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Future NASA High Spatial Resolution Missions Relevant to Volcanology Informal discussion notes for Tuesday evening meeting of the IAVCEI Remote Sensing Commission Meeting, IUGG Perugia Dave Pieri, JPL. Current NASA High Spatial Resolution Missions Relevant to Volcanology.
Future NASA High Spatial Resolution Missions Relevant to VolcanologyInformal discussion notes for Tuesday evening meeting of the IAVCEI Remote Sensing Commission Meeting,IUGG PerugiaDave Pieri, JPL
Current NASA High Spatial Resolution Missions Relevant to Volcanology • ASTER (with METI Japan) • Terra spacecraft nominal • ASTER SWIR bands 4-9 are suffering from inefficient focal plane cooling • Remedies have been tried with limited success • If not corrected, expect ASTER SWIR bands 5-9 will not function beyond another 4-6 months • ASTER TIR and VNIR bands are nominal • Landsat 5 and ETM + • Numerous anomalies summarized in Jim Irons’ slides • Limping along • EO-1 • ALI and Hyperion operating nominally(?) Let’s ask Ashley Davies for update?
Future Hi Spatial Resolution Missions Relevant to Volcanology • Landsat Continuity Mission—2012 launch • Current study contracts are let • No TIR envisioned because of $$ • Jim Irons, NASA GSFC Science Lead • HyspIRI-TIR—Potential 2012 launch, 36 month operation. • TIR component called for in US NRC Decadal Survey. • Still in nascent study phase. • Simon Hook, JPL, Science Lead
Status of theLandsat Data Continuity MissionIn-progress discussion slides provided by Jim Irons, NASA GSFCemphasis (red bold) provided by Dave Pieri, JPL
Revised Implementation Strategy • OSTP Director Marburger signed Dec. 23, 2005 memorandum with subject line, “Landsat Data Continuity Strategy Adjustment” • supercedes previous direction to fly Landsat sensors aboard NPOESS satellites (Aug. 04, 2004 memorandum) • Directs NASA to acquire free-flyer spacecraft • Assigns DOI / USGS the responsibility for operating the spacecraft • States goal of developing “a long-term plan to achieve, technical, financial, and managerial stability for operational land imaging”
Decadal Survey • Executive Summary states: • “Recommendation: NASA should ensure continuity of measurements of precipitation and land cover by: • Launching GPM in or before 2012. • Securing replacement to Landsat 7 data before 2012.” • The Decadal Survey, pre-publication copy released Jan. 12, recommends in Chapter 6, Human Health and Security: • “Implement an effective Landsat 7 follow-on program including a slightly enhanced reflective channel selection and an effective thermal band selection”
LDCM Instrument Schedule • Jan. 09, 2007 - NASA released request for proposals (RFP) for an Operational Land Imager (OLI) • Proposals were due on Feb. 23 • Evaluations are in progress • The RFP did NOT include a thermal imaging option • July 2007 - OLI contract award expected
Thermal InfraRed Sensor (TIRS) • The OLI RFP does NOT include an option for a TIRS • Despite a heritage of thermal imaging from Landsat satellites, the LDCM currently carries no requirements for thermal imaging • The LDCM budget does not currently include funding for a TIRS • The community of people that use fine scale thermal imagery from the current Landsat satellites are proactively calling for the continuation of thermal imaging from the LDCM • For example, the National Research Council’s Decadal Survey Panel received a letter (Sept. 14, 2006) signed by 117 water managers and scientists: • “The accuracy of Landsat-scale TIR evapotranspiration (ET) estimates has improved to the point that consumptive use and water rights can be reliably monitored from space at the scale of a single irrigation system.” • Addition of a TIRS to the LDCM payload is still under consideration by NASA HQ
Landsat thermal data are now used operationally to monitor water consumption on a field-by-field basis in the U.S. West and internationally Development of operational energy-balanced-based evapotranspiration models SEBAL METRIC Research to Operations Using 120 m Landsat 5 Thermal Data Courtesy of Richard Allen, Kimberly Research and Extension Center, University of Idaho • Water rights regulation and administration are critically tied to identification and quantification of water consumption on a field-by-field basis - Allen, R.G. “The Need to Continue High Resolution Thermal Imagery …” • Typical irrigated field sizes in the U.S. range from 180 m to 750 m on a side • Quantification of water use from Landsat using thermal data is the only way to independently and consistently measure water use on a field-by-field basis - Morse, A., and R.G. Allen. “Water and the Critical Need for a Thermal Band on Landsat”
