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Social and Behavioural Perspective on Male Circumcision

Social and Behavioural Perspective on Male Circumcision. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Centre for Communication Programmes. Countries where CCP is working in Sub-Saharan Africa. Theoretical Approach to Social and Behavioural Communication.

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Social and Behavioural Perspective on Male Circumcision

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  1. Social and Behavioural Perspective on Male Circumcision Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Centre for Communication Programmes

  2. Countries where CCP is working in Sub-Saharan Africa

  3. Theoretical Approach to Social and Behavioural Communication

  4. The Strategic Communication P-Process

  5. Supporting Critical Thinking on MC & Communication • Globally: UNAIDS Communication Framework for MC. • South Africa: Working with SANAC Communication Task Team and NDOH to integrate social and Behavioural Change Comms as part of the National Policy. • Uganda: Developed and launched a national communication strategy to guide dissemination of info on MC. Conducted national mapping of all health facilities performing MC

  6. Analysis: Formative Research • Literature Reviews: • Uganda & South Africa: Literature reviews on male sexual and reproductive health including Male Circumcision. • South Africa: Qualitative and quantitative research to look at issues Male Circumcision.

  7. Strategic Communication • Campaigns on male norms and values underway in Uganda, Zambia, Malawi and planned in South Africa. • No mass media efforts owing to lack of services - but foundation is there! • Focus is primarily on the use of interpersonal communication & radio.

  8. Tools and Resources on MC • Uganda: • Brochure Developed on Male Circumcision. • Module developed as part of Be A Man Campaign on Male Circumcision targeting men 15 - 24. • Booklet for health workers on FAQ on MC • Zambia: • Handbook on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Men - “What every Man Should Know” with a chapter on MC. • Developing a film on Male Sexual and Reproductive Health with a focus on Male Circumcision.

  9. Tools and Resources • South Africa: • Brothers for Life Manual under development targeting adult men 30+ • Footballers for Life - targeting professional footballers have integrated information on MC. • CHMT Treatment Literacy and Prevention Toolkit targeting Community Health Workers updated to reflect latest evidence on Male Circumcision. • Mindset Health: Material developed for Professional Health Care Workers on Male Circumcision.

  10. Looking Ahead • Need to scale up interpersonal efforts to address perceptions regarding male circumcision. • Platforms are in place to scale up mass media messages on Male Circumcision through existing campaigns targeting men. • Possible to start with various mass media interventions in particular focusing on behavioural dis-inhibition.

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