5µm The CMS program, through its experimental and theoretical components, provides a substantial interdisciplinary intellectual environment and experimental resource to the NHMFL and to its users. It is the main conduit to match University graduate and undergraduate students with CMS faculty advisors, and through its many research activities, plays a crucial role in contacting and attracting new users to the Lab through outreach, publications, meetings, and collaborations. Status and Highlights of the Condensed Matter Sciences Program Experimental Thrust: Through a series of more recent hires in the Colleges and theNHMFL, the infrastructure for materials growth and measurementat the NHMFL has grown significantlyin the last three years. • Chemical Vapor Deposition Laboratory for Nanowire Devices – Ongi Englander, ME • Molecular Beam Epitaxy Laboratory for Thin Oxide Films – Maitri Warusawithana, Physics • High Resolution X-ray Crystallography Laboratory for Single Crystal Analysis – Theo Siegrist, Chem. and BioEng. • Floating Zone Furnace Facility for Single Crystal Growth – Haidong Zhou, NHMFL
Theory/Computational Thrust: Concomitant to the enhancement in experimental capabilities, the theoretical component of CMS has increased in number of facultyand Lab-related research (e.g. the quantum and fractional quantum Hall effect, disorder in materials, graphene, and unconventional superconductivity) in recent years due to a combination of new hires and university program re-alignments, with seven academic faculty actively involved in the CMS Theory program. Highlights include: Status and Highlights of the Condensed Matter Sciences Program • Non-Abelianquasiparticles: fractional quantum Hall liquids and quantum computation. – Kun Yangand Nick Bonesteel • Theoretical approach to Dirac and related critical materials, wiki-physics development, NSF Career Award – Oskar Vafek • Energy storage design using molecular dynamics – Per Rikvold • The role of disorder in correlated electronic materials -Vlad Dobrosavljevic
It is envisioned that the CMS program will grow substantially in several areas that directly impact the mission and function of the NHMFL. • Enhancement of the graduate experience in a global setting. CMS is presently planning the development of fellowship programs that link the training of graduate students at the core universities (FSU, UF, FAMU) with researchers based at these major facilities to carry out projects that are not possible within the NHMFL system. • Materials discovery..CMS plans to continue to promote and develop what is viewed as a new paradigm in user-based facilities related to high magnetic field research, namely a center that provides new high quality (primarily single crystal) materials with charge, spin, and lattice functionalities • Materials instrumentation. Advanced instrumentation methods are an essential component of high field research. In anticipation of new facilities such as the split coil magnet, the series connected hybrid, and Terahertz sources, CMS intends to play an increasing role in advancing unique instrumentation that matches these new facilities. Two emerging targets of opportunity are high field x-ray crystallography and high field cubic anvil (8 GPa and above) high pressure systems. • Theory and computation. The Theory component of CMS is presently proactive in expanding its reach and impact to a broader materials research community. CMS plans to develop a more coherent Materials Theory/Computation Cluster that can address a broad range of both fundamental and applied problems associated with complex and novel materials. Visionfor the Condensed Matter Sciences Program • Call to the EAC: How can CMS work towards its vision and potential in the context of State and Federal Funding and the NHMFL Renewal Process?
Condensed Matter Science Program – Status & Highlights Talking Points, p. 1 of 3 Status and Highlights of the Condensed Matter Sciences Program Originally constituted as the “Theory Group” in the early days of the NHMFL, Condensed Matter Science (CMS) has evolved into an interdisciplinary program in materials science and engineering. It has 115 members from Physics, and Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences, Mechanical, Industrial, and Chemical and Bio Engineering in the College of Engineering, the NHMFL, and the Applied Superconductivity Center. It includes research and academic faculty, students, post-doctorals, and technical staff. The CMS program is not supported by the NSF-NHMFL Core award, but through the State of Florida and the University. Its independent research programs are funded through individual and group grants from external agencies. (Except for UCGP, which is however peer reviewed, requiring direct relevance to the NHMFL mission.) The CMS program provides a substantial interdisciplinary intellectual environment and experimental resource to the NHMFL and to its users. It is the main conduit to match University graduate and undergraduate students with CMS faculty advisors, and through its many research activities, plays a crucial role in contacting and attracting new users to the Lab through outreach, publications, meetings, and collaborations. Experimental Thrust: Through a series of more recent hires in the Colleges and the NHMFL, the infrastructure for materials growth and measurement at the NHMFL has grown significantly in the last three years. This has been given an extra boost by a FSU Cluster Faculty hiring program in Materials Growth and Characterization that has added four new faculty with some or all of their laboratory space at the NHMFL. By placing the materials infrastructure at the NHMFL, it provides an additional dimension to the NHMFL capabilities, thereby providing unique resources to the Lab’s user community.
