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From The Persian War to the Golden Age to the Peloponnesian War

October 4, 2013. From The Persian War to the Golden Age to the Peloponnesian War. The Persian War. Started by Darius’ invasion at Marathon in 490 BCE following the Ionian Revolt Persian’s defeated Darius ill- dead Succeeded by Xerxes Xerxes mad about loss at Marathon = revenge!

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From The Persian War to the Golden Age to the Peloponnesian War

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  1. October 4, 2013 From The Persian War to the Golden Age to the Peloponnesian War

  2. The Persian War • Started by Darius’ invasion at Marathon in 490 BCE following the Ionian Revolt • Persian’s defeated • Darius ill- dead • Succeeded by Xerxes • Xerxes mad about loss at Marathon = revenge! • Raises massive army – 10,000 Immortals • Invades Greece

  3. Thermopylae (480 BCE) • To Athens! – Navy sails, Army walks • Foot-soldiers cut off at mountain pass • Greeks hold for 3 days • Strategy foiled by traitor • Xerxes and co. break through – march on Athens • In a rage, Xerxes orders Athens burned

  4. Thermopylae

  5. Salamis (480 BCE) • Xerxes pushes on, attacking the Greek navy near the Island of Salamis • Forced into narrow straits, the huge Persian navy jammed up & destroyed • 200 ships lost (Greeks: 40) • Xerxes executes captains – loses Phoenician and Egyptian support • TURNING POINT!

  6. Salamis

  7. Plataea (479 BCE) • Xerxes leaves for Sardin • General ignores oracles’ warning – attacks • Loses

  8. Game over, man… • The major defeat at Plataea sent the Persians back to Asia • Xerxes’ bribery & diplomacy fail • Persian threat: out – Greek influence: in • 2 Major outcomes: • Formation of the Delian League • Greece left alone to flourish

  9. Questions? • No? • To the Golden Age!

  10. Pericles (493-430 BCE) • Born to aristocratic parents • Fled from Athens during Persian War • First involvement in politics in 461 BCE • Considered the man of democracy • Very democratic • Patron of the arts • Builder of the Parthenon • Known for his incorruptibility and refusal to take bribes

  11. The Age of Pericles (460-429 BCE) • Expansion of the Athenian Empire • Peace treaty with Persia • Extended franchise • Believed all male citizens, regardless of wealth or status, should take part in government (Pure democracy) • Needed at least 6,000 men present to take a vote • Paid a salary to men holding political office or jury • Allowed the poor to participate “We alone, regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs, not as harmless, but as a useless character.” - Pericles What did they call the man who did not participate??

  12. The Parthenon • Construction began in 447 BCE • Completed in 432 BCE • Pericles insisted his countrymen support him in constructing a building whose magnificence, architectural genius, and sheer brilliance would reflect the prestige of imperial Athens: “All kinds of enterprises should be created which will provide an inspiration for every art, find employment for every hand... we must devote ourselves to acquiring things that will be the source of everlasting fame.”

  13. The Age of Pericles • Athens became a city of the arts • Theater • Theatre of Dionysus – a biannual competition between three playwrights • Tragedy, Comedy, and Satyr • Philosophy • Socrates • Plato • Art • Conveys the vitality of life and permanence

  14. Meanwhile…. • Elsewhere in Greece, Athens’ expansion and magnificence found less enthusiasm • Many within the Delian League upset that Athens used allied money to fund expansion and building projects • Sparta, with its xenophobic, militaristic values, resented Athenian dominance • Peloponnesian League • Sparta and other envious city-states create an alliance to counter the Delian League

  15. And………………..it’s gone. • Pericles and Athens aware of widespread distrust of Athenian expansion and glory • In 431 BCE, Pericles stood before the assembly attempting urge them into making a momentous decision: “If we go to war, as I think we must, be determined that we are not going to climb down. For it is from the greatest dangers that the greatest glories are to be won.” • The assembly responded with a declaration of war against Sparta and the Peloponnesian League • Thus begins the Peloponnesian War

  16. Questions? • No? • onWARd!

  17. Causes • Division of Greece into Delian and Peloponnesian Leagues • Treaties and Alliances • Aggression • Helot Revolt • Theban attack on Plataea

  18. The First War • Sparta forces the Athenians into Athens • Pericles’ “Long Walls” • Spartans burn country-side in Attica • Athens uses navy to attack Spartan coastal allies • 429 BCE - Plague kills 1/3 of Athenian population, including Pericles • 427 BCE – Spartans capture Plataea

  19. The First War • Athenian Ally – Lesbos – revolts • Spartan King, Archidamus, invades Attica again • Athens repels revolt and Spartan invasion • Sends fleet to Sicily • Athenians capture ~300 Spartans on island of Sphacteria • Build fort at Pylos to receive runaway slaves and helots

  20. End of First War • Spartans wreak havoc on Athen’s Aegean allies • Final battle at Amphipolis • Had been taken by Spartans • 2 important Spartan generals killed • Results in a treaty known as The Peace of Nicias

  21. Homework • Read your section of the Peloponnesian War – Part 2 • Summarize the section • Report out to group on Monday • 5 Sections = 3-5 person groups

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