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REGIONAL TRADITIONS. REGIONAL INSPIRATIONS. „ Regional inspirations” only hint at the cultural abundance of the Podkarpackie Region. It is impossible to present th region’s wealth in full, all its hidden passion, its magical places and remarkable people.

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  2. REGIONAL INSPIRATIONS „ Regional inspirations” only hint at the cultural abundance of the Podkarpackie Region. It is impossible to present th region’s wealth in full, all its hidden passion, its magical places and remarkable people. We invite you to take a trip around the Podkarpackie Region, in the course of which you will encounter still-living folklore. You will discover the art. Of folk pottery, customs inherent to baking bread you will meet talnted painters, sculptors, wicker-workers and other folk artists.

  3. There are places where an ordinary and simple dish tastes exquisite, where the smell of roasted stuffed cabbage evokes childhood memories. These places are cosy inns and taverns with a warm atmosphere and friendly hosts. REGIONAL CUISINE Not everybody knows what hreczanyky, gomółki, proziaki, kryżałki or bałabuchy are. However, anybody can taste these products that are so typical of our region. Prepared according to old recipes , passed down from one generation to another, from mather to daughter, they retain the magic of the old cuisine of the cultural frontier.

  4. POTTERY , CERAMICS In the second half of the 19th century, Medynia Głogowska with surrounding villages was a dynamic pottery centre that was one of the largest in Poland. At the time , around 120 pottery workshops operated there. Pots of various uses, ornamentation and shapes were produced. Today activities for organised groups as well as individual tourists are held in the Potter’s Cottage all year round. Under the supervision of potters you can learn to make pots on a wheel, make clay sculptures and fire ceramics in an oven.

  5. SCULPTURE Sculptureoccupies a special place in folk art and bearstestimony to itswealth, uniqueness, and longevity. Itisthekind of artisticexpressionthatisdetermined by theindividualismconnected to religion and, as withotherbranches of folklore, constituted an expression of thespiritualneeds of Polishvillagers.

  6. ICON PAINTING Gold is light, red stands for human nature and martyrdom, green – eternity, hope and youth; blue is the sky, depth and mystery, Two elements are of primary importance in icon painting – APPEARANCE and COLOUR. The artist always starts painting the icon from the head, as the head determines the size and positions of the body, and the remaining part of th composition. In Bieszczady the icon has been present since the arrival of the first settlers from Russia. Recently, the tradition of drawing icons in our region seems to be undergoing a revival. We invite you to visit the many workshops that attest to this fact.

  7. BLACKSMITHERY With the development of mass production in the 20th century, blacksmithery went into decline, and the role of the village blacksmith became limited to repairing tools. Several enthusiast decided to save the „dying occupation” of the blacksmith, and now in their forges they demonstarte how to work iron.

  8. ARTISTIC WEAVING The basic raw materials in folk weaving were natural : flax, hemp, cotton and wool. The weaving technique consisted in interwiningthe warp with the weft in accordance with a fixed order, using plaits in the old days women used to meet at looms, and today during the workshop you van recreate the same atmosphere and make your own magnificient tapestry yourself.

  9. WICKERWORK Wickerwork has a rich and beautiful tradition in the culture of our region. It remains the main occupation of many villagers in Podkarpackie Region. Whole families work with wicker, and the art of making unique artefacts in handed down from generation to generation. Because of the natural origin of the raw material and hand crafting, wicker products have a simple and singular charm and deserve to be classified as artistic handcraft.

  10. HERITAGE PARKS Museum of Folk Construction in Sanok. The Heritage Park is open all year round. The largest Heritge Park in Poland is located on Biała Góra in Sanok (the Museum of Folk Construction), comprising the most valuable specimens of wooden construction in the Bieszczedy Mountains. The Ethnographic Park in Sanok belongs to the most beautiful of open-air museums in Europe. 38 Hectares of land ar devoted to displaying the culture of the Polish-Ukrainian border in the Estern part of the Polish- Carpathians (Bieszczady, Lower Beskidy) with the Sub-Carpathian region. A separate exhibition area is allotted to the particular ethnic groups (Bojki, Łemki, Foothillers and Valley Dwellers); each are perfectly suits the physiography of the landscape. Most dwellings and farm buildings, as well as religious constructions are fully equipped and accessible to visitors (including craft workshops of a weaver, a potter, cartwright, a manufacturer of wooden ladles, wattle-work)

  11. MUSEUM Franciszek Kotula Etnographic Museums in Rzeszów. A very rich collection (over 10 thousand pieces) of exhibits relating to folk art and handicraft can be viewed in the museum. Among the most valuable is the collection of old sculptures and folk painting, as well as dresses and embroidery exemplifying two etnic groups: the Resoviaks and the Lasoviaks. The museum holds a large collection of toys manufactured after World War II, a large collection of sculpturs and pottery ware, a full set of blacksmith’s tools,and farming equipment used in the 19th, and in the beginning of the 20th century, such as wooden ploughs and shovel ploughs. Folk musical instruments are also exhibited: violins, double-basses and dulcimers. Customs are portrayed by dresses and Christmas carol accessories relating to Christmas radition, and decorated uniforms of Easter sentinels of the Tomb. Among the exhibits you will also find vessels carved in wood, plaited in wattle or roots for storing grain and other products.

  12. FOLK RITUALS Many folk rituals are still observed in the Podkarpackie Region today. They may not be , but they are still carefully cultivated. Christmas and Easter, Shrovetide and Harvest festivals, as well as other important festivities in the liturgical year used to determine the rhythm of society's life. They used to "clothe" daily life with a festive mood and demanded almost perfect observance of practices passed on from one generation to another. Their strict observance was perceived as a guarantee of properity for the person concerned, his beloved, his neighbours and all members of the community.

  13. All material used in this presentation is from "Regional Inspirations" folder published by The Department of Promotion, Tourism and Sports, The Marshal's Office Of the PodkarpackieVoivodship

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