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The Sakai Project

The Sakai Project. Brad Wheeler IU Assoc VP for Research & Academic Computing, Dean of IT Suzanne Thorin IU Dean of Libraries. University of Michigan Indiana University MIT Stanford University. JA-SIG (uPortal Consortium) Open Knowledge Initiative The Sakai Educational Partners.

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The Sakai Project

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  1. The Sakai Project Brad Wheeler IU Assoc VP for Research & Academic Computing, Dean of IT Suzanne Thorin IU Dean of Libraries University of Michigan Indiana University MIT Stanford University • JA-SIG (uPortal Consortium) • Open Knowledge Initiative • The Sakai Educational Partners www.sakaiproject.org

  2. The Sakai Project “The University of Michigan, Indiana University, MIT, Stanford, the uPortal Consortium, and the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) are joining forces to integrate and synchronize their considerable educational software into a pre-integrated collection of open source tools.” “Sakai Project Receives US$2.4 Million Grant” – December 2003 www.sakaiproject.org

  3. Institutional Partnering Open Source Applications for Education Converging Trends…why now…? Data Standards • IMS Global Technical Standards • OKI, JSR-168 Institutional Mobilization • Economics, control of destiny Foundation $$ Investments www.sakaiproject.org

  4. Sakai Project Deliverables • Technology Portability Profile (TPP) • Specifications for writing portable software to achieve application ‘code mobility’ among institutions • Pooled intellectual property/experiences…best of • JSR-168 portal (uPortal 3.x) • Course management system • Quizzing and assessment tools, [ePortfolio from OSPI], etc • Research collaboration system • Workflow engine • Modular tools, but also pre-integrated to inter-operate • Synchronized adoptions at Michigan, Indiana, MIT, Stanford • Based on “open-open” licensing – [no restriction on commercialization] www.sakaiproject.org

  5. Sakai’s Technology Portability Profile How to write for software code mobility: • The Open Knowledge Initiative’s (OKI) Open Service Interface Definitions (OSIDs) • The JSR-168 portlet specification implemented in uPortal 3.x • Expanded uMichigan CHEF Framework for tool interoperability • User interface abstraction for localization www.sakaiproject.org

  6. July 04 May 05 Dec 05 Jan 04 • SAKAI 2.0 Release • TPP • Framework • Services-based Portal • SAKAI Tools • Complete CMS • Assessment • Workflow • Research Tools • Authoring Tools "Best of" Refactoring Activity: Ongoing implementation work at local institution… Primary SAKAI Activity Refining SAKAI Framework,Tuning and conforming additional tools Intensive community building/training Sakai Project Timeline Activity: Maintenance & Transition from aproject to a community • Michigan • CHEF Framework • CourseTools • WorkTools • Indiana • Navigo Assessment • Eden Workflow • OneStart • Oncourse • MIT • Stellar • Stanford • CourseWork • Assessment • OKI • OSIDs • uPortal • SAKAI 1.0 Release • Technology Portability Profile • Framework • Services-based Portal • Refined OSIDs & implementations • SAKAI Tools • Complete CMS • Assessment Primary SAKAI Activity Architecting for JSR-168 Portlets,Re-factoring “best of” features for tools Conforming tools to Technology Portability Profile www.sakaiproject.org

  7. Sakai Project Core Universities • Each Core University Commits • 5+ developers/architects, etc. under Sakai Board project direction for 2 years • Public commitment to implement Sakai • Open/Open licensing • Project • $4.4M in institutional staff (27 FTE) • $2.4M Mellon Foundation • Additional investment through partners www.sakaiproject.org

  8. Sakai Community Support • Developer and Adopter Support • Sakai Educational Partner’s Program (SEPP) • Commercial Support • Open-open licensing – open source, open for commercialization • For fee services from some vendors will likely include… • Installation/integration, On-going support, Training www.sakaiproject.org

  9. Sakai Educational Partner’s Program Membership Fee: US$10K per year, 3 years • Access to SEPP staff • Community development manager • SEPP developers, documentation writers • Knowledgebase • Developer training for the TPP • Exchange for partner-developed tools • Strategy and implementation workshops • Early access to pre-release code www.sakaiproject.org

  10. Connecting CMS & Libraries • Technology Portability Profile provides a clear standard for code sharing • Twin Peaks Project as a demonstrator www.sakaiproject.org

  11. Twin Peaks Navigator A Concept Proposal for Connecting Course Management Systems and Library Content www.sakaiproject.org

  12. Like Two Icebergs Faculty and students See only the tip of the challenge -- and rightly so! DL CMS Enormous complexity hidden below the surface • Subscriptions • Holdings • Images/audio • … • Syllabus • Assignments • Homework • Discussions • … Course Management Systems Digital Library (broadly defined) www.sakaiproject.org

