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JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY (1824-1840). John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) Martin Van Buren (1837 – 1841) William Henry Harrison (1841). Missouri Compromise, 1821. Population Growth the United States grew from 7 to 13 million from 1810-1830
JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY (1824-1840) John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) Martin Van Buren (1837 – 1841) William Henry Harrison (1841)
Missouri Compromise, 1821 • Population Growth • the United States grew from 7 to 13 million from 1810-1830 • Six new states entered the Union during this period • (Ms., Ala., Ind., Ill.,Me.,Mo.) • Sectionalism • The west was quickly becoming a new force in politics • threatened the balance of power between the north and south • Missouri Statehood • Tallmadge Amendment • manumit slaves in that territory and outlaw slavery in the future. • slave v. free states even at 11 & 11, the amendment passes the House twice, but is blocked in the Senate. • Compromise • Henry Clay proposed a compromise to this hotly contested issue • 36° 30’ N dividing line slave v. free in the Louisiana Territory • Maine entered the Union to match Missouri inorder to maintain the balance of the free and slave states in Congress
Signs of Sectionalism 5 members of the Democratic–Republican Party run for election as President The Death of King Caucus Party Caucus Candidate was William Crawford from Georgia 4 other candidates earn the right to run through Nominating Conventions John Quincy Adams – Massachusetts Andrew Jackson – Tennessee Henry Clay – Kentucky John Calhoun – South Carolina Collapse of the Democratic Republicans Jackson wins the popular vote, but doesn’t win a majority in the electoral college John Q. Adams wins the vote in the House with the help of Henry Clay. A “Corrupt Bargain” Jackson supporters cry foul when Adams appoints Clay Secretary of State since the first Jefferson administration, the Secretary of State had ascended to the Presidency “The corrupt bargain between the Puritan and the Black Leg.” Election of 1824
Democratic Victory in 1828 • Martin Van Buren creates this new party in an effort to help Jackson win the presidency in 1828. • Albany Regency • New York vote getting machine Van Buren created in NYC • The party is based on Loyalty, Discipline, Patronage • Political Base • Jackson’s western supporters • NY and PA brought by Van Buren • the South brought by adding John Calhoun as Vice-President. • 1st Million Dollar Campaign • Jackson must get word out to common man, some of which can not read. • Buttons, Rallies, Campaign Slogans
Era of the Common Man New western states bring political power to people with frontier image. Universal Suffrage Land requirements in western states dropped, allowing more people to vote Increased western political power pressured eastern states to liberalize suffrage requirements Nominating Conventions allow people to determine candidates instead of party bosses. Political Parties Political parties become legitimate institutions to represent the popular will. Running for Office People begin to actively seek the presidency. Secret Ballot allows people to vote conscience, making votes more credible. Political Changes During the Jacksonian Era
President Andrew Jackson (1829 – 1837) • Henry Clay calls Jackson, “King Andrew I” (cartoon) • Jackson brings a strong personality to the office and sees everything as a personal confrontation. • He uses the veto power 12 times in order to support his political platform. • The previous 6 presidents only used the power 6 times combined in order to protect the Constitution. • Jackson overtly defends his use of patronage by calling it “rotation in office”. • The average citizen common man” should be able to perform the job and rotation prevents corruption. • He appoints Cabinet Members he can dominate • he fires 2 Secretaries of the Treasury when they don’t follow his command to remove Government funds from the 2nd National Bank.
Nullification Crisis (1828-1833) • Tariff of Abominations, 1828 • In an attempt to demonstrate President Adams as unsupported even in the North, Jackson supporters in Congress worked to amend his tariff bill to include excessively high duties on imported raw materials. They hoped that more expensive raw materials would inspire northerners to vote against the tariff bill. • Speaking about the tariff, Sen. Daniel Webster observed: “Its enemies spiced it with whatever they thought would render it distasteful; its friends took it drugged as it was.” • South Carolina Exposition and Protest, 1832 • (Calhoun’s version of the Nullification Doctrine) • Sen. Daniel Webster, (MA) vs. Sen. Robert Hayne, (S.C.) Debates • Hayne, “The Union was a creature of the States that had created it and therefore they had the right to nullify any Federal statute deemed unconstitutional.” • Webster, “The glorious Union,” he declared, was the creation of all the American people, not the separate states. Therefore the Government was answerable only to the people, and only the Supreme Court could decide whether or not a Federal law conformed to the Constitution. • Senator Hayne resigned from the Senate & was elected Gov. of South Carolina • The South Carolina voted to nullify the Tariff of Abominations. • Senator Haynes called up and began to drill the S.C. militia.
