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Central Teaching Rooms and their use by Student Groups/Societies

Central Teaching Rooms and their use by Student Groups/Societies. Ian Buckingham Student Registry (this briefing does not cover Queen’s Campus). What is a centrally bookable room?. A room that does not belong to a department but is controlled from a central point for all to use ;

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Central Teaching Rooms and their use by Student Groups/Societies

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  1. Central Teaching Roomsand their use byStudent Groups/Societies Ian Buckingham Student Registry (this briefing does not cover Queen’s Campus)

  2. What is a centrally bookable room? • A room that does not belong to a department but is controlled from a central point for all to use; • It is maintained by central funds, not by a department; • It, most probably, is situated within an academic department’s building but is not their responsibility for booking or upkeep; • There are 86 rooms currently categorised as centrally bookable; • These rooms are located within the following zones: • Elvet Hill (11 rooms); • Elvet Riverside (28 rooms); • School of Education/Caedmon Hall (3 rooms); • Old Elvet (2 rooms) • Palace Green (4 rooms); • Science Site (29 rooms); • Palatine Centre (9 rooms);

  3. Which rooms can be used? There are 3 sites within Durham that are available for student groups to use: 1. Elvet Riverside: ER140, ER141, ER142, ER143, ER144, ER145, ER146, ER147, ER148, ER149, ER152, ER153, ER154, ER155, ER157, ER201, ER202, ER203, ER204, ER205, ER206, ER207, ER227, A77 and A78; 2. Palace Green: PG20 and PG21; 3. Science Site: CG218, CG60, CG83, CG85, CG91, CG93, CM101, CM105, CM107, CM219, CM221 and W103.

  4. Who is allowed to book rooms? Must be a student group not a group of students Groups/Societies must be affiliated to one of the following in order to be eligible to book a room: Durham Students’ Union Union Society Durham Students’ Theatre Team Durham (DUAU) Academic Department College.

  5. What information is needed to book a room? The full name of the group (no abbreviations); Date(s) required; Timings (start AND finish); Maximum group size; Reason for the booking; The name of any guest speaker(s).

  6. When can rooms be booked? During the normal academic teaching year, October to May (before the examination period), the rooms can be booked as follows: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays = 6:30pm – 9:45pm Wednesdays = 1:00pm – 9:45pm Saturdays = 9:00am – 9:45pm After the examination period: Monday to Saturday = 9:00am – 9:45pm CENTRAL ROOMS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON SUNDAYS! BUILDINGS MUST BE LOCKED BY 10:00pm Student groups are not able to book rooms in Elvet Riverside or Palace Green during the Examination Period.

  7. How to book a room • http://www.dur.ac.uk/student.registry/ select “Room Booking”; • E-mail ‘student.registry@durham.ac.uk’ with the subject “Student Society Room Booking”. Confirmation will be sent, with a copy of the “Conditions of Hire”, by e-mail; Booking requests should be submitted at least 24 hours (one working day) before the room is required. (If special guests are to be in attendance, then as much notice as possible is to be given, the University reserves the right to have extra measures in place for the event) THE UNIVERSITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY BOOKING REQUESTS.

  8. “When booking a venue for an event in University or College facilities or when arranging an event or election under the auspices of DSU, DUAU, DUS, a JCR or other student bodies, individuals will be required to sign an agreement to the effect that: (a) They have read the Code of Practice and agree to observe it; and (b) They, on behalf of all students involved with publicity for the event, undertake to display material only in the approved manner and to subsequently clear it away; and • If they fail to comply with the Code of Practice, or if any of their promotional material has to subsequently be cleared as litter, they personally will be required to meet the cost of the University arranging to clear their material which has become litter, or to pay a fine of not more than £50 (or other such figure as Council may from time to time approve).” IMPORTANT NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERSON SUBMITTING THE REQUEST TO ENSURE THAT THEIR GROUP ADHERES TO THE REGULATIONS.