  13. Situation • Faculty and students need access to digital library content while authoring learning or homework content in a CMS. • DL objects/resources linked to CMS events need persistence across semesters…years? • Storage of digital content in CMS needs to be rationalized to point to DL resources… otherwise, redundancy, expense, fair use…issues www.sakaiproject.org

  14. Examples • Faculty member is creating a learning event that points students to read an article from The Economist. The article is available in PDF format through a library subscription • A student wants to reference an image in a homework submission. The image is in a photograph collection preserved by the library. www.sakaiproject.org

  15. User invokes library search in the context of authoring an assignment in the CMS 1: Authoring CMS Assignment Editor Save Cancel Library • Title: Monopsony and Price • Learning Objective(s): • Understand why supplier power is detrimental to market effiieciny • Due Date: 15 March 2004 10:00a • Reference Readings: • Assignment: Write a < 1 page • Position paper agreeing or disagreeing • with the author. What about Wal-Mart? Concept User Screen in a CMS www.sakaiproject.org

  16. Library search window pops up, selectors for source, fields for search terms 2: Searching CMS Assignment Editor Save Cancel Close Search • Title: Monopsony and Price • Learning Objective(s): • Understand why supplier power is detrimental to market efficiency • Due Date: 15 March 2004 10:00a • Reference Readings: • Assignment: Write a < 1 page • Position paper agreeing or disagreeing • with the author. What about Wal-Mart? Library Search Wizard Catalog/Source: EBSCO Search Terms: monopsony Search Concept User Screen in a CMS www.sakaiproject.org

  17. 3: Select Result Click to select target DL reference CMS Assignment Editor Save Cancel Close Search • Title: Monopsony and Price • Learning Objective(s): • Understand why supplier power is detrimental to market efficiency • Due Date: 15 March 2004 10:00a • Reference Readings: • Assignment: Write a < 1 page • Position paper agreeing or disagreeing • with the author. What about Wal-Mart? • Library Search Wizard • Catalog/Source: EBSCO • Search Terms: monopsony • Results: • Monopsony and the American Way • The case for FTC intervention in pricing.. • Why monopsonies/oligosonies are ineff.. • Ill-gotten gains: Monopsonies and seller.. • <more> Search Concept User Screen in a CMS www.sakaiproject.org

  18. Why monopsonies/oligosonies are ineff 4: Drag-n-Drop CMS Assignment Editor Save Cancel Close Search • Title: Monopsony and Price • Learning Objective(s): • Understand why supplier power is detrimental to market efficiency • Due Date: 15 March 2004 10:00a • Reference Readings: • Assignment: Write a < 1 page • Position paper agreeing or disagreeing • with the author. What about Wal-Mart? • Library Search Wizard • Catalog/Source: EBSCO • Search Terms: monopsony • Results: • Monopsony and the American Way • The case for FTC intervention in pricing.. • Why monopsonies/oligosonies are ineff.. • Ill-gotten gains: Monopsonies and seller.. • <more> • “Why monopsonies/oligosonies are inefficient,” The Economist, (3) 2004. New Search Concept User Screen in a CMS www.sakaiproject.org

  19. 5: Resume Authoring CMS Assignment Editor Save Cancel Library • Title: Monopsony and Price • Learning Objective(s): • Understand why supplier power is detrimental to market efficiency • Due Date: 15 March 2004 10:00a • Reference Readings: • “Why monopsonies/oligosonies are inefficient,” The Economist, (3) 2004. • Assignment: Write a < 1 page • Position paper agreeing or disagreeing • with the author. What about Wal-Mart? Concept User Screen in a CMS www.sakaiproject.org

  20. Project Objective • Develop a functional prototype tool • Limit scope to 1-3 well defined library resources • Create drag/drop capability for searching and linking in CMS • Demonstrate concept, applicable standards, OKI OSIDs, for Sakai Tools • Begin March 04 for Summer/Fall 04 www.sakaiproject.org

  21. Open Source Applications Sustainable economics… WebWork Shibboleth PKI OKI Sakai uPortal AAM/Navigo (Sakai) DSpace Open Source Portfolio Fedora Chandler/Westwood Scholar’s Box LionShare Twin Peaks …serving the frontiers of innovation. www.sakaiproject.org

  22. Sakai Contacts • Joseph Hardin • University of Michigan, hardin@umich.edu • Brad Wheeler, Suzanne Thorin • Indiana University, bwheeler@indiana.edu, thorin@indiana.edu • Amitava ‘Babi’ Mitra • MIT, babi@mit.edu • Lois Brooks • Stanford University, lbrooks@stanford.edu • Carl Jacobson • uPortal/JA-SIG/U. of Delaware, carlj@udel.edu • Jeff Merriman • O.K.I., merriman@mit.edu www.sakaiproject.org

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