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Bringing Different Cultures Together. « Towards the dialogue of all cultures, creating a unique international network of young talents». Hélène Mairesse, Deputy Director, Renault Foundation Eduard Trushkin, Executive Assistant, CSR Dpt. RENAULT FOUNDATION.
Bringing Different Cultures Together « Towards the dialogue of all cultures, creating a unique international network of young talents» Hélène Mairesse, Deputy Director, Renault Foundation Eduard Trushkin, Executive Assistant, CSR Dpt
RENAULT FOUNDATION To promote dialogue between cultures To forge links between the company and grandes écoles* and universities with a view to promoting multicultural management To identify talented young individuals who will take on responsibilities in global companies in the future To bring together these managers of tomorrow in a unique international network. *prestigious higher education institutions with competitive entrance examinations
RENAULT FOUNDATION IN BRIEF • 60 students per year with different nationalities • 430 students since 2001 – among them, 35 Russian students • Study programmes • Study programmes and living expenses in Paris entirely financed by Renault Foundation with a professional internship • - MBA Dauphine Sorbonne Renault • (IAE Sorbonne and University of Paris Dauphine) • Masters ParisTech Fondation Renault «Transport and sustainable development» • (Polytechnique, Ecole des Ponts and Ecole des Mines) • Renault Polytechnique HECChair • Multicultural management and corporate performances • A strategic partnership with ParisTech Launching of a research/ study program on Electric Vehicle • 10 countries • Brazil, South Korea, France, India, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, • Morocco, Romania, Russia
RENAULT FOUNDATION PARTNERS French partners University of Paris-Dauphine University of Paris1 - Pantheon Sorbonne IAE of Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne ParisTech Grandes Ecoles : HEC, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Ponts, Mines ParisTech, Chimie ParisTech, ESPCI ParisTech, Telecom ParisTech, AgroParisTech, ENSAM, ENSTA Foreign participants Indian Institutes : IIT Chennai, IIM Ahmedabad Japanese universities : Hokkaido, Tohoku, Keio, Sophia, TokyoTech, Tokyo, Hitotsubashi, Meiji, Waseda, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kyushu Korean universities : SNU, Kaist, Postech Brazilian universities : Escola Politecnica USP & UTFPR (Parana) Iranian university : University of Tehran Russian university : Bauman Moscow state Technical university Romanian university : University Politehnica of Bucharest Moroccan university : “Ecole Mohammadia d’ingénieurs” in Rabat Lebanese university: Saint- Joseph University Beirut
Timeline 2010-2011 (subject to modification) 2010 August 31st: Arrival of students MBA, Master TraDD et Master MVE 1,2,3 september: Getting to know Renault 4-19 september: study trip in Europe, including language courses 20Sept: beginning of stuidies Master Tradd et MVE Common for all prog MBA 2011 Internship MBA Internship Masters TraDD et EV MBA - 1er april: start of internship MBA – 30 july End of a 4-month internship and graduation Mid-december: end of internship (5,5 months) and graduation Master Tradd & MVE -1er juillet début du stage
THE RENAULT FOUNDATION FULLY FUNDS ITS SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS’ STUDY YEAR IN FRANCE The funding covers the following costs: 1 - Monthly grant of 1,050 euros 2 - Return trip between country of origin and Paris 3 - Enrolment in the French Grande Ecole 4 - Tuition in the French Grande Ecole 5 - Study trip to find out about Europe’s economy, culture and language (transport, accommodation, guides, speakers, etc.) 6 - Private health insurance 7 - House-hunting for one person. Students pay their monthly rent out of the grant they receive
MBA Dauphine-Sorbonne-Renault The persons in charge of the program Dauphine University Sorbonne University Renault Foundation Pr Pierre Romelaer Pr Pierre-Yves Lagroue Thierry Currivand
MBA DAUPHINE-SORBONNE-RENAULT 11-month programme focused on the international aspects of management, backed up by original research expertise and Renault partnership . Courses covering all management aspects: accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, information systems, production management, organization and strategy Courses on the environnement of the manager: european economies and cultures, intercultural management, global simulation and working in groups Professional project in general with Renault, professional and academic tutors assigned International groups of students (Japan, South Corea, Brazil, Iran, Russia, India, Marocco)
Application requirements Candidates must have a degree validating 4 years of studies. Candidates may come from various areas (engineering, natural sciences, law, economics….). The program is aimed at growing future international managers ( maturity, motivation, ability to work in an international environment, leadership and team work, professional project in line with the program, capacity to work hard…) Initial professional experience. Candidates may even already be working in companies. Mandatory: a good command of French language. Candidates are interviewed in French The program leads to high-level careers in international companies and organizations Job with managerial responsibilities in various functions (marketing, finance, logistics, project management, cost control…) Recruitments in Local , International and French companies MBA Management International Dauphine Sorbonne Renault
Masters ParisTech-Renault Foundation “Transport and Sustainable Development” The persons in charge of the program Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Fondation Renault Pr Emeric FORTIN Marie-Laure Le Naire
Masters “Transport and Sustainable Development” • National Masters Degree since 2004 • Academic Partnership: 3 ParisTech « Grandes écoles » : Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Mines ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique • International dimension: • 10 nationalities represented in the 6th class • Integration transport problems specific to the emerging markets • Intercultural Groups • A real interaction with the professional world: • Professionals giving classes • Steering Committee Renault, World Bank, EDF…) • 6-month Internship • Study trips to the companies
Global Objectives: To train high-level engineers in the area of transport To learn to mobilize the knowledge (engineering, economics, environmental sciences) and the technical skills (modelisation, institutional analysis, management) to link transport issues to sustainable development dynamics To practice inter-cultural management Pedagogical Objectives: To specify sustainable development concept, particularly, with regards to transport To identify and forecast basic driving forces in the area of mobility To study exploitation and functioning systems of each transport mode to identify their respective relevancy areas To analyse technological outlook and solutions that allow to improve transport systems efficiency and to reduce their negative external effects To present different tools to implement previously identified solutions and work on fine tuning of organisational, behavioural and technical solutions OBJECTIVES
Leading operators of terrestrial transport Transport equipment and car companies Logistics companies Service providers (urban transport authorities, vehicle hire firms, shared taxis, transport companies and travel agencies) International organisations: World Bank, OECD, IEA, EU, UNEP… National, regional and municipal authorities Consultancies on national and regional development, territorial planning and transport infrastructure management CAREER PROSPECTS
Application requirements Having a Bachelor degree Having a basic scientific education: Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering chemical engineering, electric and electronic engineering … Economics Geography, urbanism Duration: 16 months Housing: Paris International University Campus Location: Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Mines ParisTech and Ecole Polytechnique Practical information
Selection process Interview Professors and Renault Foundation Admission Letter Pre-selection by foreign universities Registration www.fondation.renault.com Start N September-October N-1 November N-1
RENAULT FOUNDATION’ ALUMNI BY SECTORS Automotive industry Academics* Various sectors** Counsels Cosmetic / Luxury Publicity / Communication Master students Looking for a job Bank / Finance Architecture / Urbanism Public Sector Business Professionals Computer science / Telecommunication Électronics * Professors, teachers and PHD ** R&D, Transport, Agri business.