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Web Service Project (.NET)

Web Service Project (.NET). Dr. Dante Ciolfi ( chawl fee). Overview. Materials required Create a Web Forms site Expose a Web service – temperature converter Create a data consumer for above service Adjustments to code provided by Visual Studio. Materials required.

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Web Service Project (.NET)

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  1. Web Service Project (.NET) Dr. Dante Ciolfi (chawl fee)

  2. Overview • Materials required • Create a Web Forms site • Expose a Web service – temperature converter • Create a data consumer for above service • Adjustments to code provided by Visual Studio

  3. Materials required • Visual Studio 2013 (2012 may work) • File named code.txt

  4. Create a Web Forms site • Create a ASP.NET Web Forms site (VB) called TempConvert • Add item: TempConvert.asmx • TempConvert.asmx: add code: Imports System.Web • Add reference to project: Debug > TempConvert Properties > add System Web

  5. Expose a Web service • Add code to TempConvert.asmx.vb (see code.txt)

  6. Create a data consumer for above service • Add item: WebForm1.aspx (with WebForm1.aspx.vb) • Add code to above file (use code.txt)

  7. Adjustments to code provided by Visual Studio • TempConvert.asmx.vb: • Change Namespace reference: instead of “uri”, use tempconvert + your initials, e.g., tempconvertdc.org (a unique name is needed here) • WebForm1.aspx: • Value of action attribute: use file name and function, e.g., ‘TempConvert.asmx/FahrenheitToCelsius’ • WebForm1.aspx.vb: • rURL line: use complete address, e.g., http://localhost:17388/TempConvert.asmx (hint: run your app to check the port) • Button1.CommitTransaction (use CommitTransaction, not Click) • Error: “Handles clause requires a WithEvents…”: place the following code above Protected Sub Button1_Click…: Public WithEvents Button1 As UserControl

  8. Summary • Materials required • Create a Web Forms site • Expose a Web service – temperature converter • Create a data consumer for above service • Adjustments to code provided by Visual Studio

  9. Credits Resources: (accessed 11/11/2013) ----------------------- Web service example: http://wwwht.w3schools.com/webservices/ws_example.asp Redirect to a URL via VB: http://www.infopathdev.com/forums/p/11646/41098.aspx Handles clause requires a WithEvents...: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/45889a1c-b14e-45ba-99e1-ee87c8b1facd/handles-clause-requires-a-withevents-variable-defined-in-the-containing-type-or-one-of-its-base?forum=vbgeneral

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