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How We Verified 5000 Lines of RTL with 3 Assertions. Nalin Nimavat (Cisco Systems) nnimavat@cisco.com. Vigyan Singhal (Oski Technology) vigyan@oskitech.com. May 2012. The Device Under Test (DUT) . Over 2 N possible cases to verify!. DUT and Test Plan Implications for the Formal Verification.
How We Verified 5000 Lines of RTL with 3 Assertions Nalin Nimavat (Cisco Systems) nnimavat@cisco.com Vigyan Singhal (Oski Technology) vigyan@oskitech.com May 2012
The Device Under Test (DUT) • Over 2N possible cases to verify!
DUT and Test Plan Implications for the Formal Verification • Key characteristics: • First pass: (2N + 1) assertions to be formally verified. • There are N fields, but all the fields are of different widths. • Though the DUT is more like a register, can we apply memory abstractions to reduce the number of assertions and formal run time?
Introduction to Symbolic Variables • Symbolic variables can sweep the whole range of variables. • No change in RTL is required. // If valid is high, for any given memory address, content of //the memory matches incoming data after 3 cycles. bit[15:0] formalAddr; assert property P1 (vld == 1 |-> #3 mem[formalAddr] == $past(inData, 3);) Symbolic Variable
How Symbolic Variables Are Used • All memory locations and bits are present. • An arbitrary address formalAddr, with the same width as an actual address, is created. • An arbitrary bit fvBit, ranging from 0 to max width of data, is created. • Symbolic variables are free running—they can point to anywhere. • No change in RTL is required. • As with abstractions, only one symmetric location and one symmetric data bit are used in the formal proof.
After Applying Symbolic Variables • Create helper code to determine the msb and lsb of a field in the outVector, outVector(msb, lsb). • Benefit of symmetry: We can now reduce the first and second requirements from N down to one assertion each! • After applying symbolic constants, only three assertions are used to completely verify the 5000 lines of DUT RTL.
Sample DUT Assertion // If there is space in input to accomodate full field, field // should be copied to the output property fieldMatch; lsb >= 0 && dataSel[formalIndex] == 1 |-> ##n outVector[$past(lsb, n) + fvBit] == $past(field[formalIndex][fvBit] , n); endproperty assert_fieldMatch : assert property(fieldMatch); Symbolic Variable for Depth Symbolic Variable for Width
Bugs Found with the Formal Tool • All three assertions found bugs: • Output for fieldM didn’t match • When there is no space for someId, all lsb's were not 0's. • When all N fields are on, 0's were not inserted in rest of lsb's • Formal hit a bug instantly, took a long time in simulation. • In simulation, a lot of traffic was sent. • One field (in 2N) for which all lsb’s were not 0 for this condition. • Formal hit this bug right away. • Formal guarantees regular and corner case coverage for all N fields – something impossible to achieve in simulation.
Limitations of symbolic variables • Symbolic variables can be easily applied to memories and other designs with symmetry. • For non-memory, non-symmetric designs, creating symmetry to exploit power of symbolic variables can be challenging. • Symbolic variables needs to be properly constrained in order to achieve desired range.
Summary • Applying symbolic variables can dramatically increase the scalability and decrease the run time of formal analysis. • Creating symmetry and using helper code can dramatically simplify or reduce the number of assertions required. • Bonus: No modifications to the original RTL are required!