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Chapter Twenty-Five: Light. 25.1 Properties of Light 25.2 Color and Vision 25.3 Optics. 25.1 Properties of light. Light travels fast over long distances and carries energy and information.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Light • 25.1 Properties of Light • 25.2 Color and Vision • 25.3 Optics
25.1 Properties of light • Light travels fast over long distances and carries energy and information. • Light travels in straight lines, but can be bent by lenses or reflected by mirrors heat and warmth. • Light has color and can be bright or dim.
The electromagnetic spectrum • Light, like sound and heat, is a form of energy. • The visible lightwe see is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Page 604
The Electromagnetic Spectrum • Visible light is a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Page 604 Properties of light • You see book pages because light in the room reflectsfrom the page to your eyes. • Your eyes and brain use the informationcarried by the light to make a mental picture.
Light is produced by atoms • Most light is produced by atoms. • When you put some energy intothe atom, it excites the atom’s electrons. • Light is produced when the electron releasesthis energy. Page 605
Page 605 Incandescent light • Making light with heatis called incandescence. • Atoms in the filament convert electrical energy to heatand then to light. • Incandescent bulbs are inefficient, but their waste heat can be useful.
Page 606 Fluorescent light • To make light, fluorescent bulbs use high-voltage electricityto energize atoms of gas in the bulb. • These atoms release the electrical energy directly as light (not heat), in a process called fluorescence.
Page 606 Color and energy • When all the colors of the rainbow are combined, we see light withoutany color. • We call the combination of all colors white light.
Page 606 Color and energy • Compare the hot, blue flame from a gas stove to the orange flame of a match. • The light from a gas flame is blue (high energy) and the light from a match is red-orange (low energy).
25.1 The speed of light • The speed at which light travels through air is about 300 millionmeters per second. • The speed of light is so important in physics that it is given its own symbol, a lower case “c”. Page 607
Page 607 25.1 Speed of light • The speed at which electromagnetic waves travel through air is about 300 million meters per second. • The speed of light is so fast that when lightning strikes a few miles away, we hear the thunder afterwe see the lightning.
Wavelength & Frequency of Light • Because the wavelength of light is so small, scientists measure it in nanometers. • One nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter (0.000000001 m). Page 608
Wavelength and Frequency of Light • One THz is one trillion Hz. • 1,000,000,000,000 Hz Page 608
What kind of wave is light? • A sound wave is a oscillation of air. • A water wave is an oscillation of the surfaceof water. • An oscillation of electricityor magnetismcreates electromagnetic waves. Page 609
Electromagnetic waves • If you could shake the magnet up and down 450 trilliontimes per second, you would make waves of red light with a frequency of about 450 THz. Page 609
Electromagnetic spectrum • The entire range of electromagnetic waves, including all possible frequencies, is called the electromagnetic spectrum. • This spectrum includes visible light and invisible waves: • radiowave • microwaves • infrared light • ultraviolet light • X-rays • gamma rays Page 610
Electromagnetic spectrum Page 610
The human eye • The eye is the sensory organ used for vision. • The retina contains light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors. • Photoreceptors convert light into nerveimpulses that travel through the optic nerve to the visual cortex of the brain.
Photoreceptors • The human eye has two types of photoreceptors: conesand rods. • Cones respond to color and rods respond to the intensityof light. • Rod cells “see” black, white, and shades of gray.
How we see color • Our eyes work according to an additive color process • 3 photoreceptors (red, green, and blue) in the eye operate together so that we see millions of different colors.
Cone Cells • There are three types of cone cells. • One type responds best to low-energy (red) light. • Another type responds best to medium-energy (green) light. • The third type responds best to higher-energy (blue) light.
Cones • If there is a strong red signal and a weak green signal, we see orange. • If the brain gets a signal from only a green cone, we see green. • All of the light is still there. We just see orange.
The Additive Primary Colors • They're called primary because any color can be made from a suitable combination of red, green, and blue.
An object appears the color it reflects! White object Black object Red object Green object
Reflection • An object is the color of the light reflected. • Red reflects red light.
Reflection • Blue reflects blue light.
Reflection • Blue light on a red object.
White light • Illuminated by whitelight (a mixture of all colors) all parts of the girl's clothing show their colors because each reflectsits own part of the spectrum.
Red Light • Illuminated only by red light, the girl's red top shows up red because it reflects redlight. Other clothing absorbs red light, so reflects nothing (and therefore looks black)
Complementary Colors • Red + Green = Yellow • Red + Blue = Magenta • Green + blue = Cyan • (Red + Green) + Blue = White • Colors which combine to produce white are said to be complementary. • Therefore, yellow and blue are complementary colors. Additive Color Mixing (mixing of light)
25.2 Making an RGB color image • A television makes different colors by lighting red, green, and blue pixels in different proportions. • Color images in TVs and computers are based on the RGB color model.
RedGreen WhiteBlue • TV’s • Computer screen • Spot lights
25.2 Subtractive color process • A blue shirt looks blue because it reflectsblue light into your eyes. • Chemicals known as pigmentsin the dyes and paints absorb some colors and reflect other colors.
25.2 The CMYK color process • The subtractive color process is often called CMYK for the four pigments it uses. • CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.
The CMYK color process • The full color image is a combination of all four images!
25.2 Why plants are green • Plants absorb energy from light and convert it to chemical energy in process called photosynthesis. • Chlorophyll is the main pigment of plants absorbsred and blue light and reflects green light.
25.2 Why plants are green • Plants must reflectsome light to avoid absorbing too much energy. • A plant will dieif placed under only green light!