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Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment

Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment. Temple College EMS Professions. Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment. PASG Medical Anti-Shock Trousers Military Anti-Shock Trousers MAST. Action. Applies circumferential pneumatic counterpressure to abdomen, lower extremities. Therapeutic Effects.

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Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment

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  1. Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment Temple College EMS Professions

  2. Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment • PASG • Medical Anti-Shock Trousers • Military Anti-Shock Trousers • MAST

  3. Action Applies circumferential pneumatic counterpressure to abdomen, lower extremities

  4. Therapeutic Effects • Controls external bleeding by direct compression • Controls internal bleeding under trousers by: • reduction of blood flow • compression of vessels

  5. Therapeutic Effects • Stabilizes fractures • Pelvis • Femurs

  6. Therapeutic Effects • Increases resistance to blood flow in lower body • Shunts blood to: • Heart • Lungs • Brain • Produces increased blood flow to critical organs

  7. Indications • BP below 80 systolic due to hypovolemia • Extensive soft tissue trauma to or bleeding from abdomen or lower extremities with hypovolemic shock • Pelvic/femur fractures with hypovolemic shock

  8. Absolute Contraindications Pulmonary Edema Diaphragmatic Hernia

  9. Relative Contraindications • Bleeding above level of suit • Head trauma • Thoracic trauma • Advanced pregnancy (legs only) • Abdominal evisceration/impaled object (legs only) • Short transport times (<30 minutes)

  10. Removal • At hospital under supervision of physician who understands device • IVs established • Surgical team ready • Abdomen then one leg at a time SLOWLY

  11. Removal • Deflation should take 20 - 60 minutes • If BP drops 4-6 mmHg, discontinue deflation, infuse fluid • If BP drops over 10mmHg, re-inflate • Unstable patient may need to go to OR with MAST in place

  12. Never deflate entire suit at once

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