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Ethnic Inequality

Ethnic Inequality. 3/1/2012. Learning Objectives. Critically analyze social problems by identifying value perspectives and applying concepts of sociology, political science, and economics;

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Ethnic Inequality

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  1. Ethnic Inequality 3/1/2012

  2. Learning Objectives • Critically analyze social problems by identifying value perspectives and applying concepts of sociology, political science, and economics; • Use knowledge and analyses of social problems to evaluate public policy, and to suggest policy alternatives, with special reference to questions of social justice, the common good, and public and individual responsibility.

  3. Opportunities to discuss course content • Today- 11-1 • Monday 10-2

  4. Readings Required Civil Rights (Chapter 11) Optional Racial and Ethnic Inequality (Chapter 3) Kendall

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  6. About Turnitin.com • It Checks your paper for plagiarism • Against the web • Against the other papers in the turnitin archive • Failure to use this results in a 5 point deduction from your paper

  7. Accessing Turnitin • Log into Blackboard • Go to the CULF 2321 Page • DO NOT GO TO TURNITIN.COM

  8. Click on Assignments Click on Assignments

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  10. Step 1 in Submitting the Paper • Fill out all the parts • You must have a title for your paper • Browse for your file • Choose Upload

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  12. Step 3 in Submitting the Paper • If you do it right, you will get the following message

  13. African Americans Still Lag in

  14. Income

  15. Health Care

  16. Education

  17. Public Policy and Hispanic Americans • Race vs. Ethnicity • Problems within the Hispanic Community

  18. Hispanics in America • 13.4% of the Population- the largest racial/ethnic minority group • One of the fastest growing groups

  19. The Largest Hispanic Groups in America

  20. Largest Groups • Puerto Rico • Mexico • Cuba

  21. Immigration- The Defining Issue for Hispanics • Sources of Immigration

  22. Current Immigration Policies • The U.S. accepts more immigrants than all other nations of the world combined • 1,000,000 per Year • We also have many people here illegally • Visa violations • False Documentation • Surreptitious crossings

  23. Immigration Policy • Legal Immigration • The end of quotas • Preferences for Family members and skilled persons • The ICRA • Illegal Immigration • No constitutional right to enter the US • Once you do, you are protected by the Constitution

  24. Immigration in the United States • 38 million foreign born Americans • Immigrants are 12% of the population • Estimated 10-15 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

  25. Immigrants in America Today

  26. Country of Origin- Legal immigration

  27. Country of Origin- Illegal immigration

  28. Why People Come to the USA • Economic Opportunity • The American Dream • This is a reason that immigration of all forms is down!

  29. Who is in charge of Immigration Policy? • The Federal Government sets the rules • States Bear the costs This causes animosity (e.g. Arizona)

  30. Policy Stalemate • This does not break down on party or ideological lines. • Business • High Tech • Ethnic and racial Groups • This makes reform difficult

  31. What to do? • Enforcing the Current Laws • Securing the Border • Comprehensive Immigration Reform

  32. Political Impact of Reform • Latino Voters are a political unknown • They have the potential to be a decisive block of voters • The Latino electorate currently favors the Democratic Party

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