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CHATS conference , 10 th July 2019

OLYMPE Multi-physic platform for fusion magnet design --- Development status and first applications.

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CHATS conference , 10 th July 2019

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  1. OLYMPEMulti-physic platform for fusion magnet design---Development status and first applications L. Zani1, C. Berthinier4, F. Bonne2, C. Bourcier4, S. Constans5, C. Hoa2, B. Lacroix1, Q. Le Coz5, P. Manil3, N. Misiara3, F. Nunio3, A. Torre1, R. Vallcorba4, J-C. Vallet1& C. VanWambeke4 1CEA-IRFM, Cadarache, France 2CEA-IRIG, Grenoble, France 3CEA-IRFU, Saclay, France 4CEA-DM2S, Saclay,France 5Assystem, Pertuis, France CHATS conference, 10th July 2019

  2. outlines • Introduction • OLYMPE generalpresentation & status • ElectroMagnetic (EM) module • Developmentintegrationstatus • Parametric applications (JT-60SA, DEMO) • Thermal-ThermoHydraulic (TTH) module • Developmentintegrationstatus • Parametricapplications (JT-60SA, DEMO) • Conclusion-perspectives CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  3. introduction Tokamak superconductingmagnetsystem design  multi-scaleapproachseveral stages of analyses detail 1- System scale 2- Magnetscale 3- Sub-magnetscale downscale downscale • Perimeter = subcomponent (conductor, insulation…) • sub-elementsdetailsconsidered • Accurate modelling of sub-elements physics (EM, thermohydraulic…), • major components interact (plasma, heatingsystems, magnets, first wall…) • macroscopic models for components physics • Perimeter=magnetenvelope • Major sub-elements (conductor, structures) • macroscopic models for sub-elements physics (mechanics, EM…) Complexity whenscale  : exchange betweensystems at interfaces, calculation ressources… CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  4. context Context: example of design workflow (DEMO) WP TF design Top-level conditions Design optimisation Design evaluation Capture CAD Feedback system design method memos WP optimization WP pre-design TF mechanical TF Thermo-hydraulic System scale Magnetsenvelope Cryogenic analyses Sub-magnetscale detailed description of CICC, coolant, insulation, EM field… • Electromagnetism • Thermo-hydraulics • Mechanics • Thermal • + cross-physics(thermo-mechanics…) Magnetscale macro description of CICC & structures Withinmagnetdomain multi-physicapproachnecessary CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  5. OLYMPE general Eachphysicismodelled by a dedicatedtool, all toolsinteracting in sequence. CEA targetsdevelopment of an integratedtoolsupervising all actualtools in a centralizedway to enhanceefficiency (calculation ressources, information losses, accessibility…) The platformisnamedOLYMPE (platefOrmemuLtiphYsique pour aiMantssuPraconductEurs or multiphysicplatform for superconductingmagnets) Pre-design MADMACS Supervisorbased on SALOME • About SALOME • co-developed by CEA-EDF • open source • Python native environment • Toolbox libraries possibilities • Feedback at CEA • (PLEIADES project for modelling fuel rods) ElectromagnetismTRAPS CryodistributionSimCryogenics MechanicsCast3M / ANSYS ThermalCast3M Thermohydraulics THEA CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  6. OLYMPE workflow System codes -PROCESS -Sycomore Thermal loads (NH…) OLYMPE TF pre-design MADMACS Data model GUI Python CryodistributionSimCryogenics ElectromagnetismTRAPS Thermal Cast3M MechanicsCast3M / ANSYS Design criteria DTMARG, hotspot, mechanical stress… ThermohydraulicsTHEA CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  7. Electromagnetic module Presentation Role: EM module is an input generator for evaluation of superconductorlimits & loads (thermal, mechanical) calculationcoreTRAPS (IRFM code) Semi-analytic code, based on Biot & Savart formalism Current carriers features: - trapezoidal cross-sections - current trajectories = straight lines & segments of arcs - constant current density in a given section Output = (Bx, By, Bz) at any point (x,y,z) in space • Developments • Pre / post treatment tranferred from Matlab to Python environment (Salome native structure) • Parametrization easier to handle •  increase number of calculation points in cable section CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  8. Electromagnetic module Applications In workflow  3D