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L ightning

L ightning. By C harlie G. Are There Different Kinds Of Lightning?. Forked lightning. Yes there are actually many kinds of lightning: high altitude lightning, St. Elmo’s fire, heat lightning, sheet lightning, and forked lightning. There are also very rare kinds of lightning:

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L ightning

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  1. Lightning By Charlie G

  2. Are There Different Kinds Of Lightning? Forked lightning • Yes there are actually many kinds of lightning: high altitude lightning, St. Elmo’s fire, heat lightning, sheet lightning, and forked lightning. There are also very rare kinds of lightning: • Blue jets, red sprites, green thunder, and ball lightning. St. Elmo's fire

  3. What Is Lightning Made Of? Sheet lightning • Lightning is a large discharge of electricity.  During a thunder storm, cumulonimbus clouds charge for reasons that aren't well understood.  Anytime an object gains a net charge, it will try to become more neutral.  For instance, when you drag your feet across carpet on a dry day, you pick up electrons from the carpet that distribute themselves over your body, giving you a negative charge.  If you then touch a piece of uncharged metal, such as a doorknob, the electrons jump to the metal and you'll feel a shock.  A cloud can build up a static charge as well.  When there is a great enough difference in charge between the cloud and its surroundings, the cloud discharges a lightning bolt. Green thunder

  4. When Does Lightning Strike? Forked lightning Lightning usually strikes during the summer or when it’s hot. it does not strike in deserts because there is no water to absorb to help form the lightning, plus, lightning needs a positive source of energy to shoot down to.

  5. Why Does Lightning Occur? Blue jets • Lightning is a negative source of energy. The only way it strikes ground or a person is if they’re carrying or wearing a positive source of energy, such as: jewelry, or diamonds. These two subjects would trigger lightning because they are positive sources of energy.

  6. How Does Lightning Form? • Lightning forms like a big electric ball inside a cloud. It uses water molecules to get bigger and bigger until the lightning finds a positive source of energy to shoot to or down to it. The damage to a person could leave large scars or instant death. Red sprites

  7. Can Lightning Be used As A Source Of Energy? • Yes lightning can be used as a source of energy, but, it’s extremely powerful to humans. One touch of lightning could kill you. It could be used as a source of energy but it’s expensive and almost never available (except when lightning strikes.) High altitude lightning

  8. Fun fact • One day my family and I went to my dad’s motorcycle race in western Michigan. We traveled in our car for a couple of hours and finally we reached the race track. It was pouring rain. The creek by the race track was over flowing. So, we went in a shelter and stayed there until the storm stopped. But, there was an electric box by the shelter, and then lightning came shooting down and it hit the electric box. There was a terrible crashing noise and apparently I was sitting on a metal chair and I instantly felt shock. Luckily for me I don’t have any scars or wounds.

  9. CoolPicturesOfLightning

  10. Sources • http://www.centennialofflight.gov/2003FF/lightning/types.html • http://weather-meteorology.factoidz.com/why-lightning-strikes/ • Google Images

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