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Etc. (et cetera)

“and other things” “and so forth”. Etc. (et cetera). Our def of Public Relations. Our def of Public Relations. Public Relations is the practice of managing the flow of information between an organization and its publics, using methods that don’t require a direct payment.

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Etc. (et cetera)

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  1. “and other things” “and so forth” Etc. (et cetera)

  2. Our def of Public Relations

  3. Our def of Public Relations • Public Relations is the practice of managing the flow of information between an organization and its publics, using methods that don’t require a direct payment

  4. University of Florida says: • "Public relations is the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success or failure depends."

  5. The major PR areas • News media relations • Product publicity • Crisis communications • Financial communications • Executive support and speechwriting • Community relations • Government affairs

  6. The major PR areas: external • News media relations • Product publicity • Crisis communications • Financial communications • Executive support and speechwriting • Community relations • Government affairs

  7. External communications • Those communications to people (target audiences) outside of your organization

  8. External communications • Those communications to people (target audiences) outside of your organization • Target audiences can be consumers, customers (people who buy from you and re-sell to consumers), regulators, politicians, competitors, peers

  9. External communications • Those communications to people (target audiences) outside of your organization • Target audiences can be consumers, customers (people who buy from you and re-sell to consumers), regulators, politicians, competitors, peers • We reach these audiences through working with media that they consume… and directly via social media/events/one-on-one

  10. Which brings us to news releases

  11. Which brings us to news releases • Been the foundation of external PR for 60 years

  12. Which brings us to news releases • Been the foundation of external PR for 60 years • Even today they are still prepared… the distribution has changed

  13. Which brings us to news releases • Been the foundation of external PR for 60 years • Even today they are still prepared… the distribution has changed • We’ve got to know how to prepare them so they get used

  14. Writing a news release • Luckily, we are well grounded in inverted pyramid and ‘I Can Never Prepare Pancakes In England’ so we know when we’ve got news… and how to write it just like a journalist

  15. Writing a news release • Start with a great headline: active, punchy, catchy… but watch bad puns

  16. Writing a news release • Start with a great headline: active, punchy, catchy… but watch bad puns • Write a compelling lede, as important in PR as in journalism

  17. Writing a news release • Start with a great headline: active, punchy, catchy… but watch bad puns • Write a compelling lede, as important in PR as in journalism • Be on the look-out for superlatives and sell them… first, largest, fastest, latest, et cetera

  18. Writing a news release • Start with a great headline: active, punchy, catchy… but watch bad puns • Write a compelling lede, as important in PR as in journalism • Be on the look-out for superlatives and sell them… first, largest, fastest, latest, et cetera • But don’t exaggerate or brag… or ever tell a whopper

  19. Writing a news release • Use newspaper style, and that includes the use of adjectives or opinions that are not attributed

  20. Writing a news release • Use newspaper style, and that includes the use of adjectives or opinions that are not attributed • Keep them short (mostly)

  21. Writing a news release • Use newspaper style, and that includes the use of adjectives or opinions that are not attributed • Keep them short (mostly) • Get them to the right person, at the right time

  22. Writing a news release • Use newspaper style, and that includes the use of adjectives or opinions that are not attributed • Keep them short (mostly) • Get them to the right person, at the right time • Know typ0s, errors off fact, hickups or mispellings

  23. Writing a news release • Use newspaper style, and that includes the use of adjectives or opinions that are not attributed • Keep them short (mostly) • Get them to the right person, at the right time • Know typ0s, errors off fact, hickups or mispellings • Include critical info on release format

  24. Writing a news release • Have outstanding graphics, experts available

  25. But there also is Internal Communications

  26. But there also is Internal Communications • Mass communications to an organization’s employees

  27. But there also is Internal Communications • Mass communications to an organization’s employees • Designed to inform, educate, motivate and generate higher productivity

  28. But there also is Internal Communications • Mass communications to an organization’s employees • Designed to inform, educate, motivate and generate higher productivity • Starting point for some journalists because it’s so closely related to mainstream journalism

  29. Internal Communications • Company newsletters/magazines/videos

  30. Internal Communications • Company newsletters/magazines/videos • Stage employee meetings

  31. Internal Communications • Company newsletters/magazines/videos • Stage employee meetings • Produce management conferences

  32. Internal Communications • Company newsletters/magazines/videos • Stage employee meetings • Produce management conferences • Ad hoc communications in event of big news, crisis, emergencies

  33. Internal Communications • Company newsletters/magazines/videos • Stage employee meetings • Produce management conferences • Ad hoc communications in event of big news, crisis, emergencies • Run United Way campaigns, blood drives, fund raisers

  34. Why Mr. G chose PR over journalism

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