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ABC Gender Project. Dirty Sexy Money and Private Practice. Veronica Monteyro, Jon Vasquez, Steven Jambard Greenwood/Block 4 ABC Gender Project September 19, 2008. Dirty Sexy Money.
ABC Gender Project Dirty Sexy Money and Private Practice Veronica Monteyro, Jon Vasquez, Steven Jambard Greenwood/Block 4 ABC Gender Project September 19, 2008
Dirty Sexy Money After attorney Nick George’s father dies, Nick ends up taking his most prominent client – the Darling family. The Darlings are a high class Manhattan family, with a whole lot of character. In this series, the Darlings find themselves in ruts more often than not, and it is Nick’s job to make sure things do not get too out of hand. All while having to do this, Nick investigates on the possible murder of his father.
Private Practice Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery has recently transferred to Oceanside Wellness Group in Santa Barbara, CA from her exclusive NICU at Seattle grace hospital. She comes to California to start a new life, after recently divorcing her husband and striving to have a happier life. At Oceanside, she reunites with two medical school classmates, Dr. Naomi and Sam Bennett – who are also the founders of the holistic private practice. At Oceanside, she meets many young, intelligent doctors much like herself. Her new life is much different from her former, and the series shows her time adjusting.
Dirty Sexy Money Main idea = men are dominant, and make the money PROOF: Tripp Darling is compared to John D. Rockefeller; has own successful business, is extremely wealthy, and well-known. Eldest son, Patrick Darling is running in the 2008 Senate for New York; very intelligent and wealthy on own and through family. Simon Elder, a nemesis of the Darlings, but is also self-wealthy and dominating in NYC. Darling women are also very popular, but only for the money that their father/husband had provided with them. Women in this show are just used for their sex. None of the women have weaved off into their own wealthy practice, mostly dependent on family money. Eldest daughter, Karen Darling has been married three times, but has discovered that all of her husbands have only been with her for her family’s money. Juliet Darling, is the only one that tries to make a name for herself by becoming an actress. Even this does not work out for her well, because her father secretly pays for her to be cast into shows. One thing in common for all the characters: they have prosperous, complex lives. Private Practice Main idea = Women are mostly dominant, and can command the men PROOF: Addison had been chief in charge, of the NICU at Seattle Peace Hospital before transferring to California. Addison is a board certified OB/GYN specializing in maternal-fetal medicine, she is also a gifted pediatric surgeon specifically for neo-natal and fetal surgery. Addison is the only OB/GYN for Oceanside, so she is in charge of all deliveries. William “Dell” Parker, is a midwife in training at Oceanside. Dell was not taken seriously, but instead as a young, surfer boy who didn’t know what he was doing. Eventually, he had become somewhat of an assistant to the doctors, especially Dr. Montgomery. Dr. Cooper Freedman has relationship troubles, and is unable to handle older women. He prefers internet dating because women intimidate him. After the death of his wife, Peter Wilder, has become distant from most women. His wife, Anna, had a large impact on his life. Even while they were married they did not get along, and since then has had trouble with women and he has been described as “unable to emotionally connect with women”. Male vs. Female
The target market of Dirty Sexy Money would be from late teens to late twenties for both male and female. Ever since Generation Y had began in roughly 1982, the more of its “products” became attracted to exactly what Dirty Sexy Money is – drugs, money, power, and sex. Being able to actually watch it on television, was a great privilege for those who would have normally just read about it. The target market is most definitely important to distinguish so that ABC knows exactly where to market its show. If ABC was to advertise its show on a channel like, Food Network, people are less likely to watch it. But, if they were to advertise this show on a channel like VH1, VH1’s viewers fall into the demographics of what Dirty Sexy Money is searching for in its own viewers. Target MarketDirty Sexy Money
