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Hist 33D, L 5: Kristallnacht and the Turn to Genocide. Turn in journals (2 piles: A-P; R-Y) ; Q1 Kristallnacht: Anatomy of event Announcements (Strike Tue; Tibet) Holocaust denial (web). (“midterm”) Question 1.
Hist 33D, L 5:Kristallnacht and the Turn to Genocide Turn in journals (2 piles: A-P; R-Y); Q1 Kristallnacht: Anatomy of event Announcements (Strike Tue; Tibet) Holocaust denial (web)
(“midterm”) Question 1 • Name 2 reasons why National Socialism appealed to a specific group in German society.For each reason, state (in at most 1 or 2 additional sentences) why.(4 points total: reason+because, reason+because)
Some answers to Q1 • p. 76: ended “state of almost perm. crisis”Which group? (Mittelstand) • Ended shame of loss in WW1/Versaillesp. 91 “political and psych. consequences” • p. 101: who voted for • p. 102: who did not vote for
Last Time: Causal role of history • Question: What role did “history” (historical experience) play in the ultimate occurrence of the Holocaust? • Answer: • Long-term (culture=militarism, antisemitism, bureaucracy): highly contingent (it depends) • Middle-term (path to “modernity”): some role, but you can “spin” it the other way, too(compare textbook pp. 76, 78, 83) • Short-term (lived experience): professor thinks so, but lots of coincidences along the way
Kristallnacht: Anatomy of an Event • History of anti-Jewish measures since 1933 (longer-term) • Specific events during 1938(middle term) • Events November 6-12(short term)
Anti-Jewish Measures, 1933-38 • 1933 (March: Hitler "elected")April 1: boycottApril 7: barred from public service • 1935 "Nuremberg Laws" at Party rally • Defined who was a Jew • 1936: no welfare for "Mischlinge" & vets • 1938 • July 6, 25: barred from business, medicine • August: adopt names "Israel" and "Sarah" • Sept. 27: barred from practicing law
Specific events during 1938 • March: Austria; Polish re-immigration ruling • Sept.: Munich conference (appeasement)Germany gets Sudetenland • Oct.: "Aktionen" in Vienna (7th-16th, 21st, 25th)
Announcements • Roll call • STRIKE: no regular class next Tuesday • In IV, park on Pardall Rd. • Or: during Wed. lab time (Milgram film?) • Rest of JOURNALS due Wednesday (Tue) • FIELD TRIP Sunday Oct. 20, 8am: • See web site for information • Free Tibet announcement (by Leron) • Meetings every Tuesday, 8pm, UCEN Harbor rm.
Events November 7-12 • Nov. 7: 9:30am: Grynszpan shoots diplomat in Parisevening: violence in Kassel and Hannover • Nov. 8: sporadic violence in Germany • Nov. 97pm: commemorative dinner in Munich9pm: news of diplomat's death to Hitler10pm: Hitler leaves, Goebbels speaks11pm-midnight: SA leaders make phone callsmidnight: Himmler swears in SS recruits
Events, cont'd • Nov 10: • 12:30am: Graz (Austria) synagogue blown up • 1:20am:Heydrich (SS): protect neighboring property • 2-4am: first synagogue fires in Germany proper • 9:15am-1:30pm: destruction of syn. in Vienna • 7pm-10pm: first 3 major synagogue fires in Hamburg • Most destruction happened on this day • Nov. 11: second wave of destruction; arrests30,000 men and boys arrestedmost released within 3 months, to emigrate
Events, cont'd 2 • Nov. 12: Goering presides over cabinet meeting • 4 goals:1. Complete process of "Aryanization"2. Accelerate emigration3. Complete isolation of Jews from populace4. Abolish Jewish self-organization
Holocaust Denial (“revisionism”) • Jsourcehttp://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Holocaust/kristallnacht.html • Yad Vashemhttp://www.yad-vashem.org.il/about_holocaust/month_in_holocaust/ • Institute for Historical Review; essay:http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p183_Weckert.html
Parting reminders • Next Tuesday’s class probably NOT here(unless strike is called off) Class either in IV, or Wed. evening • Check course web site for updates