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The formation of Everest and its surrounding area

The formation of Everest and its surrounding area. What do we know?. Plate tectonics Plates move around India was once south of the rest of Asia Closing of the Tethys sea India collided with Asia – collision boundary/margin Created fold mountains. Meso – scale…. Glaciation.

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The formation of Everest and its surrounding area

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The formation of Everest and its surrounding area

  2. What do we know? • Plate tectonics • Plates move around • India was once south of the rest of Asia • Closing of the Tethys sea • India collided with Asia – collision boundary/margin • Created fold mountains

  3. Meso – scale…. Glaciation • How glaciation has created the distinct scenery of Everest • Define key features of glaciation • Differentiate between features of glacial erosion and deposition Everest expedition 1999 – 1.40 minutes for description

  4. Pyramidal peak Arete (ridge) Aretes glacier

  5. Watch video on Franz Joseph Glacier – followed by card sort

  6. Pyramidalpeak Arete (ridge) Moraine Arete glacier Ask a q

  7. Ribbon Lake

  8. Corrie

  9. Snout

  10. Everest Base camp Is at the snout of a glacier. People Camp on top of glacial moraine

  11. Roche Moutonnee

  12. Erratic

  13. Medial moraine

  14. Drumlin Elongated mass of unsorted material

  15. Outwash

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