Education Policy Dialogue (Hayashi-Navracsics) 2018.7 JPN-EU Summit (Abe-Tusk-Juncker) 2019.2 JPN-EU EPA/SPA 2019.4 JPN-EU Summit (Abe-Tusk-Junker) 2019.5 JPN-EU STI Ministerial Meetings (Hirai-Ansip, Hirai-Moedas) Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 1. Recent JPN-EU political progress 2018.1 JPN-EU STI Ministerial Meeting (JPN Minister Hayashi - Commissioner Moedas) Major deliverables: (1) Enhancement of cooperation of young researchers - Both sides discussed the possibility of establishing a new framework between ERC and JST. (2) Future collaboration in quantum technology - Both sides agreed to continue working level discussions and exploration of collaboration opportunities, i.e. to convene a possible workshop in quantum technology. (3) Future collaboration in Arctic science Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 1. Recent JPN-EU political progress 2018.7 The 1st JPN-EU Education Policy Dialogue (JPN Minister Hayashi - Commissioner Navracsics) Major deliverables: The meeting was the occasion for Commissioner and Minister to launch two new Japan-EU joint initiatives. (1) A joint call for proposals to co-finance consortia of excellent European and Japanese universities to develop highly integrated master programmes and provide scholarships for talented students from Europe and Japan to study abroad. (2) A short-term staff-exchange programme for EU and MEXT officials to promote peer-learning and boost cooperation. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 1. Recent JPN-EU political progress 2018.7 JPN-EU Summit (Abe-Tusk-Juncker) • Major deliverables: • Signature of JPN-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) • Signature of JPN-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) • Joint Statement SPA includes a clause for STI cooperation and for education cooperation. Joint Statement says as following: - We affirmed that their launching of the new joint call for joint master programmes between Japanese and European Universities will bolster educational exchanges for future generations. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 1. Recent JPN-EU political progress 2019.4 JPN-EU Summit (Abe-Tusk-Juncker) • Major deliverables: • Trade issues • JPN-EU bilateral relationship • G20 Summit 2019 in Osaka/Japan • Foreign and security policy • Joint Statement Joint Statement includes the followings: - We reconfirm our commitment to the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership in Research and Innovation and are committed to extend the co-funding of joint projects. We welcome the new arrangement to provide opportunities for collaboration between researchers from the ERC and JST. -We will work together, including at the G7 and G20, to promote a human-centric approach to artificial intelligence. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 1. Recent JPN-EU political progress 2019.5 JPN-EU STI Ministerial Meetings (Minister Hirai - V.P. Ansip, Commissioner Moedas) Major deliverables: Hirai-Ansip: Cooperation for the AI principles The European Union and Japan will continue to work closely together to promote international common understanding on AI ethics/principles, in international fora such as the G7 and G20. Hirai-Moedas: Cooperation between JPN’s Moonshot Program and EU’s Horizon Europe With the introduction of these new programmes on both sides, we expect EU-Japan cooperation in science, technology and innovation to increase in areas of mutual interest, in line with last year’s EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement. Mission of Japan to the European Union
Cabinet Office JAPAN • Moonshot Research and Development Program • The Moonshot Research and Development (R&D) Program aims to solve various difficult issues in today’s society, such as the declining birthrate, aging population, large-scale natural disasters, global warming and many others. Japan will promote international R&D cooperation to solve these issues. • By aggressively promoting challenging R&D rather than improving conventional technologies, the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government and other relevant ministries will facilitate disruptive innovation through enhancing researchers’ trials and errors. • <Features of the Moonshot R&D Program> • For example, • 1.Setambitious targets that attract people and researchers all over the world • 2.Promote innovative R&D through accepting errors and maximizing the basic research capabilities • 3.Innovate research management methods, establish the newest research support system, and implement open and closed strategies • Stop global warming • → Create innovation through international collaborations! • Under the CSTI as the controltower, MEXT, METI, JST and NEDO promote R&D together. • Space solar power generation • Defend against cyberterrorism • → Createinnovation from basic research and positive feedbacks that attract new basic research investments! • Expand social participation in old age • → Adoptworld trends and establish challenging and speedy research management systems! 1 • Bedridden elderly participate in social activities
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) “Japan and the EU want to deepen research ties” Quoted from an article to mention the Hirai-Moedas meeting on 3rd May 2019. [Source] Science|Business on 7th May
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 2. Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration Major topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration since 2018 2018.9 The 1st JPN-EU Quantum Technology Workshop (hosted by JST, cooperation with DG CNECT) 2018.10 Implementing arrangementfor young researcher exchange between Japan Science and Technology and European Research Council 2018.11 Opening of RIKEN Europe Office in Brussels 2018.12 Commissioner Moedas invited ambassadors of like-minded non-Europe countries (incl. Japan). 2019.2 JST and DG Home (European Commission) selected two joint projects under Horizon 2020 JST JST RIKEN JST Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 2. Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration The 1st JPN-EU Quantum Technology Workshop JST Date: 3-4 Sep 2018 Place: Paris This workshop was organized under the ministerial agreement between Moedas and Hayashi in January 2018, hosted by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), in cooperation with DG CNECT (European Commission). • A total of 120 participants from 20 countries gathered, and related policymakers as well as researchers actively engaged in discussions to explore the future JPN-EU cooperation in this area. • The 2nd workshop will be held in Japan in 2019. