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The “S” Factor 9 Breakthrough Strategies of Super Successful Women Linda Ginac & Wendy Nolin

The “S” Factor 9 Breakthrough Strategies of Super Successful Women Linda Ginac & Wendy Nolin The Ginac Group, Inc. How Does Society Define Success ?. In School : T op of the class, scholarships University: Student society executive positions, trail blazer, agent of change

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The “S” Factor 9 Breakthrough Strategies of Super Successful Women Linda Ginac & Wendy Nolin

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  1. The “S” Factor • 9 Breakthrough Strategies of Super Successful Women • Linda Ginac & Wendy Nolin • The Ginac Group, Inc.

  2. How Does Society Define Success? • In School: Top of the class, scholarships • University: Student society executive positions, trail blazer, agent of change • Business: Executives, Business Owners, Board members • Non-Corporate: Leading roles in professional associations and charitable causes • Awards, prizes, recognition, kudos • Personal success (the intangibles)

  3. A Major Challenge for Women • Women’s contributions and abilities are less valued than men’s • Hiring, promotion, salary, retention • Awards, scholarships, prizes, chairs • Fellowships and memberships • Grants and grant size • Publications, citations • Decision-making roles

  4. Seven Key Barriers • Prejudice • Do we place limits on our own success? (mom vs. professional) • Resistance to Women’s Leadership • Why do we find it difficult to see ourselves in leadership roles? • Leadership styles • Why do we struggle with power and influence? • Demands of family life • Why do we still struggle to find a balance? • Confidence • Why do we feel like imposters? • Conflict and Risk • Why are we afraid to take risks in the workplace? • Networking and Self-Promotion • Why do we find it difficult to talk about ourselves and our success?

  5. Activity • Name a successful woman you admire and why you admire her.

  6. 9 Breakthrough Strategies

  7. Strive for Imbalance Focus on moments, more than goals, plans or dreams. – M. Buckingham

  8. Innovation Make sure you do your job well and change how things get done

  9. Build Support Networks Networking is the way work gets done • Work • Home • Personal • Community • Spiritual

  10. Curious A lack of curiosity breeds mediocrity - Pinyo

  11. Servant Attitude Balancing how to be authoritative but not bossy

  12. Street Smarts Know how to navigate the organization

  13. Trust Your Instincts Believe in yourself Source: Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy, Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith

  14. Visibility Walking the tightrope between positive self-promotion and being pushy

  15. Self-defeating Behaviors • Are you concentrating too much on doing a good job? • Successes credited to luck, timing, perseverance, fooling others • Didn’t fully enjoy successes and seize opportunities for exposure • Overwork to compensate for supposed deficiencies • Focus on weaknesses rather than strengths • Don’t ask for necessary resources to do the job – I can do it • Women wait to be “invited”; men seek out!

  16. Living Wealthy Live wealthy in all aspects of life

  17. How Do You Achieve the “S” Factor? Measure how well your life is balanced and make changes. Name one or two white space opportunities in your firm/community. What are you knowledge / task gaps and name people who can fill them for all areas of your life? What complaints can you turn into opportunity that impact strategic initiatives? Get up in the morning and ask yourself, whose life can I impact today? Do you know how to navigate the organization? When your instincts hit, make note of it in a notepad and see how many times your are on the mark. Then, trust it. Do you know what your brand is in your organization/brand? How do people perceive you? What are you doing to be happy while impacting the bottom line?

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