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ASA(ALT)/AAE Perspective

ASA(ALT)/AAE Perspective. FORCE PROJECTION SYMPOSIUM IV “Deploying the Objective Force”. The Honorable Claude M. Bolton, Jr. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and Army Acquisition Executive May 6, 2003. Trivia Question. What Was the Name of the

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ASA(ALT)/AAE Perspective

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  1. ASA(ALT)/AAE Perspective FORCE PROJECTION SYMPOSIUM IV “Deploying the Objective Force” The Honorable Claude M. Bolton, Jr. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and Army Acquisition Executive May 6, 2003

  2. Trivia Question What Was the Name of the First Army Vessel?

  3. The Answer The Hannah

  4. Transforming the Way Soldiers Fight

  5. The Stryker Success Story

  6. Future Combat Systems (FCS) Development  Manned Systems Unmanned Payloads Unattended Ground Sensors(157) Unattended Munitions -NLOS LS (24) -Intelligent Munitions System*  Unmanned Aerial System Class III/IVa (56) Class I (54) Class II* Tube-launched Small UAV Class IVb*** TUAV  Unmanned Ground Vehicles Infantry Carrier Veh.(84) Cmd & Control Veh.(49) Small UGV (81) ARV-Assault* ARV-Recon* MULE (54) ARV-A (Light) (18) Reconnaissance and Surveillance(30) Mounted Combat System(60) Medical Treatment, Evacuation(29) FCS Maintenance and Recovery Veh.** NLOS Cannon(18) NLOS Mortar(24) * Spiral Forward ** Increment II *** UE Total UA Platforms: 294 Manned+453 Unmanned =747 Total UA WT: <10 K STONS Derived From: FCS ORD, 14 Apr 03 (Change 3) Total Personnel: 2,540

  7. FY00-03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15-18 PB04 Program Funding FY05-09 Research, Development & Acquisition $20.5B Enabling Technologies $3.1B FCS Schedule and Funding Initial Production Decision Initial Operational Capability Full Operational Capability B System Development & Demo System Integr System Demo Deployment Initial Production Concept & Tech Dev Production & Deployment Lead Systems Integrator (LSI) Award Full Rate Production Decision Review Interim Progress Review Critical Design Review Preliminary Design Review 6.2/6.3/6.4 6.4/6.5 6.4/6.5/6.7/Procurement Mission Needs Statement Achieves IOC FY10 and FOC FY12 Operations & Organization Operational Requirements Document

  8. FCS Key Performance Parameters • Joint Interoperability • Networked Battle Command • Networked Lethality • Transportability • Sustainability/Reliability • Training • Survivability

  9. FCS Key Performance Parameters Transportability Threshold: The FCS Family of Systems (FoS) must be transportable worldwide by air, sea, highway and rail modes to support inter-theater strategic deployment and intra-theater operational maneuver.

  10. Logistics Transformation Enhance strategic mobility/deployability Optimize the logistics footprint Reduce cost of support while maintaining warfighting capability and readiness

  11. Reduced Logistics Footprint, especially Fuel and Water, is Key to Achieving Goal Strategic Mobility/Deployability 1 Brigade Ports of Embarkation 96 Hours 1 Division 120 Hours Joint/Coalition Area Of Operations Ports of Debarkation 30 Days 5 Divisions

  12. Operational Distribution Vision Precision Extended Glide Aerial Delivery System (PEGASYS) Theater Support Vessel (TSV)

  13. Tactical Distribution Vision Future Tactical Truck System (FTTS) Sustainment Modules

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