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 2. Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration JST-ERC: Implementing Arrangement JST Oct 9, 2018, Kyoto, Japan European Commission's DG for Research and Innovation, Mr. Paquet, and JST President, Mr. Hamaguchi, signed the implementing arrangement during the STS forum in Kyoto, in presence of Japanese Minister Mr. Shibayama, ERC President, Mr. Bourguignon, Ambassador of the EU to Japan, Ms. Flor, MEP Mr. Rübig and Ms. Kaili. • The implementing arrangementaims to encourage high-calibre researchers, who are supported by the JST, to make research visits to Europe, where they will temporarily join ERC-funded research teams. • For your reference, following aprevious arrangement with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in 2015, 18 Japanese researchers, funded by JSPS, have also visited ERC teams. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 2. Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration Opening of RIKEN Europe Office in Brussels RIKEN Opening ceremony on Dec 7, 2018 Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 2. Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration Commissioner invited eight non-Europe ambassadors On 3 December 2018, Carlos Moedas, Member of the EC in charge of Research, Science and Innovation, hosted a working lunch with the Ambassadors from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa and USA. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 2. Recent topics on JPN-EU STI collaboration JST & DG Home selected jointprojects (Horizon 2020) JST Feb 19, 2019 JST and European Commission (DG Home) selected two joint projects under Horizon 2020 joint-call for the “Technologies for first responders”. Two organizations start co-funding these two projects. (1) Coordinated Use of miniaturized Robotic equipment and advanced Sensors for search and rescue OpeRations (CURSOR) JPN: Prof. Tadokoro, Tohoku University EU: Dr. Büttegen, THW(Federal Agency of Technical Relief),Germany (2) First responder Advanced technologies for Safe and efficient Emergency Response (FASTER) JPN: Prof. Tijerino, KwanseiGakuin University EU: Dr. Daras, Center for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece Previously, JST started new co-funding with the EU every 2-3 years. 2016- Materials for power electronics 2013- Substitutions for critical materials 2011- Superconductivity Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 3. Topics on JPN-EU academic collaboration Topics on JPN-EU academic collaboration since 2018 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees: Joint call EU-Japan The partnership will co-fund 2-3 projects which will foster innovation and excellence in provision of Joint Masters in consortia consisting of at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different Erasmus+ Programme Countries and at least 1 higher education institution from Japan. (-- July 2018, The 1st JPN-EU Education Policy Dialogue) -- October 2018, Call open -- April 2019, Deadline of application -- Summer 2019, Selection of projects -- Autumn 2019, Projects start JSPS Extracted from Joint Statement of JPN-EU Summit (25 Apr 2019) We welcome the Policy Dialogue in Education, Culture and Sport and the joint funding of master programmes for consortia of European and Japanese universities Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 4. Recent examples of collaboration between JPN and EU member countries Japan-Germany Summit Meeting (Feb 4, 2019) The two leaders affirmed that the two countries would strengthen joint research in the areas of autonomous driving, artificial intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT). Japan-France Summit Meeting (April 23, 2019) The two leaders welcomed the deepening of bilateral cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), innovation and start-up. Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 4. Recent examples of collaboration between JPN and EU member countries Left to right: Japan-France-Germany Workshop on AI (Nov 21-22, 2018) Japan-German Science Minister Meeting (Hirai-Karliczek) (April 15, 2019) Japan-France-Germany Funding Agencies (JST-ANR-DFG) signed the Letter of Intents on the AI cooperation (April 16, 2019) Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) 4. Recent examples of collaboration between JPN and EU member countries Upcoming funding opportunities (1) EIG CONCERT-Japan Joint Call for Proposal 2019 Theme: Smart Water Management for Sustainable Society Partner countries: Bulgaria, Czech republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Turkey Deadline: 14 June 2019 http://www.concert-japan.eu/ (2) JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program Theme: Optics and Photonics Partner countries: Germany (BMBF) Deadline: TBD. https://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/index.html (3) Trilateral cooperation on AI Theme: Artificial Intelligence Partner countries: France (ANR) and Germany (DFG) Deadline: TBD. https://www.jst.go.jp/report/2019/190423_e.html (4) Academic research cooperation Call open: June (bilateral joint project), July (core-to-core program) https://www.jsps.go.jp/english/index.html JST JST JST JSPS Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) Upcoming… Challenge to cutting-edge tech Challenge to the global agenda (Examples) Artificial intelligence Quantum technologies etc. Collaboration between JPN “Moonshot” and “mission” oriented R&D in Horizon Europe to be discussed Technology governance Human-centric AI Principle/Ethics Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (14 May 2019) Contact points Mission of Japan to the EU Mr. Hideki Iwabuchi, Counsellor for Science, Technology and Education hideki.iwabuchi@mofa.go.jp RIKEN, Europe Office (Brussels) Mr. Toshiyasu Ichioka, Director toshiyasu.ichioka@riken.jp Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Paris Office Ms. Masae Sugawara, Director masae.sugawara@jstparis.net Mr. Yusuke Noguchi, Deputy Director yusuke.noguchi@jstparis.net Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), London Office Ms. Chika Itoi, Deputy Director itoi@jsps.org Mission of Japan to the European Union
IGLO WG on International Cooperation (05 Dec 2017) Thank you very much for your attention. hideki.iwabuchi@mofa.go.jp Mission of Japan to the European Union