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Proverbs 19 The Family. Of all the places where we can have joy in life, the family is at the top. It is also the place where we can have deep sorrows. God created the family.
Of all the places where we can have joy in life, the family is at the top. It is also the place where we can have deep sorrows. God created the family. • To share life with your spouse, to have children together. To raise these children and then one day to have Grandchildren. Nothing in life tops that.
Foolish decisions would drive everything into the ground. All the father’s hard work would come to nothing. And not only that, the father would be the laughing stock of community. People would talk & he would lose his standing in town.
There has been many a son or daughter that has wasted the estate. Or the son or daughter took the family business and ruined it. What took years for the Mom and Dad to build could be ruined in a year with nothing to show for it.
Were life skills taught in the 18 years? • Were they taught the basic value of respect for those who are older? • Were they shown the value of money and work? • How to use money wisely?
When my kids were in High School they had friends that had new cars bought by parents, gas paid by parents and insurance paid by parents. • I told them, you want a car, you will have to work, buy gas, insurance, and we will help you get your 1st car.
If we give our children everything have we taught them anything? • Are you preparing your child to be a responsible adult?
Parents, our goal is to help our children to know and love the Lord. • 2nd, we are to prepare our children to live in this world, the 2 are related.
Listen to these verses from Deuteronomy 6:5-9 • Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
A Contentious wife is like a constant dripping. • Contentious is to argue and cause strife in the marriage. To ask in an argumentative way, by no means with the idea of a request, but as a demand and with a demeaning tone.
Proverbs 21:9 “better to live on the corner of a roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.” That is, live up on a flat roof. • It has the idea of nagging • Have you taken care of that? • Why haven’t you taken care of that? Don’t you think I’m worth it? • Then there is silence for a time; don’t you care about me?
Guys, you may think this is an excuse to get nothing done around the house, or when you wife does ask something of you that you throw the, “why do you have to be a dripping faucet?” at them
There are many things that we work for on this earth. Some things we get because we inherit them. These things we may get from our parents. But there is something that comes directly from God. And that is a prudent wife. • Prudent wife-To understand, be wise, to instruct, teach, have insight. • Proverbs 12:4 A wife of noble character is a husband’s crown.
The thing is, people are making that decision when they are young. When they are not fully wise. When life may be ruled more by hormones or outward appearance.
Parents, you need to pray that your child will marry a Christian. Someone who loves the Lord. Pray that your child will know and love the Lord 1st . Pray that they will want to serve the Lord together. To establish a Christian home, where they follow the Lord.
To the young person, I say, choose wisely, prayerfully. Ask wise people what they think about this person you are dating. Observe the parents, what kind of people are they? Remember, you are marrying the family also. And while you are waiting for that right person to come along, get to know the Lord.
You want more than just a pretty spouse, • Pretty and handsome don’t go far when they make dumb decisions. You want a spouse that can think, make good decisions in difficult times, someone that isn’t swayed by the latest fad of thinking, • Be discerning, like someone that can give out wise information.
The family is the basis of every society, the glue that holds it together. Without the family, a society will fall. Live by God’s Word, follow God’s wisdom and your family will flourish.