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Egoism. Egoism. Two Kinds Psychological We always do act in our own interest. Egoism. Two Kinds Psychological We always do act in our own interest Ethical We always ought to act in our own interest. Psychological Egoism. Hobbes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egoism

  2. Egoism • Two Kinds • Psychological We always do act in our own interest

  3. Egoism • Two Kinds • Psychological We always do act in our own interest • Ethical We always ought to act in our own interest

  4. Psychological Egoism • Hobbes No man giveth but with intention of good to himself; because gift is voluntary; and of all voluntary acts the object to every man is his own pleasure

  5. Psychological Egoism • Problems • The Existence of Altruism It’s obvious that altruistic actions/motivations occur

  6. Psychological Egoism • Problems • The Existence of Altruism • Mother Theresa

  7. Psychological Egoism • Problems • The Existence of Altruism • Mother Theresa • Is she just doing it to get to Heaven?

  8. Psychological Egoism • Problems • The Existence of Altruism • The good soldier

  9. Psychological Egoism • Problems • The Existence of Altruism • The good soldier • Because it’s bad to feel guilty?

  10. Psychological Egoism • Problems • Supposing Hidden Motives There must be effective selfish motivations that we aren’t aware of

  11. Psychological Egoism • Problems • Supposing Hidden Motives There must be effective selfish motivations that we aren’t aware of • Makes this an unfalsifiable hypothesis, and therefore vacuous

  12. Ethical Egoism • Personal Ethical Egoism • I ought to act in my own interest.

  13. Ethical Egoism • Personal Ethical Egoism • I ought to act in my own interest. • Individual Ethical Egoism • Everyone ought to act in my own interest.

  14. Ethical Egoism • Personal Ethical Egoism • I ought to act in my own interest. • Individual Ethical Egoism • Everyone ought to act in my own interest. • Universal Ethical Egoism • Everyone ought to act in their own interest.

  15. Ethical Egoism • Personal Ethical Egoism • I ought to act in my own interest. • Individual Ethical Egoism • Everyone ought to act in my own interest. • Universal Ethical Egoism • Everyone ought to act in their own interest.

  16. Ethical Egoism • Arguments for it

  17. Ethical Egoism • Arguments for it • It’s the default guide to behaviour – altruists should be made to defend their position

  18. Ethical Egoism • Arguments for it • It’s the default guide to behaviour – altruists should be made to defend their position • Putting others’ interests first is degrading to one’s own dignity. Altruism is a Slave Morality (Nietzsche.)

  19. Ethical Egoism • Arguments for it • It’s the default guide to behaviour – altruists should be made to defend their position • Putting others’ interests first is degrading to one’s own dignity. Altruism is a Slave Morality (Nietzsche) • Things turn out better if people are made responsible for what they know best – themselves; not what they know least – others

  20. Ethical Egoism • Arguments against it

  21. Ethical Egoism • Arguments against it • It gives prescriptions that we intuitively disagree with

  22. Ethical Egoism • Arguments against it • It gives prescriptions that we intuitively disagree with • It fails to satisfy the necessary criteria to be a moral theory at all • It’s not universalizable – it leads inevitably to unresolvable conflicts

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