Condensed Matter Science Program – Status & Highlights Talking Points, p. 2 of 3 • Highlights of the advanced infrastructure include: • Chemical Vapor Deposition Laboratory for Nanowire Devices – Ongi Englander1, ME • Molecular Beam Epitaxy Laboratory for Thin Oxide Films – Maitri Warusawithana2, Physics • High Resolution X-ray Crystallography Laboratory for Single Crystal Analysis – Theo Siegrist3, Chem. and BioEng. • Floating Zone Furnace Facility for Single Crystal Growth – Haidong Zhou4, NHMFL • Theory/Computational Thrust: • Concomitant to the enhancement in experimental capabilities, the theoretical component of CMS has increased in number of faculty and Lab-related research (e.g. the quantum and fractional quantum Hall effect, disorder in materials, graphene, and unconventional superconductivity) in recent years due to a combination of new hires and university program re-alignments, with seven academic faculty actively involved in the CMS Theory program. Highlights of the Theory/Computational program include: • Non-Abelianquasiparticles: fractional quantum Hall liquids and quantum computation. – Kun Yang5 and Nick Bonesteel6. • Theoretical approach to Dirac and related critical materials, wiki-physics development, NSF Career Award – Oskar Vafek7 • Energy storage design using molecular dynamics – Per Rikvold8 • The role of disorder in correlated electronic materials (recent major review)– Vlad Dobrosavljevic9
Condensed Matter Science Program – Status & Highlights Talking Points, p. 3 of 3 1Sosnowchik, B. D.; Lin, L.; Englander, O., Localized heating induced chemical vapor deposition for one-dimensional nanostructure synthesis. Journal of Applied Physics 2010, 107, (5), 051101. 2M. P. Warusawithana, C. Cen, C. R. Sleasman, J. C. Woicik, Y. Li, L. F. Kourkoutis, J. A. Klug, H. Li, P. Ryan, L.-P. Wang, M. Bedzyk, D. A. Muller, L.-Q. Chen, J. Levy, and D. G. Schlom, A Ferroelectric Oxide Made Directly on Silicon, Science 324, 367-370(2009). 3T. Kimura, Y. Sekio, H. Nakamura, T. Siegrist, and A.P. Ramirez, Cupric oxide as an induced-multiferroic with high-Tc , Nature Materials 7, 291 (2008). 4Zhou, H.D.; Wiebe, C.R.; Jo, Y.J.; Balicas, L.; Urbano, R. R.; Lumata, L.L.; Brooks, J.S.; Reyes, A.P.; Qiu, Y.; Copley, J.R.D. and Gardner, J.S., Chemical Pressure Induced Spin Freezing Phase Transition in Kagome Pr Langasites, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 067203 (2009). 5G. Gervais, Kun Yang, Adiabatic Cooling with Non-AbelianAnyons, arXiv:1004.1580; Phys. Rev. Lett., in press. 6H. Tran and N. E. Bonesteel, Monte Carlo study of interacting non-Abelian particles, Computational Materials Science, in Press (2010). 7Vafek, O. and Yang, K., Many-body instability of Coulomb interacting bilayergraphene: Renormalization group approach, Phys. Rev. B, 81 (4), 041401(R) (2010) 8Abou Hamad, I.; Novotny, M.; Wipf, D.O. and Rikvold, P.A., A new battery-charging method suggested by molecular dynamics simulations, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, 2740-2743 (2010). 9E. C. Andrade, E. Miranda, and V. Dobrosavljevic, Quantum Ripples in Strongly Correlated Metals, Physical Review Letters 104, 236401(2010).