The target market of Private Practice would be varying ages from 14 years old to even 60 years old. Private Practice is a spin-off of the hit show, Grey’s Anatomy, so most Private Practice’s viewers are the same as those from Grey’s Anatomy. The show is changing its storylines so its viewers can actually relate to some of the emergencies the script entails. The show targets its viewers to be mostly female, but still is able to attract the male gender. Being a spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy, is a huge help towards picking and choosing Private Practice’s viewers. It is very important that ABC had done this, because it automatically attracts Grey’s Anatomy fans to Private Practice. Target MarketPrivate Practice
Supporting the idea that viewers want more, “drugs, money, power, sex”: “The second season of Dirty Sexy Money promises to be dirtier and sexier than last year, which is certainly a step in the right direction.” – The New York Observer At some point last season, the creators of "Dirty Sexy Money" looked at their ratings and decided they were not fully exploiting the best show title on television. Apparently, viewers didn't find the money dirty or sexy enough. So this year it will roll in the mud and pull off more clothes.” – New York Daily News “More of everything. What can Dirty Sexy Money do to recapture momentum ? ‘It needs to be dirtier. It needs to be sexier,”’star Peter Krause said.” – Northwest Arkansas News Source Supporting the idea that Dirty Sexy Money characters are “prosperous and complex”: “The great F. Scott Fitzgerald was correct: The rich are indeed different from normal people - and not just because they have more money. The very wealthy also lead complicated lives, at least on television” – Globe and Mail “The Darlings of New York’s Upper East Side are absurdly wealthy, but always getting mixed up with the wrong people and finding themselves in the middle of bad situations.- Star Pulse Dirty Sexy Money Quotes
Private Practice Quotes Supporting that Private Practice’s show is just like that of Grey’s Anatomy: “Like "Grey's Anatomy," "Private Practice" features an ensemble cast of doctors whose personal lives are often far messier than their professional ones. They have affairs with one another and struggle with love as they overcome tough medical challenges and the financial realities of keeping their medical co-op alive.” –The Canadian Press “And as for "Private Practice," months of time off have done little to improve the train-wrecky quality of virtually every scene of this "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off.” – TV Barn Supporting that Private Practice’s next season is going to show more day-to-day and ethical problems: “’This season we're homing in on really making it a show that the stories tell more of the ethical dilemmas that our doctors have to face," Rhimes said. "There is surgery in it because Addison is a surgeon, and she gets back to doing that, but there's also just very high stakes in terms of the sort of medicine of people's everyday lives that raise questions - 'What would you do if you were in that situation?,' things that cause debate and conflict and are very interesting.’ said Shonda Rhimes.” - Star News Online
ABC Television Network The ABC Television Network is a subsidiary of the famous, Walt Disney Company. ABC’s own subsidiaries include: ABC Daytime, ABC Entertainment, ABC News, ABC Family, and SOAPNet. 80% of ESPN is also owned by ABC and is an indirect subsidiary to the Walt Disney Company.
Sources http://abc.go.com/primetime/dirtysexymoney/index?pn=bios#t=character http://abc.go.com/primetime/privatepractice/index?pn=about http://abc.go.com/primetime/privatepractice/index?pn=bios#t=character http://blogs.kansascity.com/tvbarn/2008/09/friday-night-li.html http://blogs.marquettetribune.org/marquee/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/24_dirtysexymoney.jpg http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5izSlZj_5y69pYiWT7cj3rl1GoltA http://www.chiquitele.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/dirty_sexy_money-logo.jpg http://corporate.disney.go.com/corporate/overview.html http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/5728/privatepractice12116rb2.jpg http://www.oberlin.edu/stupub/ocreview/2006/12/08/features/Understanding_Generation_Y.html http://www.observer.com/2008/arts-culture/week-dvr-4 http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20080929/ARTICLES/809290323/-1/ENTERTAINMENT&title=_Practice__makes_perfect http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080926.wryan26/BNStory/Entertainment http://www.tv.com/private-practice/show/72805/summary.html?q=private%20practice&tag=search_results;title;1 http://www.tv.com/search.php?qs=dirty+sexy+money&type=11&stype=all&tag=search%3Bbutton http://www.tvguide.com/images/pgimg/private-practice16.jpg