B-mapfrom EM module isconvertedinto 1D B-map for THEA (thermohydraulic code) Output for THEA is the effective fieldBeff, thatallowsusing a direct use of JCanalyticallaw. isolatedstrandshyp. (conservative) to plasma r OLYMPE-structured EM module easesparametrisationstudy - former approachwaswith 2 evaluation points on conductor - presentapproachiswith9 evaluation points on conductor The temperature at whichBeffiscalculatedcanalsoplay a role - former approach T = TCS - presentapproachiswithT betweenTinlet and TCS High field Lowfield ► Applications are for 2 configurations DEMO DEMO 2015 & DEMO 2018 baselines/ winding concept WP#3 (pancake winding) JT-60SA the Cold Test Facility configuration, generatingfield TF alone ► Discretization in 200 parts in r dimension ► Interpolation to centers of 3 zones partitioned in toroidal dimension to machine axis CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  9. Electromagnetic module Applications outcomes The Beffwasissuedalong the wholelengthof each pancake  associatedTCSwasalsoissued for comparative check close to criterion DEMO 2015 WP#3 (111 kA) DEMO 2018 WP#3 (92 kA) TCS min ~ 25-40 mKincrease in DTMARG DEMO 2018 Pck#9 marginal T influence on Beff • Improvement by calculationincrease to 9 points ismodest but not negligible • Adopted for the future analyses CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  10. Electromagnetic module JT-60SA CTF pancake#6 (central) pancake#1 (lateral) - Minor difference@ minimum with 9 points - Subtantial gap in furtherturns (radial fluctuations in B mapconsidered) - Minor differencewith 9 points (+15 mK @ minimum) • more refined partition in radial direction to becarried out • Use TRAPS withfinercalculationmesh • more impacting in radial dimension than in toroidal -> trade-off CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  11. Electromagnetic module Perspectives = optimizationpurpose EM module canbe part of differentoptimizationloopslinkingwithother OLYMPE modules TF pre-design MADMACS Design merits + 1D CICC model CryodistributionSimCryogenics Cryoplant power Thermal Cast3M ElectromagnetismTRAPS DTMARG hotspot Structure stress MechanicsCast3M / ANSYS ThermohydraulicsTHEA • complete EM module developments and integration in OLYMPE structure CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  12. Thermal-thermohydraulic module System codes -PROCESS -Sycomore Thermal loads (NH…) OLYMPE TF pre-design MADMACS Data model GUI Python CryodistributionSimCryogenics ElectromagnetismTRAPS Thermal Cast3M MechanicsCast3M / ANSYS Design criteria DTMARG, hotspot, mechanical stress… ThermohydraulicsTHEA CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  13. TTH module: general CCC inlet 25 24 CW 26 ACW TTH module presentation Role: couple 1D thermohydraulic (CICC longitudinal dimension) & 2D thermal phenomena (CICC transversal dimension) Calculationcoreco-simulation THEA– CAST3M part of the toolTACTICS (THEA-CAST3M-sImCryogenicS) 11 23 CICC inlet 12 Inner leg Outer leg 22 13 21 14 15 20 16 19 17 18 • Possible parametrization: • severalparameters are considered as potentially variable due to intrinsicuncertainties • The thermal contact casing-winding impacts heat propagation from casing to WP • The channelcoolingcapacity impacts heatremovalfrom casing • The friction factor  impacts heatremovalfromWP CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  14. TTH module : JT-60SA Application JT-60SA Objective:apply a parametricapproach toJT-60SA CTF configuration to assess the potentialities TTH coupledtooland evaluate impact of the operating parameters on temperature distribution Ultimatetargetis the validation of the presenttool Calculation configuration: ATA09 test database: TFC02 tested in Saclay in 2018 7 tempsensors @ pck & dbl-pcks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 outlet inlet CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  15. TTH module : JT-60SA parameters: drivingpathsfor heat conduction across 2D section rear  2independantcoolingchannel > casing thermal contact left right reference: ideal contact   front  • 4independantcasing>WP thermal contact profiles • step-like h fonction • Allows contact partial detachment@ extremities  6independanthydraulicfriction factors reference: hydraulicdatabase (CEA tests) reference: fullybonded • Boundary conditions: • Heatload power = 52 W on casing • Pin & Pout = fromexperimentdatabase CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  16. TTH module : JT-60SA Reference case: WP-casing fullybonded / pckshydraulic f customized as tested  severedeviations at lateral pancakes First investigation path: lateralpcks are exposed to the maximum heat flux (lateral contact with casing, proximitywithchannels)  the influence of those drivers isparametricallyexplored CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  17. TTH module : JT-60SA Case#1 =Ref. case + WP-casing sides-bonded & top/bottomdetached Attachement to casing depends on impregnationstep > extreme case tested for influence quantification +0.48 +0.05 -0.17 -0.21 • Betterfitting on lateral pancakes (incoming flux from casing) • Fittingdegradation at central pcks (no flux from casing) • Minor change at intermediatepcks (casing flux  lateralpcks flux ) • Furtherparametrizationstudyisneeded CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  18. TTH module : JT-60SA Case#2 = Case#1 +casing coolingchannels (CCC) modification Channel coolingefficiencycanvary due to e.g. continuity of welding to casing To ensure visible change  right CCC ~inactivated +0.16 +0.11 +0.05 +0.02 +0.01 +0.02 +0.04 • Improvematching on lateral pancake #7 while #1 ~ unchanged • Interpancakesheatload propagation acrosswinding (mainly on neighbouring one) • Fair global fitting CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  19. TTH module : JT-60SA Case#3 = Case#1 +CICC hydraulic f modified CICC hydraulicresistance variations around initial value canderivefromwinding impact • To ensure visible change • fDP1 -50 % • fDP6 +70% +0.14 -0.20 -0.11 -0.05 -0.01 +0.07 +0.04 • fitting on lateral pancakes optimized to lessthen 0.05 K + generalfittingimproved • Simulataneousextremehypotheses(CCC / detachment / CICC f ) unlikely>> anotherparameterintroduced •  extra heatload by feeders >> only on lateral pancakes sensors CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  20. TTH module : JT-60SA Case#4 = Reference case + PFEEDERS= 4 W +CICC hydraulic f modified CICC hydraulicresistance variations around initial value canderivefromwindingdeformation • rough pre-calc. • fDP1 -40 % • fDP2 -20% • fDP3 +10% • fDP4 unch. • fDP5 +40% • fDP6 +100% • fairfitting, withmoderatehypothesis on WP-casing contact, but stilldemandinghypotheses on friction f • Limited exploration domainscanned  more investigations plannedscanning the differentimpactingparameters  integration of factors of merit for fittingprocess (automatic mode) CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  21. TTH module: DEMO Application DEMO 2018 Objective:evaluate the influence of NH charge / newlyissued design Beff 1D profile MADMACS-TF EM module TF pre-design sys. scale inputs + I load TTH module TTH module + NH load 4.5 K T(x,t) 2D cartography target min. DTMARG = 1.5 K • more parametricstudies to come • (e.g. nb 2D slices) • design optimization 6.2 K CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019 nb 2D slices for CAST3M=8

  22. Conclusion - perspectives • Conclusion • OLYMPE modules (EM & TTH) structuration for parametric explorations ongoing • First modules trials on JT-60SA CTF configuration conducted • quantitative evaluationof impact regarding 4 major settings • encouragingresultsregardingfittingqualitywith tests database • First modules trials on DEMO 2018 configuration conducted • impact of heatload variation evaluated • Perspectives • Capture more referenceconfigurations (statistics on ATAs) • Launch exploration runs in automatic mode • Improve calculation efficiency • Assess reference parametrization settings for overall JT-60SA CTF modelling • Extend to further stages of JT-60SA CTF tests (current load, T ramp-up) up to quench • Establish code validation • Develop all OLYMPE modules to operation CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  23. Thankyou for your attention WPMAG Project Board #1 - 21 January 2014

  24. Conclusion - perspectives MADMACS-TF BMAX TOP Number of TF coils TF dump time PROCESS Out.dat file TF total current TF radial extension TF innerleg center vs. axis TF outerleg center vs. axis WP housing dimensions check CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

  25. Conclusion - perspectives DEMO 2018 TF WP#3 pre-design CHATS 2019, Szczecin – 10 July 2019

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