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BEFORE THE BELL: Do these items before the bell, not when you feel inspired, not when you are done socializing….NOW Get out your dating questionnaire. (Your answers + Your Parents’ answers need to be stapled together.) If you turned in your questionnaire early, grab it from the basket.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BEFORE THE BELL: • Do these items before the bell, not when you feel inspired, not when you are done socializing….NOW • Get out your dating questionnaire. (Your answers + Your Parents’ answers need to be stapled together.) If you turned in your questionnaire early, grab it from the basket. • 2. Open Seating: Please fill in the front section of desks first. If they are not filled when I walk in the room, you earn a seating chart. Please sit next to someone that will not tempt you to talk. Dating

  2. Dating

  3. BEFORE THE BELL: • Do this before the bell, not when you feel inspired, not when you are done socializing….NOW • Turn in your dating questionnaire to the basket. • Grab your journal • Get out your wkbk, pg. 122 Dating

  4. Journal 1. What are dating limits? 2. What qualities would you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend? (List 3-4)

  5. Peer Relationships Your relationships with both boys and girls may be changing. Some teens become interested in spending more time with people they find attractive. Not all young teens share these feelings of attraction. -They might be shy/uncomfortable around others of the opposite gender without the support of a group of friends. -They might have other interests such as sports, clubs, hobbies. -Family customs and values may influence with whom a teen is permitted to spend time. Pg. 122

  6. Individual Dating Eventually you may begin to develop an interest in one person. Here are some examples of traits to look for in a dating partner: -respect -responsibility -trustworthiness -reliability -caring -fairness Pg. 122

  7. Setting Limits Setting limits protects you from risky or unhealthy behavior. Limits are important when it comes to dating. As a teen, you need limits on the kinds of people you date, the places you go, your activities, and even the transportation you take. Here are some guidelines for setting limits: -Plan ahead. -Avoid risky situations. Pg. 122

  8. Practicing Abstinence You’ve learned that abstinence means not participating in high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity. Responsible teens abstain from sexual activity before marriage. Practicing sexual abstinence shows that you respect your health and the health of others. Exercise self-control by setting limits, planning ahead, and avoiding risky situations. Pg. 123

  9. Showing Affection Here are some ways to be close to someone and show affection without being sexually active: -Listen to each other’s problems. -Give or get a hug. -Study together at the kitchen table. -Go for a walk and hold hands. -Do something nice for each other. -Put affectionate notes in each other’s locker or books. Pg. 123

  10. Reasons to Practice Abstinence -Respect for self and others. -Respect for the beliefs and values of their parents and other family members. -Avoiding Possible Consequences Pg. 123

  11. Respect for Self and Others Teens who practice sexual abstinence gain self-respect – the positive feeling you have about yourself when you live up to your beliefs and values. We learn our beliefs and values from our families, through religion, and in school. Teens also may decide on abstinence to show respect for the beliefs and values of their parents and other family members. Pg. 123

  12. Avoiding Possible Consequences Sexual activity among teens is likely to have several consequences, any of which may have a serious and long-lasting impact on a teen’s life. These include: -Unplanned pregnancy. -Sexually transmitted infections (STIs). -Emotional trauma. Pg. 124

  13. Other Rewards Abstinence from sexual activity provides teens with many rewards. Here are just a few of the many benefits of deciding to be sexually abstinent: -Self-respect. -Time for personal growth. -Healthy relationships. Pg. 124

  14. Journal Reflect on your dating homework assignment. • Were there any questions that you and your parents disagreed on? Why? • Were there any questions that you and your parents agreed on? Why? • Why is it important to set limits before dating? If you did not complete your dating questionnaire, tell me in 3 sentences how you are going to fix that problem and then answer # 3.

  15. Dating

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