Nullification Crisis (1828-1833) • Force Bill, 1833 • President Jackson issued a proclamation declaring nullification an “impractical absurdity” and warned that “disunion, by armed force, is treason” and would be treated as such. • The Congress passed a bill authorizing military action to uphold Federal law. However, at the same time, on the advise of Henry Clay, they passed a bill reducing the hated tariff. (Compromise Tariff of 1833) • Violence was avoided when South Carolina, asserting that it had forced a reduction in the tariff, rescinded its Ordinance of Nullification. • As proof of trouble to come however, after the crisis had past, South Carolina asserted what it believed to be its’ right, by voting to nullify to federal force bill.
Bank War Jackson’s Position on the Bank • Anti-bank history (Panic of 1819) • Institution of privilege • Foreign investors • Bank leaders influenced people to vote against Jackson in 1828. Election of 1832 • Whigs under Clay request 2nd National Bank seek re-charter in 1832 in order to create political issue. • Re-charter passes congress, but Jackson vetoes re-charter. • Bank recalls loans in retaliation hurting economy. • Jackson removes Gov’t. funds and places them in “pet” state banks. • Lack of economic restraint creates inflation and Panic of 1837.
Bank War Results in Panic of 1837 • Henry Clay pushes through Congress the early re-chartering of the 2nd National Bank in order to create an in issue for the Whigs in the upcoming presidential election of 1832. • President Jackson vetoes bank re-charter. • Jackson wins re-election in 1832. • Jackson begins removing Federal $ from 2nd Nat.Bank and putting it in “pet-(state)-banks”. • Pet-banks start making huge loans from this $, stimulates economy. • 2nd National Bank losing operating funds calls in gold for bank notes tightening economy. • Jackson advisors, tell Jackson to relent in order to restore economy. • Jackson replies, “Don’t come to me, go to the Monster”. • 2nd National Bank President, Nicholas Biddle relents, stimulates economy. • Federal government passes Dispersal Bill to release surplus to states, stimulates economy. • Jackson worried about flood of paper money/inflation passes Specie Circular. • Federal land can only be bought in gold. • People run on Banks to get gold for their notes, tightening economy. • Panic of 1837.
Indian Removal • Indian Removal Act, 1830 • “Remove Indians westward for their own physical protection as well as protection of cultural integrity.” Protection against encroachment of American culture and greed • Black Hawk’s War, 1832 (Sauk/Fox tribes from Illinois) • Seminole War, 1835-1842 (Florida) • Worcester v. Georgia, 1832 • Cherokee do not want to leave. They sue to have Georgia uphold the Cherokee’s land treaty against encroachment by settlers. Chief Justice John Marshall finds in favor of the Cherokee (Sanctity of Contract). Jackson, “That’s Marshall’s decision let him carry it out.” • Cherokee Trail of Tears, 1838 • Cherokee eventually agree to be removed to Oklahoma • 25% of the 16,000 Cherokee die en-route to Indian territory.
Manifest Destiny1841-1857 John Tyler (1841-1845) James Polk (1845-1849) Zachary Taylor (1849-1850) Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
MANIFEST DESTINY -- 1840’s “It is our God given right to expand westward bringing our culture and Democratic system to the untamed frontier.” Look at the number of people our style of civilization can support per acre vs. the barbarian’s nomadic lifestyle. God said, “Go forth and populate the earth”. We do it more efficiently. If the Indians do not realize all of the benefits our civilization can bring them, then they are obviously ignorant and must be enlightened. –“54 40 or fight” – In the presidential race of 1844, the “Manifest Destiny” slogan, –“54 40 or fight”– helped the dark horse candidate (a political unknown), James K. Polk to win the election. This shows how popular the idea of Manifest Destiny was with the American people. The extreme northern boundary of the diplomatically unsettled Oregon Territory was 54 degrees, 40 minutes north latitude. Polk promised that he would settle the Oregon Boundary Dispute and that if Britain would not come to the table to negotiate the boundary, that the United States would claim all of Oregon Territory.
Oregon Trail &Oregon Boundary Dispute Territory • With multiple potential claimants (Russia, Spain, Britain and the U.S.) settlement of the Oregon Territory was an open issue. By 1844, with Russia and Spain removed from the picture, future control of the territory was left to negotiation between the U.S. and Britain. • Inspired by reports of fertile soil in the Willamette Valley and aided by directions compiled by explorers (Mountain Men) settlers traveled westward in droves from 1843-1860 along what became known as the Oregon Trail. • The Oregon Trail represented a 2000 mile route leading from the Missouri River across the Great Plains, the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada to Oregon Territory. Settlers endured deserts, mountains, rivers, Indians, disease, starvation and exhaustion for the promise of a better life. • Even though the Convention of 1818 gave both countries joint rights in the region, the British-owned Hudson Bay Company was effectively in control. However, with American migration west along the Oregon Trail, the United States gained a much stronger presence and was able to demand that Britain agree to a compromise settlement (1846) dividing control of the region by extending the Louisiana Purchase border of 49 degrees north latitude through Oregon.