  9. What audiovisual equipment can be found in the rooms? A list of rooms with audiovisual equipment can be found on the CIS website: http://www.dur.ac.uk/cis/facilities/standard/ (If you are unsure about using the equipment, contact the CIS and they will arrange to carry out familiarisation training for that particular equipment).

  10. Conditions of Rooms • Rooms are to be left free of litter. Furniture, if moved, is to be replaced to it’s proper teaching position; • Desks/chairs are not to be stacked outside in the corridors. Nor are they to be moved between classrooms; • All wiring for the audiovisual equipment should not be touched. Only trained designated technicians are to alter/remove the cables; • Food/drink is not allowed in any centrally controlled teaching room (flat classroom or lecture theatre).

  11. Warnings • The University of Durham operates a “3 Strike” policy for any infringement of the “Conditions of Hire” and “Health & Safety Policy”; • The Third Warning is issued with a statement informing the group that they are no longer eligible to use centrally controlled teaching rooms, or to have rooms booked on their behalf, for the remainder of that academic year and the next full academic year; • The consumption of alcohol in teaching rooms is strictly prohibited. If caught, the group will receive an instant ban as if a Third Warning was issued. • It is important to note that even if you do not use the room but keep the booking and something happens then you will be held accountable.

  12. Where can promotional material be placed? • The display of such material on University premises is limited to the following locations:- (a) noticeboards within Colleges (Head of House); (b) noticeboards within Departments (Head of Department); (c) noticeboards within other central facilities, including: - Elvet Riverside (House Committee) - the Library (Librarian) - the Computing and Information Service (Director) - the University Office (Registrar) - the Assembly Rooms (Director of Estates & Buildings) - the Graham Sports Centre (Dean of Experience Durham) - locations within Dunelm House (DSU).

  13. Where can promotional material “not be” placed? • Under no circumstances is promotional material to be attached in any way to: - external walls - paths, pavements and roadways - fences, gates or handrails - lamp standards - trees or plants - external doors - Kingsgate Footbridge - glazed doors - fire doors - fire alarms, fire notices, or fire equipment - any light fitting or other electrical equipment.

  14. RESPECT AT WORK AND STUDY: POLICY, CODE OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURESFOR STAFF AND STUDENTS TO MAKE A COMPLAINT ABOUT HARASSMENT Personal harassment is difficult to define in terms of acceptable or unacceptable behaviour. It is important to understand that even behaviour which is not intended to cause offence or distress may do so. Differences of attitude or culture and the misinterpretation of social signals can mean that what seems like harassment to one person may not seem so to another. The defining features, however, are that the behaviour is offensive, hostile or intimidating to the recipient and would be regarded as harassment by any reasonable person. It may consist of behaviour taking place over a period of time or a single incident, but in all cases it involves an unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited act which makes the recipient feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, humiliated, unsafe or frightened. Bullying may be defined as offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour and abuse of power which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable. As with all forms of harassment, it is the impact on the individual and not the intention of the perpetrator which determines whether bullying has occurred. Bullying is most commonly associated with an abuse of power, most typically by a manager in an employment relationship or Lecturer/tutor in a staff/student relationship (see also guidelines on consensual relationships). However, other power relationships may equally lead to bullying by colleagues or a group of people who target an individual.

  15. Codes of Practice/Conduct and Policies http://www.dur.ac.uk/university.calendar/volumei/codes_of_practice/ http://www.dur.ac.uk/university.calendar/volumei/codes_of_practice/display_of_promotional_material_within_the_university/ http://www.dur.ac.uk/university.calendar/volumei/codes_of_practice/freedom_of_expression_relating_to_meetings_or_other_activities_on_university_premises/ http://www.dur.ac.uk/university.calendar/volumei/codes_of_practice/respect_at_work_and_study/

  16. Helpful weblinks • https://www.dur.ac.uk/cis/local/facilities/location/ • http://timetable.dur.ac.uk/

  17. WAKE UP! WE’RE FINISHED! Any relevant questions?

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