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Lecture Outlines Natural Disasters, 7 th edition. Patrick L. Abbott. The Great Dyings Natural Disasters, 7 th edition, Chapter 16. The Great Dyings. Massive human loss by natural disasters is insignificant when compared to great dyings in fossil record
Lecture OutlinesNatural Disasters, 7th edition Patrick L. Abbott
The Great Dyings • Massive human loss by natural disasters is insignificant when compared to great dyings in fossil record • Entire species, millions of entire species mass extinctions • Knowledge comes through fossil record
Fossils • Evidence of former life • Requisites for fossilization: • Possession of hard parts –shells, bones, teeth • Rapid burial, protecting from scavenging or disintegration • Dinosaursknown by fossil bones, teeth and footprints • Abundantfootprintsshow that some species lived inherds Figure 16.5 Figure 16.6
Fossils Examples: • Fossilized tree sap amber • Burial in oxygen-poor swamps or peat bogs preserves organisms, like tanning • Frozen animals (like mammoths) exposed as glaciers melt • Celtic miner’s body preserved for 2,300 years in salt mine collapse Figure 16.8
Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time • 1786, French paleontologist Georges Cuvier: proved that extinction of species had occurred • Skeletons of mammoths demonstrably different from skeletons of elephants mammoths had gone extinct • Observed profound changes in sedimentary record • Abrupt first appearances of fossils • Abundant fossils in overlying layers • Absence in higher overlying layers • Steno’s 1669 law of superposition: • Younger layers of sediment are deposited on top of older layers Figure 16.10
Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time • William Smith, 1799: law of faunal assemblages • Strata of same age can be recognized by same fossils • Law of superposition + law of faunal assemblage law of faunal succession: • Fossils from older (lower) rock layers are older and more different from present-day organisms than fossils from younger (higher) rock layers old forms of life have died out and new forms of life have developed • Geologic maps of England and Wales published in 1815
Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time First geologic maps led to global movement in geology • Sedimentary strata from around world classified and subdivided on basis of fossil assemblages • Same fossils found in rocks in different areas same age rocks • 1841: standard geologic column based on fossil succession, relative ages
Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time • 20th century: geologic column refined with absolute ages from radioactive dating geologic timescale Figure 16.11
Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time Brief History of Life • 3.85 billion years ago: archaea • Found today at mid-ocean ridges, killed by oxygen • Three branches of life – archaea, bacteria, eukarya (plants, animals) • 3.5 billion year ago: photosynthetic bacteria removing CO2 from atmosphere, adding O2 • 1 billion years ago: single cell division sexual reproduction • 620 million years ago: multicellular animal life
Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time Brief History of Life • 543 million years ago: life began 40-million-year-long burst of evolutionary change • First hard parts (shells, etc.) that preserve as fossils • Evolution, increasing diversity and extinctions continue Figure 16.12
Species and the Fossil Record Swedish botanist Linnaeus laid out basic terminology of divisions of life into kingdoms down to species Species: • Population of organisms so similar in life habits and functions that they can breed together and produce reproductively viable offspring • Reproductively isolated by differences from other species • Share common pool of genetic material (genome) • May migrate over broad area mutation of genes may cause reproductive isolation between local populations evolution (Darwin: descent with modification)
Species and the Fossil Record • Extinction caused by inability to adapt to changes in physical, chemical, biological conditions • Background level of extinctions – always occurring • Present species diversity: 40 to 80 million species • 0.1% of species that have existed in Earth history • 99.9% of species that have existed in Earth history are extinct • Extinctions clear out niches opportunity for new organisms to evolve to occupy habitats • Mass extinctions open up many new niches burst of evolution
The Tropical Reef Example • Reefs: porous, wave-resistant frameworks built by organisms such as corals, clams, etc., and used by organisms such as red algae, worms, bryozoa, etc. • Periods of Earth history with and without reefs • Each time reefs reappeared, built by different organisms Figure 16.15
Mass Extinctions During Phanerozoic Time • Average life span of species: 4 million years • Plot extinctions of genera (above species) against time • % extinction = number of generic extinctions number of genera alive at that time • Background extinctions have declined from about 50% in Cambrian time to about 5-10% recently • Spikes in extinctions mass extinctions Figure 16.16
Mass Extinctions During Phanerozoic Time • Extinction-frequency curve: number of extinctions plotted against recurrence interval estimates of how often given size extinction might occur Figure 16.17 Figure 16.18
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Plate Tectonic Causes • Today: oceans cover ~71% of Earth’s surface, continents~29% • Sea level drop: continents could cover up to 40% • Sea level rise: continents could cover only 17% Figure 16.19
