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Chapter 2: ROAST MUTTON. Describe what Bilbo is feeling at the beginning of Chapter 2. * Party wasn’t a bad dream – really happened. * Thought had left w/o him – relieved but irritated because they didn’t say good-bye. * Feels trifly disappointed. 2. What does Gandalf tell Bilbo?.
Chapter 2: ROAST MUTTON Describe what Bilbo is feeling at the beginning of Chapter 2. * Party wasn’t a bad dream – really happened * Thought had left w/o him – relieved but irritated because they didn’t say good-bye * Feels trifly disappointed 2. What does Gandalf tell Bilbo? They left w/o him – but left him a message 3. What does the message say? * Will pay him 1/14 of profits * Travel expenses guaranteed * Funeral expenses their responsibility (if necessary) * Gone ahead to make requisite preparations * Waiting for him at Green Dragon Inn, Bywater, at 11 am sharp
4. Describe the course they take on their adventure. * Pass through hobbit-lands – wild respectable country of decent folk – good roads, inn or 2 * Lands where ppl. spoke strangely & sang unfamiliar songs * Lone-lands: no ppl. left – no inns – roads grew steadily worse – dreary hills dark w/ trees – everything seemed gloomy AMBLING: go at slow easy pace; strolling WANING: to decrease in strength 5. Where do they camp for the night? Among Misty Mts.
INQUISITIVE: asking questions DRATTING: confounding; condemning 6. What do they see in the distance & decide to move towards? Red light over trees 7. What do they tell Bilbo? It’s his/burglar’s turn – go & find out about light – if it’s safe – if can’t get back to hoot like barn-owl (twice) or screech-owl (once) & they’ll do what they can CAVALCADE: process of riding on horse PURLOINED: stole; be dishonest 8. What does Bilbo finally get up the nerve to do? Pick one of troll’s pockets
9. What happens to Bilbo? Gets caught by troll - William 10. What does Bilbo say he is? Why? Burrahobbit – started to say burglar but Trolls too dumb to catch on 11. What do the trolls wonder about Bilbo? * If they can eat him * If there are more like him to make pie w/ 12. What does Bilbo try to convince the trolls about himself? * Only one of his kind * Is a better cook than being cooked LOUT: awkward, stupid person 13. How does Bilbo get away? William & Bert start a fight & drop Bilbo
14. What happens in the middle of the fight? Trolls find & capture Balin 15. What followed? Trolls captured Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur 16. What do they decide to do with the dwarves? Mince them fine & boil them 17. What happens to that decision? Causes another fight – have no water & no one wants to get any 18. What happens to Bert, Tom & William? Why? * Go back to what they are made of * Weren’t underground before dawn 19. What had caused the trolls to fight? Wizard’s voice
INCANTATIONS: spells or charms SCABBARDS: sheath of a sword 20. What do the dwarves decide to do after destroying the trolls? Find their hole & look for treasures 21. What did Bilbo have that Gandalf “needed”? Key to trolls’ door 22. What do they take from the trolls’ hole? Pots of coins – food – ale