!! Thermal Data Continuity Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Earth System Data Record (LSTE-ESDR) Table from S. Hook
Draft LDCM Thermal Requirements • 120 m spatial requirement derived from trade between irrigated field size and the maturity of detector technology • Sufficient to resolve most center-pivot irrigation fields in U.S. West - typically 400 to 800 m in diameter (see poster by Ryan et al.,) • Thermal data user survey by Rick Allen, U. of Idaho, supports 120 m requirement • Landsat 4 & 5 TM’s provided 120 m thermal images for single thermal band • Landsat 7 ETM+ provided 60 m thermal images for single thermal band • The two bands enable atmospheric correction for accurate surface temperatures
LDCM Spacecraft Schedule • April 30, 2007 - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Rapid Spacecraft Development Office (RSDO) awarded contracts to four commercial spacecraft providers for the LDCM Spacecraft Accommodation Study • Four-month study contracts awarded to Ball Aerospace Technologies Corporation, General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Orbital Sciences Corporation, and Space Systems/Loral • A "Request for Offer" to implement the spacecraft is planned for release in the fall to select the contractor who will build the spacecraft and integrate the instrument payload Target Launch Date July, 2011
Landsat Science Team • USGS convened the first meeting of the USGS-sponsored science team for Jan. 09 - 11 at USGS EROS in Sioux Falls, SD • Co-chaired by the USGS Landsat Project Scientist, Tom Loveland, and the NASA LDCM Project Scientist, Jim Irons • USGS selected 17 science team members in Oct. • 8 funded PI’s from academia and private industry • 6 unfunded civil servant PI’s and 3 unfunded international PI’s • Team selected Curtis Woodcock, Boston U., as Team Leader • Curtis signed and sent the thermal imaging letter to NASA Administrator and USGS Director on behalf of Science Team • Second meeting convened June 12 - 14 in Corvallis, Oregon
Landsat 7 Mission Status • Spacecraft • Gyro 3 Failure (Shut down May 5, 2004) • Flight Operations team implemented software gyro • Working additional improvements for software gyro • Other Spacecraft Issues (non-critical) • Solid State Recorder – 4 memory boards • Electrical Power Subsystem – shunt #14 and shunt #6 • Fuel Line Thermostat • ETM+ • Scan Line Corrector Failure (May 31, 2003) • Continue to operate with SLC off; no impacts to radiometric or geometric performance • Expect to release Segment-based Fill product in Feb, 2007 • Bumper Mode Operations (April 01, 2007) • The ETM+ began imaging in an alternate mirror-scanning control mode • Landsat 5 TM has collected data in bumper mode for 5 years with no significant impact on data quality
Landsat 7 Spacecraft Status • ETM+ • 5/31/2003 SLC Failure • 2007 likely end of SAM Mode • Attitude Control System • 05/05/2004 Gyro 3 Shut Off • Solar Array • 5/14/2002 EPS Circuit #14 Failure • 5/16/2005 EPS Circuit # 6 Failure • (Each circuit represents 1/16 of capability, 12/16 needed) • Solid State Recorder • 11/15/1999 SSR PWA #23 Loss • 02/11/2001 SSR PWA #12 Loss • 12/07/2005 SSR PWA #02 Loss • 08/02/2006 SSR PWA #13 Loss • (Each PWA is 4% loss of capacity, likely recoverable) • Reaction Control System • 1/7/04 Fuel line #4 thermostat #1a failure. • 2/24/05 Fuel line #4 thermostat #1b failure • 705 Km altitude • Circular/Polar Orbit • Launched April 15, 1999 Gimbaled X-band Antennas(04/26/2000 GXA/ETM+ Interaction discovered)
Landsat 5 Mission Status • Spacecraft • Solar Array Drive Malfunction • Fixed array operations – Aug 2006 • X-band Transmission (March 2006) • Power spikes associated with TWTA (Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier) • New turn on procedure to avoid spikes • TM • Functioning normally in bumper-mode
HIGH GAIN ANTENNA • 8/85 Transmitter A failure • GPS ANTENNA • Not Operational • MULTI-SPECTRAL SCANNER • 8/95 Band 4 failure COMM & DATA HANDLING MODULE Transmitter A failure OMNI ANTENNAS • ACS MODULE • 07/03 FHST#1 Degradation • Skew wheel tack anomaly 10/92 • 11/92 Earth Sensor 1 failure • 02/02 Earth Sensor 2 failure • Intermittent operations possible • SOLAR ARRAY DRIVE / PANELS • 01/05 Primary Solar Array Drive failure • 11/05 Redundant Solar Array Drive Malfunction • 08/06 Transitioned to Fixed Array Operations COARSE SUN SENSORS • PROPULSION MODULE • 3/84 Primary Thruster D failure • POWER MODULE • 05/04 Battery 1 failure / Removed from power circuits • WIDEBAND COMM. MODULE • 07/88 Ku-band TWTA Prime failure (OCP) • 07/92 Ku-band TWTA Redundant failure (OCP) • 08/87 X-band TWTA Prime failure (OCP) • 03/06 X-band TWTA Redundant Anomaly X-BAND ANTENNA • THEMATIC MAPPER • 10/94 Power Supply 1 stuck switch • 06/02 TM switched to bumper mode • DIRECT ACCESS S-BAND • 03/94 Side A FWD Power Sensor failure Landsat-5 Flight Segment Overview