Condensed Matter Science Program – Vision Talking Points, p. 1 of 3 • Vision for the Condensed Matter Sciences Program • It is envisioned that the CMS program will grow substantially in several areas that directly impact the mission and function of the NHMFL. • Enhancement of the graduate experience in a global setting. The NHMFL is reaching out to many major laboratories worldwide to share technology and large-scale projects, including synchrotron, neutron, and nanoscience facilities. CMS is presently planning the development of fellowship programs that link the training of graduate students at the core universities (FSU, UF, FAMU) with researchers based at these major facilities to carry out projects that are not possible within the NHMFL system. • Materials discovery. Materials discovery, crystal growth, and characterization are crucial to materials research, since newly discovered materials very often lead to new science. Availability of expertise in sample preparation and structural characterization is strengthening the materials physics / materials chemistry at the NHMFL, and CMS is now making available high quality samples to both research faculty and users of the NHMFL.[1] CMS plans to continue to promote and develop what is viewed as a new paradigm in user-based facilities related to high magnetic field research, namely a center [2] that provides new high quality (primarily single crystal) materials with charge, spin, and lattice functionalities. • Materials instrumentation. Advanced instrumentation methods are an essential component of high field research. CMS is presently developing facilities for high-resolution x-ray diffraction, and fostering a new effort in scanning probe methods. Likewise, through the normal efforts of PI’s to solve basic measurement problems associated with high fields, the development and wide implementation new types of instrumentation such as high pressure, cantilever and piezo resistive sensors, thermal sensors, magnetic resonance detectors, and many others are a natural product of the CMS program. In anticipation of new facilities such as the split coil magnet, the series connected hybrid, and Terahertz sources, CMS intends to play an increasing role in advancing unique instrumentation that matches these new facilities. Two emerging targets of opportunity are high field x-ray crystallography and high field cubic anvil (8 GPa and above) high pressure systems.
Condensed Matter Science Program – Vision Talking Points, p. 2 of 3 • Theory and computation. The Theory component of CMS is presently proactive in expanding its reach and impact to a broader materials research community. This is being accomplished through several means such as active involvement in ICAM/I2CAM, and placing at the lab an increasing number of faculty (and equally importantly, their students) from the Departments of Physics and Computational Science in the CMS-Theory faculty cluster. The former is helping develop global collaborations, and the latter is helping to formulate new programs and proposals with a broader interdisciplinary theme in materials science and engineering. In the near future, CMS plans to develop a more coherent Materials Theory/Computation Cluster that can address a broad range of both fundamental and applied problems associated with complex and novel materials. • How can the EAC help CMS to realize its vision and potential? Advise us (and/or make recommendations) on the following, i.e. what should be State funded and what could possibly be NSF-Core related: • Clearly an increase in resources would greatly benefit the development of the areas outlined above. Because CMS is PI-based, and not Core User-based, and wishes to remain so, the funding sources must be carefully delineated. There are several possibilities. 1) Increase the State-Funded (“E&G”) budget for CMS roughly by a factor of at least two. This would allow greater flexibility in hiring techs, post-docs, and students, and give discretionary funds for infrastructure improvements. 2) Increase the funding to the UCGP program by a factor of three. Presently, there are many more very appropriate proposals to this program that can be funded. Since this funding is peer reviewed, the associated activities of any CMS faculty awardees will be naturally directed towards the NHMFL mission. In addition, a two year time frame does not match the matriculation schedules of graduate students who usually at the end of two years, are out of funds if they have had UCGP support. Increasing the support for students to three years would go a long ways towards solving this awkward timing issue, and probably the same can be said for post docs who now are taking longer than two years to establish themselves in the present competitive environment. 3) Increase the funding for the Visitor Program. This program is not presently well funded, and this extra and important dimension to the CMS mission, to enhance interaction with a global materials research community, is absent. 4) Allow CMS to apply for supplemental funding for special initiatives that involve large-scale instrumentation that would be used in conjunction with the high field facility. Presently the NHMFL must compete with other University Units for slots in the MRI and other such funding opportunities.
[1] CMS is presently formulating a policy for providing samples to users that tries to minimize conflicts of interest, duplication in measurements, etc., while recognizing intellectual property and investments made in the synthesis and characterization of specific materials. [2] See for instance, Frontiers in Crystalline Matter: From Discovery to Technology, NRC-NAS Report available at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12640.html.