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Ashe. "Take a good look. It's the last you're going to get!". Stats.
Ashe "Take a good look. It's the last you're going to get!"
Stats • Health: 438 (+79 / lvl)Mana: 200 (+27 / lvl)Attack Damage: 46 (+3 / lvl)Attack Speed: 0.66 (+.02 / lvl)Armor: 12 (+4 / lvl)Dodge: 0HP Regen: 1 per 1 secondMP Regen: 1 per 1 secondSpell Damage: 0Crit Chance: 4% (+.5 / lvl)[/FONT]Range: 600Movement Speed: 300
First ability • FROST SHOT • - This ability toggles on and off by pressing "Q". When you activate it, your normal attacks will shoot frost arrows which cost mana but slow the target by certain percentage, increasing as you level the skill up (Capping at 38% slow by level 5). When using this skill, it is wise to only use it on champions when needed. It does drain mana, so using it on creeps or unnecessary occasions is bad. The key is mana conservation with Ashe early on.
Second Ability • VOLLEY - Volley simply sprays 5 arrows in a cone shape wherever you target it. The range is decently long, and the cooldown is very short at level 5. One very important thing about this spell is that it adds your Frost Shot effect to whichever level it is, so when chasing people it's an easy way to slow them if they get out of your line of sight. Early on in the game when laning, you want to make sure that you hit a champion as well. Keeping your lane opponents low on HP with volley from level 1-5 is a must if you want to kill them (Which is a great idea), because once you hit six your ultimate makes that part easy. • Quote:
Third Ability • PLENTIFUL BOUNTY - This ability follows the description easy enough. Whenever you last hit a creep, you gain extra gold. The ability caps at 7 extra gold at level 5. Honestly, you want to build into this ability very cautiously. Wait until you see who you're facing in your lane before choosing between the two valid combinations: Volley + Frost Shot, or Volley + Plentiful Bounty. Using your own judgment, if the lane seems like you'll need to play very aggressively, don't get this ability. It is purely a farming passive and if you're too busy harassing your lane opponents, there's simply no point.
Ultimate • ENCHANTED CRYSTAL ARROW - Possibly being Ashe's most fun spell, it comes with a few perks. This spell shoots an arrow with infinite range across the entire map until it hits an enemy champion. It avoids creeps and neutrals, so don't worry about it hitting them and ruining your shot. Upon impact it deals AoE damage to nearby champions and stuns the target for an amount of seconds. This spell can be difficult to get used, but is similar to aiming Priestess of the Moon's arrow in DotA, so if you're familiar with that, have fun. Aiming this monster of an arrow requires some logical thinking. Where is your target going to be by the time the arrow hits? Will hitting your target allow for his death? Do you have the mana to follow up with a kill? Think about all of these before shooting. A lot of first-timers underestimate this puppy's speed. The arrow moves very fast, and will probably take some getting-used-to before you can make a proper hit from a long range.
My build • 1 - Boots of Swiftness [1050g]2 - The Black Cleaver [3065g]3 - The Blood thirster [3200g]4 - Infinity Edge [4080g]5 - Phantom Dancer [3395g]6 - Guardian Angel [2250g]
Tips • When your team is pushing stay at the back as Ashe is a ranged champion • Hide in the bushes and don’t be afraid to run into a turrent (if the opponent has low health) for a easy kill • Hit the enemy with ashe’s Ultimate when they have half there health so you stun them and get that easy kill
Master Yi “My Blade is yours”
Stats • Damage 55.12 (+3.1 / per level) • Health 444 (+86 / per level) • Mana 199 (+36 / per level) • Move Speed 330 • Armor 16.3 (+3.7 / per level) • Spell Block 30 (+1.25 / per level) • Health Regen 1.35 (+0.13 / per level) • Mana Regen 0.8 (+0.05 / per level)
First ability • Alpha Strike • Master Yi leaps across the battlefield striking up to 4 enemies, dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+1) magic damage to each enemy with a 20/30/40/50/60% chance to deal 400 bonus magic damage to minions. • Cost 80/90/100/110/120 • Mana Range 600
Second ability • Meditate • Master Yi channels, restoring 140/280/420/560/700 (+1.65) health over 5 seconds. While channeling, Master Yi gains 100/150/200/250/300 armor and magic resistance. • Cost 70/85/100/115/130 Mana
Third Ability • Wuju Style • Master Yi becomes skilled in the art of Wuju, passively increasing the power of his physical attacks. Activating Wuju Style doubles the passive bonus damage for a short time, but the passive bonus is temporarily removed after the effect wears off.
Ultimate • Highlander • Master Yi moves with unparalleled agility, temporarily increasing Master Yi's movement and attack speeds as well as making him immune to all slowing effects. Additionally, killing a Champion refreshes all of Master Yi's cool downs.
My Build • 1) Madred's Razors (1000 g)2) Vampiric Scepter(450 g)3) Boots Of Swiftness(1050 g) 4) Phage(1290 g) 5) Zeal (1195 g)6)Infinity Edge (4080 g) 7) Phantom Dancer (3395 g)8) The Blood thirster (3200 g)
Tips • If you're in a lane against ranged players, leveling up Meditate can allow you to stay in the lane longer and gain levels faster than they will. • Wuju Style is very strong early for last hitting minions. • Try using Alpha Strike on a minion in front of an enemy champion so you are placed at a safe distance at the end of the spell. • As Master Yi is fast with low mana try not to use all your mana to kill as you can get back doored and then get slain • Get clarity for mana and heal for killing the champs when they run passed turrents
Kog Maw • "Time to feast!"
Stats • Damage 46 (+3 / per level) • Health 440 (+84 / per level) • Mana 255 (+40 / per level) • Move Speed 310 • Armor 10 (+3.5 / per level) • Spell Block 30 • Health Regen 1 (+0.11 / per level) • Mana Regen 1 (+0.1 / per level)
First Ability • Caustic Spittle • Kog'Maw launches a corrosive projectile which deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.7) magic damage and reduces the target's armor by 5/10/15/20/25. • Cost 60/60/60/60/60 Mana Range 625
Second Ability • Bio-Arcane Barrage • Kog'Maw's attacks gain 130/160/190/220/250 range and deal an additional 2/3/4/5/6% (+0.01)% of the target's maximum Health as Magic Damage (Max: 100 Damage vs Monsters). Lasts 6 seconds
Third Ability • Void Ooze • Kog'Maw launches ooze which deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.7) magic damage to enemies it passes through.Additionally, it leaves a trail which slows enemies by 28/36/44/52/60% for 4 seconds.
Ultimate • Living Artillery • Kog'Maw fires artillery from a great distance. After a short delay, the artillery falls dealing 80/120/160 (+0.3) magic damage and reveals targets for 4 seconds (deals 150% bonus damage to Champions).
Tips • When playing as Kog try to focus on turrents not champions • If a champion is in the bush just Use Void Ooze to set up a perfect Living artillery to slain the champion if this fails don’t go for the kill over turrents • Enemy champs will come back with half there health so then is your chance to get a kill.