U.S.G.S. EROS Landsat Archive Overview(Marketable Scenes through September 25, 2006) • ETM+: Landsat 7 • 654,932 scenes • 608TB RCC and L0Ra Data • Archive grows by 260GB Daily • TM: Landsat 4 & Landsat 5 • 671,646 scenes • 336TB of RCC and L0Ra Data • Archive Grows by 40GB Daily • MSS: Landsat 1 through 5 • 641,555 scenes • 14TB of Data Archive reached 2 million scenes on Feb. 20, 2007
Pilot Project: Web Enabled Standard ETM+ Product • The USGS is posting Level 1Gt (orthorectified, radiometrically corrected) Landsat 7 ETM+ scences on an FTP site for downloading at no cost as a pilot project • Available via the USGS Global Visualization Viewer • URL: http://glovis.usgs.gov/ • Information at URL: http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=1676 • Pilot Datasets • US only – includes Alaska and Hawaii • L7 ETM+ SLC-off only – 2003 to present (and ongoing) • < 10% cloud cover, 9 quality
HyspIRI Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner NASA Mission Concept StudyWorking Slides provided by Simon Hook, JPL(NASA Center Science Lead)Red emphasis added by Dave Pieri, JPL
HyspIRI Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner NASA Mission Concept Study Science Questions: Q1. Volcanoes: What are the changes in the behavior of active volcanoes? Can we quantify the amount of material released into the atmosphere by volcanoes and estimate its impact on Earth's climate? How can we help predict and mitigate volcanic hazards? Q2. Wildfires: What is the impact of global biomass burning on the terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere, and how is this impact changing over time? Q3. Urbanization: How does urbanization affect the local, regional and global environment? Can we characterize this effect to help mitigate its impact on human health and welfare? Q4. Water Use and Availability: As global freshwater supplies become increasingly limited, how can we better characterize trends in local and regional water use and moisture availability to help conserve this critical resource? Q5. Land surface composition and change: What is the composition and temperature of the exposed surface of the Earth? How do these factors change over time and affect land use and habitability? TIR Multispectral Scanner: 45.3kg / 41.9W Instrument cost (FY07$M ): 40-54M Schedule: 4 year phase A-D, 3 years operations All components have flown in space Andean volcano heats up Measurement: • 7 bands between 7-5-12 um and 1 band between 3-5 um • 45 m resolution, 5 days revisit • Global land and shallow water Urbanization Volcanoes Water Use and Availability Evapotransp. Surface Temp.
HyspIRI Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner NASA Mission Concept Study Measuring the surface temperature and emissivity of the Earth and how these parameters respond to natural and human-induced changes at the local, regional and global scale? Prepared by Mission Concept Study Lead: Francois Rogez/JPL NASA Center Science Lead: Simon Hook/JPL NASA Center Instrument Lead: Tom Pagano/JPL Science Working Group: Mike Abrams/JPL, Martha Anderson/USDA, James Crowley/USGS, Mariana Eneva/ImageAir, Louis Giglio/SSAI, Fred Kruse/Horizon GeoImaging, Dimitar Ousounov/GSFC, Anupma Prakash/UAF, Dale Quattrochi/MSFC, Vince Realmuto/JPL, David Roy/SDSU, Paul Silver/Carnegie Institution NASA HQ Science POC: John LaBrecque, Diane Wickland
Executive SummaryHyspIRI Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner NASA Mission Concept Study This mission provides the surface temperature and emissivity of the Earth at high spatial resolution (45m) and high temporal resolutions (weekly) for studies at the local, regional and global scale. These measurements will be used to address key science questions in five research areas: 1) Volcanoes, 2) Wildfires, 3) Urbanization, 4) Water Use and Availability, 5) Land Surface Composition and Change The science, measurements, and algorithms enabling this mission have been consistently demonstrated with spaceborne, airborne and ground experiments. The HyspIRI-TIR instrument and mission have high relevant heritage, moderate risk and modest cost. This mission addresses a set of compelling science questions that have been repeatedly identified as critical to science and society by independent assessments and scientific panels. Recent examples include: the NRC Decadal Survey, the 4th assessment of the IPCC and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005).
