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Development of Groundwater Banking Guidelines For CVP Water

Development of Groundwater Banking Guidelines For CVP Water. Workshop Purpose. Receive ideas and comments for development of groundwater banking guidelines Reclamation will consider all ideas and comments when preparing Draft Guidelines for public review

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Development of Groundwater Banking Guidelines For CVP Water

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Development of Groundwater Banking Guidelines For CVP Water

  2. Workshop Purpose • Receive ideas and comments for development of groundwater banking guidelines • Reclamation will consider all ideas and comments when preparing Draft Guidelines for public review • This workshop is not intended to establish new groundwater banks • The establishment of groundwater banks is a local decision, not a Federal action

  3. Development Process • Public input through Nov. 22 • Draft Guidelines developed & published in the Federal Register • Open for public comment (30 days) • Guidelines finalized

  4. Contract Article 3(d) • Groundwater recharge programs, groundwater banking programs, surface water storage programs, and other similar programs utilizing Project Water pursuant to this Contract conducted within the Contractor’s Service Area …will be allowed. • The Contracting Officer will address such concerns in regulations, policies, or guidelines.

  5. Banking Guidelines - Objective • Provide criteria & conditions under which CVP contractors can participate in groundwater banking programs outside their contract service area • Provide Contractors with operational flexibility & facilitate management of CVP water supply • Provide uniformity with respect to information requirements, review process, and approvals • Protect the integrity of the CVP service & operations

  6. Water Bank Owners Reclamation Contractors

  7. Reclamation’s Focus • State Water Rights • Environmental • Reclamation Law • Project Operations

  8. Banking Actions • Kern Tulare WD – No. Kern WSD • Kern Tulare & Rag Gulch WD’s – Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD • Marvin Meyers – Marvin Meyers Water Banking Projects

  9. Banking Actions • WWD – Semitropic WSD • Santa Clara Valley WD – Semitropic WSD • Poso Creek Mutual Water Company, LLC – Semitropic WSD

  10. Proposed Banking Actions • Madera Irrigation District – Semitropic WSD • Madera Irrigation District - Madera Ranch Pilot Project • Delano-Earlimart ID – North Kern

  11. Commonalities • Bank Losses • Environmental review • Accounting system in place • Acceptable aquifer storage • Water can be recovered

  12. Water Bank Considerations • Aquifer Characteristics • Storage Capacity • Confined & Unconfined • Connection to Rivers • Subsidence Potential • Water Quality • Soil & Water Salinity • Pesticides & Nutrients • Trace Element Contamination

  13. Assistance CVP Area Offices • Central CA: Robert Schroeder (916) 989-7274 rschroeder@mp.usbr.gov • Northern CA : Richard Robertson (530) 934-1383 rrobertson@mp.usbr.gov • South-Central CA: Kathy Wood (559) 487-5103 kwood@mp.usbr.gov Regional Office • Tracy Slavin (916) 978-5202 tslavin@mp.usbr.gov

  14. For More Information Ground Water Banking Website: http://www.usbr.gov/mp/waterbanking


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