Settlement of Texas, 1821 • Moses Austin • Stephen Austin • “the Old 300” • The Constitution of 1824 • Americans appreciated and recognized this style of Mexican law. • Requirements to settle: • Become Mexican citizens. • Convert to Catholicism. • Denied the ability to own slaves (1829). • Many settlers wrote home raving about the success and abundance that they enjoyed having settled in Mexican Texas. • By 1830, approximately 20,000 Americans lived in Texas.
Independence of Texas, 1836 • In 1830, fearing the overwhelming Americanization of Texas, Mexico closes Texas to further U.S. settlement. • The original violence between Texas and Mexico was over Dictator, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s repeal of the Mexican Constitution of 1824. • Massacres at Goliad and at the Siege of Alamo Mission in San Antonio (March 2nd) inspired Texans to fight for their independence. • General Sam Houston was able to surprise and capture the Mexican Dictator, Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto (April 21st). • Santa Anna was forced to surrender Texas for his freedom.
Annexation of Texas, 1845 • After winning independence, Texans chose their victorious military commander, Sam Houston, as their president and voted for annexation to the United States. • Mexico ousted General Santa Anna as Dictator and disavowed the independence he granted to Texas under personal duress. Mexico threatened that if the United States annexed Texas that there would be war. • Anti-slavery Northerners, led by Daniel Webster, blocked Texas’ admission into the Union fearing that its’ annexation would tip the national political balance in favor of the slave states. • For nine years 1836-1845, Texas was an independent nation, The Lone Star Republic. • Finally, when it appeared that Texas might form an alliance with Great Britain the administrations of John Tyler and James Polk were able to win Northern approval for annexation.
Mexican-American War, 1846-1848 • When Texas won their independence they claimed the Rio Grande as their southern border. Mexico claimed that the southern border of Texas was the Nueces River. • When the United States annexed Texas, Mexico as promised, broke off diplomatic relations. However, when President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to cross the Nueces River to support the Texas boundary claim, Mexico agreed to receive an emissary from the U.S. • (John) Slidell Mission, 1845 • The U.S. Ambassador sent to Mexico was not only authorized to negotiate the border of Texas but also to offer $30 million for the further purchase of California, Utah and New Mexico Territories. Outraged at this insult the Mexican Government refused to meet with Slidell. • When Slidell was not received, Polk ordered General Taylor further into the disputed territory where Mexican troops finally fired on the Americans. President Polk addressed Congress requesting a declaration of war because Americans had been fired upon on American soil.
Slidell Mission U.S. willing to pay: $ 25 mil. For California $ 5 mil. Utah/N.M. Territory $ 30 mil. For the Southwest Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo U.S. pays: $ 15 mil. For Cali., UT., N.M. $ 3.5 mil. Mexican debts. $ 10 mil. Gadsden Purchase $ 28.5 mil. + cost of war. Manifest Destiny Prevails! Mexican-American War, 1846-1848 • .“Spot” Resolution • Elected as a dark horse, President Polk believed that he had the mandate of the people on the issue of Manifest Destiny. Yet, not everyone supported this Manifest Destiny war. For example, elected as a Whig Representative to the House from Ill., Abraham Lincoln issued the “Spot” Resolution requesting proof that the troops were fired upon on American soil before he would support the declaration of war. • Yet, whatever the “spot”, Manifest Destiny was a popular issue and Polk was able to win his declaration of war in Congress.
The Compromise of 1850 • (David) Wilmot Proviso, 1846 Representative from Pennsylvania, Wilmot proposed an addition to the fiscal bill for purchasing land from Mexico. The proviso would have banned slavery in the areas purchased. Even though it passed the House twice it was defeated in the Senate both times. As an Illinois Congressman, Abraham Lincoln repeatedly voted for the measure. • The California “gold rush” quickly gave newly established California Territory over 80,000 citizens which was enough to apply for statehood. • In order to avoid the tensions that would surely be created by the Congressional debate over the status of the newly forming California territory. President Zachary Taylor suggested that California apply directly to become a state. When California applies as a free state, it unleashed southern accusations of treachery/trickery. Henry Clay steps in, to once again, broker a compromise. His Omnibus Bill attempts to address many of the tensions existing between Pro/Anti-Slavery forces. • Terms of the Compromise of 1850: • Slave trade ended in Washington, D.C.. (cultural embarrassment) • California enters Union as 16th free state. (breaks the balance) • Utah and New Mexico open to slavery. (popular sovereignty) • Texas compensated $10 million for land lost. (loss of slave territory) • Stronger Fugitive Slave Law Passed. (creates abolitionists)