Scientific and Societal Context The National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey (2007) placed “critical priority” on a: • Mission to observe surface composition and thermal properties: Changes in mineralogical composition affect the optical reflectance spectrum of the surface, providing information on the distribution of geologic materials and also the condition and types of vegetation on the surface. Gasses from within the Earth, such as CO2 or SO2, are sensitive indicators of impending volcanic hazards, and plume ejecta themselves pose risk to aircraft and to those downwind. These gases also have distinctive spectra in the optical and near IR regions. • “A multispectral imager similar to ASTER is required in the thermal infrared region. For the thermal channels (5 bands in the 8-12 μm region), the requirements for volcano eruption prediction are high thermal sensitivity, on the order of 0.1 K, and a pixel size of less than 90 m. An opto-mechanical scanner, as opposed to a pushbroom scanner, would provide a wide swath of as much as 400 km at the required sensitivity and pixel size..”
Science Questions Overarching • Q1. Volcanoes • What are the changes in the behavior of active volcanoes? Can we quantify the amount of material released into the atmosphere by volcanoes and estimate its impact on Earth's climate? How can we help predict and mitigate volcanic hazards? • Q2. Wildfires • What is the impact of global biomass burning on the terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere, and how is this impact changing over time? • Q3. Urbanization • How does urbanization affect the local, regional and global environment? Can we characterize this effect to help mitigate its impact on human health and welfare? • Q4. Water Use and Availability • As global freshwater supplies become increasingly limited, how can we better characterize trends in local and regional water use and moisture availability to help conserve this critical resource? • Q5. Land surface composition and change • What is the composition and temperature of the exposed surface of the Earth? How do these factors change over time and affect land use and habitability?
Science Questions Topic Areas Q1. Volcanoes: • Do volcanoes signal impending eruptions through changes in surface temperature or gas emission rates and are such changes unique to specific types of eruptions? • What do changes in the rate of lava effusion tell us about the maximum lengths that lava flows can attain, the likely duration of lava flow-forming eruptions, and the sizes of magma chambers? • What are the impacts of volcanic gas emissions on local and regional atmospheric conditions, and the contributions of such emissions to the global budget of sulfate aerosols? • What are the characteristic dispersal patterns and residence times for volcanic ash clouds and how long do such clouds remain a threat to aviation? • What is the distribution of hydrothermally altered rocks and other structural/compositional features on volcanic edifices that are important to the prediction of debris flow hazards?
Science QuestionsSummary • A set of overarching science question have been defined • Q1. Volcanoes • What are the changes in the behavior of active volcanoes? Can we quantify the amount of material released into the atmosphere by volcanoes and estimate its impact on Earth's climate? How can we help predict and mitigate volcanic hazards? • Q2. Wildfires • What is the impact of global biomass burning on the terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere, and how is this impact changing over time? • Q3. Urbanization • How does urbanization affect the local, regional and global environment? Can we characterize this effect to help mitigate its impact on human health and welfare? • Q4. Water Use and Availability • As global freshwater supplies become increasingly limited, how can we better characterize trends in local and regional water use and moisture availability to help conserve this critical resource • Q5. Land surface composition and change • What is the composition and temperature of the exposed surface of the Earth? How do these factors change over time and affect land use and habitability? • Antecedent measurements and derived products have been shown as pathfinder examples to address the HyspIRI-TIR overarching and topic area science questions. • Each of these overarching questions has a set of detailed sub-questions which have been used to define the measurement requirements
