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Anne Frank Remembered. Chapter 10-12 summaries. Chapter 10.
Anne Frank Remembered Chapter 10-12 summaries
Chapter 10 • Chapter 10 begins with Miep and Henk finishing their little sleepover with Anne Frank and her family in the secret hiding place. The Frank family was hesitant to let Miep and Henk leave. However, the scene ended with Miep promising to come back and stay again some other time. This experience, for Miep, made her feel like she became and “insider” rather than “outsider.” Hence the quote,”It was not spoken, but we both knew that I had briefly crossed over from outsider to insider” (Gies 131).
Chapter 10 cont. • The chapter continues with the tension building about various razias. Jews started to feel unsafe no matter where they went. Also, it had been illegal for a Christian to utilize the help from a Jew who had medical professions. Miep however, continued to go to Albert Dussel, a Jewish dentist. During one of her visits to him, he asked if she knew of a hiding place for him. Eventually, Dr. Dussel moved into the hiding place where the Frank family was hiding. Sadly though, Miep and Henk could not come for another sleepover.
Chapter 10 cont. • Towards the end of the chapter, things get a bit shaky between the people in hiding. What could you expect when so many people were crammed into a small space? • Miep and Henk had become friends with a Dutch couple across the street from them and they would listen to the BBC radio, chat, and just enjoy each others company. Henk had taken their own radio to their friends in hiding so the only other way to know the latest was to go to their friends across the street or ask around. • The chapter closes with Elli and Meip planning a fun festivity for St. Nicholas Day and thoughts of the children’s (margot, anne, and peter) joy once they see their gifts and all the little funny rhyming poems that Ellie and Miep wrote.
Chapter 11 • This chapter actually starts off on a positive note. The Germans surrendered on February 2nd and raised everyone’s spirits. Meip says that it felt like the beginning of the end. • However, Mr. Kraler announced that Prinsengracht 263 had a new owner. He took a quick tour of the building but didn’t take a look at the spare rooms. They all kept waiting for the owner to come back but he never did. The family was still ill at ease but felt better with the idea that maybe he wouldn’t come back. I surrender!!!
Chapter 11 cont. • Around the middle of the chapter, Meip arrived at work and found all her friends in hiding worried sick. They had heard noises the night before and were afraid that someone had broken in. The were afraid that if someone DID break in, they could’ve heard their footsteps. They had concerns about all sorts of other things that may have been seen such as the radio in Mr. Frank’s office tuned to the BBC station, the jumble of chairs pulled up to the radio, etc. After the building was searched, and no signs of a robbery were found, things started to go back to normal but everyone in hiding had to be much more careful.
Chapter 11 cont. • Illness soon struck Elli and Jo Koophuis. Visits from them stopped and everyone in hiding missed them a great deal. Jo Koophuis did come back however much quicker then the doctor ordered. Elli on the other hand was still sick. • Elli’s father, Mr. Vossen had become ill as well and was not in a good condition. Someone new had to be hired to do Mr. Vossen’s duties. That someone was Frits van Motto. Meip didn’t take to him very kindly and made little effort to show her dislike towards him. • Also, Karel, Mrs. Van der hart’s son, came to live with Meip and Henk to hide. He had refused to sign the loyalty oath that Dutch University students had been ordered to sign and needed a place to hide from the authorities.
Chapter 11 cont. • At the end of this chapter, it was time for Anne’s birthday. She was turning 14. Meip and the others tried their very best to keep their moods positive and cheerful. • Finally to close off the chapter, Mr. Vossen has been diagnosed with having a fatal form of cancer and the doctors said he didn’t have much longer to live.
Chapter 12 • The beginning of the chapter starts off with Mr. Frank. He had told Meip that Anne was having problems with her eyes. It was eventually decided that Anne needed glasses, but no one had a safe way of getting her what she needed. The matter was put aside until later. • Then after many robberies that were only imagined, a real one did occur. What made this terrifying was that the people who robbed the building had broken through the door that led to the front office. They had went all the way into the offices and maybe right by the book case. They might have even heard noises like running water, footsteps, toilets flushing, etc. and turn this case into the Germans.
Chapter 12 cont. • Luckily, in the middle of the chapter, good news had sprung up. The British and American allies were in Europe! Everyone was thrilled at the thought of the war being over any day and finally being able to set foot out into the sunshine. • One night when Henk and Meip were home from work, Henk told Meip about a Resistance group he had joined. He continued to explain what kind of work he did, not to worry if he’s not home one evening, etc. They decided not to tell their friends in hiding about what Henk was doing in order not to worry them.
Chapter 12 cont. • The chapter ends with all Jews in Amsterdam being rounded up. One day, a lady knocks on Meip’s door. She was carrying a white cat in her arms and asked Meip to care for it or give it to an animal shelter. Meip immediately took the cat and promised to take care of him until she got back. Berry, the white cat, adjusted very well in his new home.