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10 th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. Co-organised with and thanks to AIDIC and 9 th International Conference ICheP’07 24 - 27 June 2007, Ischia, Gulf of Naples, Italy. PRES History. 1 st PRES 1998 Prague, CZ
10th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisationfor Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction Co-organised with and thanks to AIDIC and 9th International Conference ICheP’07 24 - 27 June 2007, Ischia, Gulf of Naples, Italy
PRES History 1st PRES 1998 Prague, CZ 2nd PRES’99 Budapest, HU 3rd PRES 2000 Prague, CZ 4th PRES’01 Florence, IT 5th PRES 2002 Prague, CZ 6th PRES’03 Hamilton, Ontario, CA 7th PRES 2004 Prague, CZ 8thPRES’05 Taormina, Sicily, IT 9th PRES 2006 Prague, CZ 10th PRES’07 Ischia, Naples, IT 11th PRES 2008 Prague, CZ
Acknowledgement Gold Sponsor MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL CORP Dr Kentaro HIRATA Gold Sponsor National Oil Corporation LIBYAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Dr Masour EMTIR
Acknowledgement Bronze Sponsor AO SODRUGESTVO - T Prof Petro KAPUSTENKO Bronze Sponsor EVECO s.r.o. Ing Jaroslav ORAL
International Scientific Committee President: Jiří Klemeš (UK), Sauro Pierucci (IT) Vice-President: Petr Stehlik (CZ), Ferenc Friedler (HU) International Scientific Committee Members: C Bouallou FRP Kapustenko UA V Plesu RO H Cabezas US E Kenig DE D Reay UK J Drahoš CZ A Kraslawski FI P Seferlis EL M Emtir LY D Kukulka US S Sikdar US D Foo MY N Lior US R Smith UK A Friedl AT T Majozi ZA M Sorin UK M Georgiadis GR M Narodoslawsky AT C Theodoropoulos UK A Ghajar US P Oosthuizen CA K Urbaniec PL P Glavič SI MH Panjeshahi IR E Worrell US T Gundersen NO S Perry UK G Wozny DE K Hirata JP M Picón Núnez MX T Zhelev IR D Huisingh US P Pilavachi EL J-K Kim UK
Publication Policy Selected papers will appear in full size in the special issues of the following journals: Applied Thermal EngineeringEditor-in-Chief: Prof David A Reay, DRA Ltd, Tyne and Wear, UK Heat Transfer EngineeringEditor-in-Chief: Prof. Afshin J. Ghajar, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA Journal of Cleaner ProductionGeneral Editor: Prof. Don Huisingh, Center for Cleaner Products and Clean Technologies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Resources, Conservation and RecyclingJournal Chief Editor: Dr Ernst Worrell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA ENERGY - The International JournalEditor-in-Chief: Prof Noam Lior, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6315, USA
THE BEST POSTER COMPETITION The International Scientific Committee is inviting you to 4nd Competition for the Best Poster All posters presented at PRES’05 will be considered (with exception of posters authored by members of the Selection Committee). The criteria for selection are: Originality of the research, originality of the topic, clarity of the presentation, graphical quality, oral presentation and discussion with the Selection Committee. . The winners will be presented ZDENEK BURIANEC MEMORIAL AWARD The Selection Committee Simon J. Perry, The University of Manchester, Günter Wozny, TU Berlin, Co-Chairs Chakib Bouallou, Ecole des Mines de Paris Mansour Emtir, Libyan Petroleum Institute Kentaro Hirata, Mitsubishi Chemicals Corp Truls Gundersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
11th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 24-28 August 2008, Praha, Czech Republic Organiser & Secretariat Organised by the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering (Congress of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering) Novotného lávka 5, 116 68 Praha 1, Czech Republic Tel: +420 221 082 333 Fax: +420 221 082 366 E-mail CHISA: chisa@csvts.cz E-mail PRES 2008: pres2008@tiscali.co.uk website www.conferencepres.com Deadlines 30 November 2007 Abstracts submission February 2008 The second circular with preliminary program 30 April 2008 Registration for participation and payment 31 May 2008 Submission of the full text and revised Manuscript 30 April 2008 Technical Program
Thanking very muchto the organisers The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering Ms Manuela LICCIARDELLODr Raffaella DAMERIO