Science Measurements Approach • Measure the global land and coastal/shallow water (> -50m). • 5 day equatorial revisit to generate monthly, seasonal and annual products. • 45 m spatial resolution • 7 bands between 7.5-12 µm and 1 band between 3-5 µm • 3-5 µm band saturates at 1100K • 7-12 µm bands saturate at 400K HyspIRI-TIR at 45 m
Mission Concept HyspIRI-TIR Overview Thermally Isolated & Controlled Optical Bench • Duration: 4 years implementation, 3 years science • Coverage: Global land and coast/shallow water every 5 days • Day and Night imaging (1 day and night image at a given location obtained every 5 days • Data download using dual-polarization X-band at high-latitude stations • Instrument: 67W, 100kg, 1.6X1.6X1 m • Spacecraft: LEO RSDO bus (SA-200HP) • Launch: Taurus-class launch vehicle. Cassegrain Telescope Blackbody (V-Groove) Scan Mirror Passive Radiator Sunshade Active Cryo- Cooler Electronics Module
HyspIRI-TIR Instrument Concept • Spatial • 623 km Orbit • 45 m IFOV, MTF = 0.2 @ fNy • Swath: 600 km (±25.5º), Paddle Mirror Scanner • Multispectral • 8 Bands • 3.9 – 12.7 mm • Dielectric Bandpass Filters • Radiometric • NEdT < 0.2K • 20 cm Aperture • Calibration • Full Aperture Blackbody • Chopper for Low Frequency Noise Heritage: MODIS, Landsat, M3
HyspIRI-TIR Improves upon ASTER and Landsat Observations Simple Design + Advanced Technology = Reduced Cost & Improved Performance Landsat IFOV = 120 m IR 1 Band NEdT = tbd K FOV = 185 km ASTER IFOV = 90 m IR 5 Bands NEdT = <0.3K FOV = 60 km HyspIRI-TIR IFOV = 45 m IR 8 Bands NEdT = 0.2 K FOV = 600 km
Spatial and Radiometric Performance Improvement Spatial (IFOV) NEdT (K) ASTER-TIR ETM+ HyspIRI-TIR
Mission ConceptInstrument Calibration • Every scan will be calibrated with a V-Groove design blackbody. • Once a month (fixed Moon phase), the spacecraft attitude will be adjusted during the eclipsed part of the orbit to make the Moon cross the instrument field-of-view. • Every month calibration data from a small number of continuously operating test sites will be acquired. • Periodically (few times per year, calibration data will be acquired from other sites of interest, e.g. hot targets. Blackbody B12 B10 B11 B13 B14 Onboard Calibration Lunar Calibration Ground Calibration
ProgrammaticSchedule Mission Schedule: 4 years implementation and 3 years on-orbit science • Method: • TeamX project schedule for a mission with new engineering but no new technology development. • Instrument schedule based on recent experience with M3.
Science MeasurementsKey SNR and Uniformity Requirements Hyperspectral Imager Required SNR Benchmark Radiances Backup Slide
Science MeasurementsSummary Measurement Characteristics Hyperspectral Imager Spectral Range 380 to 2500 nm in the solar reflected spectrum Sampling <= 10 nm {uniform over range} Response <= 10 nm (full-width-at-half-maximum) {uniform over range} Accuracy <0.5 nm Radiometric Range & Sampling 0 to 1.5 X max benchmark radiance, 14 bits measured Accuracy >95% absolute radiometric, 98% on-orbit reflectance, 99.5% stability Precision (NEdT) See spectral plots at benchmark radiances Linearity >99% characterized to 0.1 % Polarization <2% sensitivity, characterized to 0.5 % Scattered Light <1:200 characterized to 0.1% Spatial Range >145 km (12 degrees at 700 km altitude) Cross-Track Samples >2400 Sampling <=60 m Response <=60 m sampling (FWHM) Uniformity Spectral Cross-Track >95% cross-track uniformity {<0.5 nm min-max over swath} Spectral-IFOV-Variation >95% spectral IFOV uniformity {<5% variation over spectral range} Backup Slide
Dave’s Unofficial Conclusions • There exists community wide concern about the potential lack of continuity in the Landsat line… • Also expressions of concern (specifically from European colleagues) regarding lack of defined ASTER follow-on. • As yet there appears to be no strong commitment by NASA to advocate or provide provide instruments for cutting edge volcanological observations, despite the demonstrated utility and productivity of the Landsat mission line, and ASTER (and EO-1) missions in this area. Other disciplines requiring comparable data will also suffer. However, NASA response to NRC Decadal Survey is at least a step in the right direction. The overall NASA climate for new solid earth science or natural hazards missions, nevertheless, seems grim for now. • There may be a narrow window of opportunity (6 months or less?) for US and international colleagues (e.g., this Remote Sensing Commission) to at least weigh-in with NASA on the necessity for acquiring data relevant to volcanological science and natural hazards in general. • Opportunities to encourage multi-lateral mission initiatives? (Compelling and broad rationales required.)