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The Arab-Israeli Conflict

The Arab-Israeli Conflict. 1945-1979. Introduction: the postwar situation. Zionist organizations supported GB: the Jewish Brigade in Rome. I- The postwar era. A- The UN vote of the Partition of Palestine and the Civil War B- The Declaration of Independence and the War of Independence

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The Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1945-1979

  2. Introduction: the postwar situation Zionist organizations supported GB: the Jewish Brigade in Rome

  3. I- The postwar era A- The UN vote of the Partition of Palestine and the Civil War B- The Declaration of Independence and the War of Independence C- The beginning of a long crisis: the Arab refugees

  4. The Zionists resumed their fight against the British presence in Palestine: terrorist bombing of the King David’s Hotel (1946), Britain’s headquarter

  5. 1945: Creation of the Arab League, in Egypt: their only point of agreement is to prevent the creation of a Jewish state

  6. A decisive problem exploited by the USSR: the Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) in postwar Europe

  7. DPs camps in Europe and refugees trying to find family members

  8. The Exodus: Holocaust refugees forced back to Germany by GB; others sent to Cyprus detention camps

  9. Nov. 29th 1947: the UN General Assembly voted the Partition of Palestine

  10. Fawzi al-Kaukji Abd al-Kader al-Huseini

  11. The Civil War: Nov. 30th 1947 to May 14th 1948 The DeirYassin massacre, Apr. 9th 1948, by the Irgun

  12. Israel’s Declaration of Independence: May 15th 1948

  13. David Ben Gurion: Prime Minister and Min. of Defense Moshe Shertok / Sharett: Foreign Minister

  14. War of Independence, May 15th 1948 - Jan. 17th 1948

  15. Israel’s victory: the armistice lines of Jan.-Feb. 1949 Israel, 1949-1967

  16. Israel’s paranoia: a geographic explanation

  17. The refugee crisis: the Arab Naqba (catastrophe)

  18. II- The 1950s: from missed opportunities to the Suez Crisis A- The aftermath of the War of Independence: between hopes and turmoil B- The Suez Crisis Oct. 30th - Nov. 7th 1956: Arab-Israeli war, decolonization war, or proxy to the Cold War? C- 1958 upheavals and the US-USSR reassessment of the Middle East

  19. Refugees settled in camps in neighboring countries

  20. King Adbullah of Jordan assassinated: July 1951

  21. Nasser and the Free Officers

  22. The Baghdad Pact: a Middle Eastern version of NATO

  23. Nasser’s provocations: rapprochement with the USSR

  24. The Sinai Campaign, Oct. 30th – Nov. 7th 1956

  25. III- The 1960s: from missed opportunities to the Six-Day War A- The “Arab Cold War”: inter-Arab rivalries B- The road to war: the Jordan waters dispute, the Fedayeen’s raids and the Israeli retaliations C- The Six-Day War and its aftermath

  26. The Arab Cold War: revolutionary Pan-Arabism vs. traditional conservative dynasties

  27. Main weapons in the 1960s in the Arab-Israeli conflict: French Mirage and Soviet MiG

  28. 1964: the PLO is created 1963: the Cairo conference

  29. Prime Minster Levy Eshkol after he resigned from the Defense Ministry, with his replacement Moshe Dayan

  30. The Six-Day War: surprise attack and conquest of the Sinai June 5th-8th

  31. The Six-Day War: the Jordanian front, June 5th to 7th

  32. The Six-Day War: the Syrian front, June 9thto 10th

  33. The Khartoum Arab summit, Sept. 1967: the 3 NOs

  34. IV- The October War and the Israeli Egyptian Peace Treaty A- The War of Attrition B- The emergence of a Palestinian resistance: Black September, 1970 C- The surprise attack of October 1973 and its aftermath: the Camp David accords, 1979

  35. Nasser hands over the Palestinian question to Arafat

  36. Black September, 1970: Jordanian strikes on the PLO

  37. Black September, 1970

  38. Nasser reconciled Arafat and King Hussein

  39. Nasser’s funerals

  40. Anwar al-Sadat succeeded to Nasser

  41. The October War

  42. Carter’s shuttle diplomacy at Camp David

  43. The first Arab-Israeli peace accords, March 1979, Washington DC

  44. Sadat’s assassination

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