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Changes in Seafloor Spreading Rates • More rapid spreading spreading ridges increase in mass, volume sea level rises • Mid-Cretaceous (110 to 85 million years ago): faster seafloor spreading global sea level 200 m higher than today • Double area of shallow seas warmer climate • Severely reduced area of exposed land Figure 16.21 Figure 16.20
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Sea-Level Changes • Bigger glaciers lower sea level • Most recent expansion of glaciers (20,000 years ago): sea level 140 m lower than today • If all glaciers melted: sea level 70 m higher than today • Sea level also rises or falls by changes in seafloor spreading rates – can combine with each other or cancel each other out Figure 16.22
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Numbers and Sizes of Continents • Late Permian to early Triassic (260 – 240 million years ago): supercontinentPangaea • 200 million years ago: Pangaea began to be rifted apart into today’s continents • Greatly lengthened world’s shorelines • Reduced areas of climatically harsh continental interiors • Numerous habitat changes • Large, combined landmass fewer number of species • Smaller, isolated landmasses larger number of species
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Continental Position and Glaciation • Large landmasses at poles necessary to capture enough snow to create massive ice sheets that cause Ice Age • Ice Age: climatic extremes of glacial advances and retreats stresses on species extinctions
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Volcanic Causes • Flood basalt: immense volumes of basaltic lava erupted in geologically short time period, covering millions of square kilometers of Earth • Ontong Java flood basalt plateau created 120 million years ago • 36 million km3 of lava erupted in less than 3 million years • World sea level rose 10 m as ocean displaced by lava
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Changes in Atmospheric Composition • Flood basalt eruption emission of massive volume of gases • Sub-sea eruptions: oceans absorb and dilute some gas, ocean-water acidity and oxygen concentrations change • Continental eruptions: gas goes directly into atmosphere, enhancing greenhouse effect, warming climate • Eruption of Ontong Java plateau may have raised global temperatures up to 13oC
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Climate Change Causes • Climate change: complex network of positive and negative feedback responses • Volcanism: • Emits tremendous volume of gases • Composition of atmosphere changes • Earth’s heat balance changes via greenhouse effect • Global climate changes
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Ocean Composition Causes • Ocean is chemically connected to dissolved salts, bottom sediments, continents, atmosphere • Equilibrium maintained by negative feedback buffers, • Occasionally overcome lethal disequilbrium • Today: oceans ‘stirred’ by currents between different density layers • Deep waters well oxygenated, rich with life • Warm climate intervals: inadequate ocean circulation • Polar waters too warm to sink • Organic decay at ocean bottoms used up oxygen anoxic waters caused sea life extinctions • Melting of glaciers flooded surfaces of oceans with fresh water lethal to sea life species
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Extraterrestrial Causes • When 10 km diameter object hits Earth: • Wildfires, acid rain, tsunami, dust cloud weeks of dark winter, gases greenhouse effect temperature rise Figure 16.23
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Extraterrestrial Causes • Bombardment of cosmic rays increases if supernova nearby • Bombardment of subatomic particles from Sun increases when Sun’s intensity changes • Both increase during periods of weakened magnetic field • (No correlation to fossil record found)
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Biologic Causes • Species-Area Effects • Smaller area fewer species Figure 16.24
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Biologic Causes • Random Extinction • Number of individuals of species goes up and down randomly (random walk) • Randomness guarantees that number of individuals will eventually hit zero no recovery (absorbing boundary) Figure 16.25
Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions Biologic Causes Predation and Epidemic Disease • Excessive predation can drive number of individuals of species low enough for random extinction to finish the job • Large carnivores or epidemic disease • Today: homo sapiens biggest predator Multiple Causes of Mass Extinction • Any one factor alone can cause local stress to drive a few species to extinction • Extinction of numerous species around world probably requirestwo or more causes
Examples of Mass Extinctions Closing of Permian Time (Ended 253 Million Years Ago) • On land: ¼ amphibian orders, 1/50 reptile genera survived • Oceans: 80% or more species went extinct • Formation of Supercontinent Pangaea • Uniting of continents into supercontinent closed equatorial sea reduced shallow seas triggered extinctions • Sea-Level Fall • Slower seafloor spreading shrank mid-ocean ridges, lowering sea level 200 m • Reduced area of shallow seas triggered extinctions
Examples of Mass Extinctions Closing of Permian Time (Ended 253 Million Years Ago) • Climate Changes • Supercontinent less shoreline greater percentage of land away from climate-moderating effects of ocean • Drier, more severe climate in interior of landmass • Ocean Composition Changes • End of long Ice Age: disappearance of cold polar waters may have slowed ocean circulation and led to anoxic bottom water, killing deep-water organisms • Turnover of stratified layers may kill surface organisms
Examples of Mass Extinctions Closing of Permian Time (Ended 253 Million Years Ago) • Siberian Traps Flood Basalt • 3 million km3 of lava erupted within 1 million years, emitted huge volume of gases (CO2) • Heated permafrost to release water vapor, methane from hydrates • Greenhouse gases raised global temperatures, acid rain • Duration of the Extinction Events • Took less than 1 million years • Change in carbon isotopes (from collapse in biological productivity) in maybe less than 30,000 years
Examples of Mass Extinctions Closing of Permian Time (Ended 253 Million Years Ago) • Life at the End of Permian Time • Tropical seas virtually eliminated • One major landmass placed species-area effect pressure on terrestrial life • Land covered in desert • Deep-ocean water became anoxic, CO2-rich • Climate warmed • Extinction of Permian species allowed Mesozoic reptiles (dinosaurs) to take over
Examples of Mass Extinctions Close of Cretaceous Time (Ended 65 Million Years Ago) • Late Cretaceous: North American heartland covered with herds of dinosaurs and flowering plants • Slow-acting changes elevated background level of extinctions, followed by deadly volcanism and asteroid impact – slow decline abruptly terminated • Over 35% of genera and 65% of species went extinct
Examples of Mass Extinctions Close of Cretaceous Time (Ended 65 Million Years Ago) • Sea Level Fall • During final 18 million years of Cretaceous, global sea levels went from high to low, climate cooled • Deccan Traps Flood Basalt • ‘Deccan’ Sanskrit for southern, ‘trap’ Dutch for staircase: thick piles of basaltic rock • Over 2 million km3 erupted in less than 1 million years, beginning 65.5 million years ago • Worldwide climatic effects, like Permian Siberian traps flood basalt
Examples of Mass Extinctions Close of Cretaceous Time (Ended 65 Million Years Ago) • Chicxulub Impact • Yucatan peninsula, Mexico: rings (180 km, 300 km diameter) of shattered rock asteroid impact ~65 million years ago • Worst-case scenario: • 10 km asteroid plunges through atmosphere at 10 km/sec • Fireball with 2,000 km diameter • Searing hot winds ignite wildfires throughout North America • Earthquake with magnitude greater than 11
Examples of Mass Extinctions Close of Cretaceous Time (Ended 65 Million Years Ago) • Chicxulub Impact • Worst-case scenario: • Tsunami 2 to 3 km high • Blasted hole up to 60 km deep, shot plume of vaporized water and rock into stratosphere • Acid rain (from vaporized rock) killed ocean organisms • Dust blocked sunlight stopped photosynthesis for months • Greenhouse gases remained aloft, raised temperatures • Mass extinctions led to opportunities for surviving organisms (including mammals)
Living Fossils Not all species went extinct at Permian/Triassic and Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinctions: • Horseshoe crabs have survived for last 450 million years • Sharks have been successful predators for last 350 million years – biggest threat of extinction is today, from humans • Conifers, ferns, horsetail and scouring rushes have existed since 275 million years ago • Norfolk pine, gingko biloba, metasequoia, and sago palm have existed since 235 million years ago
Living Fossils Quaternary Extinctions • Significant extinctions of large-bodied mammals in last 1.5 million years, during glacial advances and retreats • Concentrations of extinctions multiple causes • Suspected additional cause of many extinctions Homo sapiens • Large animals decimated in Americas and Australia • Large animals fared best in Africa where humans evolved – co-existed for thousands of generations • Wherever humans went, extinctions followed
Quaternary Extinctions • Arguments against climate change as cause: • More large-animal extinctions than plant extinctions • Large mammals not affected by climate change • Increase in habitable land from retreat of glaciers should cause increase in species, not decline • No equivalent extinctions earlier during present Ice Age Australia • Humans arriving in Australia 56,000 years ago found 24 genera of large-bodied animals 1,000 years later, 23 of those were extinct • Regional, not global event not climate-caused
Quaternary Extinctions Madagascar and New Zealand • When humans arrived, largest animals were flightless birds – elephant birds in Madagascar and moas in New Zealand • Humans killed birds and stole eggs until populations were low enough that random extinction finished them off • Rate of human-induced or –related extinctions increased in last 12,000 years, increased even more in last 200 years
Quaternary Extinctions Figure 16.31
In Greater Depth: La Brea Tar Pits, Metropolitan Los Angeles • One of most spectacular fossil localities in world • Oil from underground reservoirs seeped upward to surface where natural gas and lighter-weight oils evaporated, leaving sticky, high-viscosity tar in pools • Over last 40,000 years, more than 660 species of organisms trapped and entombed (59 mammal species) • Escape very difficult for four-legged, heavy animal • Distress cries brought carnivores and scavengers 85% of larger-bodied victims • Also one 9,000 year old partial human skeleton – indicates human presence during extinctions
Side Note: The Rewilding of North America • North America lost many large-bodied vertebrate species around 13,000 years ago • Plan to restore large populations of vertebrates with similar species from elsewhere • Critically endangered 50 kg Bolson tortoise (Mexico) • Horses and camels, which originated in North America • Elephants to replace mammoths, mastodons, gomphotheres • In fenced reserves: cheetahs, lions • Pros: ties in with bison and wolf ranges underway, undo human harm, save species from extinction, enhance biodiversity and evolutionary potential, ecotourism • Cons: not genetically identical to extinct species, habitats have changed, possible disease transmission, unexpected consequences