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Lecture eight

Lecture eight. Dar Al Arqam and Negotiations with the Muslims. Who won? Sumayyah or Abu Jahl ?. Who won, the Muslims being tortured, or the disbelievers of Quraysh ?. True that some died like Sumayya ….

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Lecture eight

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  1. Lecture eight Dar Al Arqam and Negotiations with the Muslims

  2. Who won? Sumayyah or Abu Jahl? Who won, the Muslims being tortured, or the disbelievers of Quraysh?

  3. True that some died like Sumayya… But her belief was too strong for Abu Jah to co-exist with –so he had to get rid of her. It was the only way—not “co-exist but eradicate and replace” This might sound cheesy today—but truth always prevails, and evil is always short lived—truth and falsehood are like 2 currencies.

  4. The fake one circulates in the market for a while, eventually its fakeness surfaces. We must educate our children that truth and goodness always win at the end—bedtime stories are extremely important to solidify Allah’s justice on earth.

  5. We always should hang on to … TRUTH and HONESTY—in everything? If we cheat as students, we continue for the rest of our lives to be like the “fake currency.” If we steal to get rich, and become millionaires, for the rest of our lives we live like the “fake currency.” Media that circulates lies, is like a fake currency. It circulates, but eventually the truth surfaces.

  6. We should always hang onto the truth… Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an in Surat Al Ra’ad (Thunder) "He sends down water from the skies, and the channels flow, each according to its measure: But the torrent bears away to foam that mounts up to the surface. Even so, from that (ore) which they heat in the fire, to make ornaments or utensils therewith, there is a scum likewise. Thus doth Allah (by parables) show forth Truth and Vanity. For the scum disappears like forth cast out; while that which is for the good of mankind remains on the earth. Thus doth Allah set forth parables. (13:17)

  7. In the end, truth always prevails . . . Pay close attention to this important concept; all that is good and benefits people always lasts on earth. Observe history, it teaches us that no matter how for how long you win, selfish intentions and personal interests bring about your end, while goodness survives to rule.

  8. Isn’t this the picture today . . . It is imperative to note that although the companions were the ones being tortured, they were calm and composed. Meanwhile, the non-believers were perverse and vicious.

  9. We are in year 6 . . . What did the Prophet (SAWS) do to lift his companions’ spirits? Many of the companions were humiliated, tortured, or witnessed the murder of a beloved family member—Ammaribn Yasser, Uthman bin Affan . . .

  10. Solution . . . . The Prophet (saw) introduced a ground-breaking and incredibly innovative concept . . .

  11. Support Group & Training course . . . He conducted a training course for the companions to strengthen their faith, lift their spirit, encourage unity, provide a safe haven to turn to, and to give them much needed moral support.

  12. Dar Al ArqamIbnAbi Al Arqam Was the training centre for Muslims in Makkah for three years. Over 1400 years ago, Muslims started this innovative approach of support groups and training sessions to handle their situation—today we have the same concept, don’t we? AA etc.

  13. why conduct the training sessions in the 17-year-old Al-Arqam’s house? Prophet (saws) selected Al-Arqam’s house for Quraysh would have never suspected it, due to the Al-Arqam’s young age—if it was done in one of the giants in the Ummah like the Prophet or Abu Bakrthey would easily be sought out. We don’t know much about Al-Arqam except that he gave his house for Islam!

  14. Unique location of Arqam’s house It was constructed in the middle of Al-Arqam’s own tribe, which offered the Muslims protection. Breaking into it, would mean facing the whole of Al-Arqam’s tribe.

  15. Participants excelled . . . Main products of these training sessions were its MEMBERS! Quality Muslims. These companions were the ones who ultimately excelled, especially during the battle of Hunayn when many deserted the Prophet (saw).

  16. A comprehensive training course . . In it the Prophet (saw) taught values that included: • building team spirit—to learn to work as a team • brotherhood and sisterhood—to genuinely feel that they are so [the rich and poor, different classes, tribes, color etc. ] • loving one another for the sake of Allah—not for favors or personal interests. • purifying one’s heart

  17. more . . . 5) striving to be close to Allah (SWT)—learning about Allah. 6) loving one’s land and community—to do good no matter whay. 7) and gaining a better understanding of world affairs.

  18. Lessons derived from Qur’anic revelations Team spirit was encouraged in Surat Al-AsrAllah (SWT) says, " By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. " (103: 1-3)

  19. Awareness of world affairs Promoted in SuratAr-Rum (The Romans) where Allah (SWT) says, "Alif, Lam, Mîm. The Roman Empire has been defeated- In a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious- Within a few years. With Allah is the Decision, in the past and in the Future: on that Day shall the Believers rejoice- " (30: 1-4).

  20. Establishing a solid connection to Allah… (purifying one’s heart promoted in Surat Al-Anaam (The Cattle) where Allah (SWT) says, " With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read). " (6: 59).

  21. Love of their land, and be patient . . . Avoid calls of revenge in SuratHud that illustrates the stories of the prophets and what they had to go through stressing the importance of patience and endurance.

  22. Love of land and humankind . . . Moreover, Surat Yusuf (Joseph) that describes how Prophet Yusuf (AS) was wrongfully imprisoned, yet how he agreed to help those who imprisoned him for the sake of his land and people. We should try to learn from Prophet Yusuf (AS) who did not seek revenge or retribution when he had a chance to.

  23. Qur’an should continue to inspire you • Qur’an should light your path—it is a guidance • You should learn from the lessons embedded in the ayahs. • its message never expires with time—it should always inspire you.

  24. What do we know about Al-Arqam? • Do we know anything about him, except for his house? • Was there anything else mentioned about him? • What else did he do? • What was he good at? • Was he a military leader? • Was he a scholar? At the time of the training course Ibn-Al-Arqam was only 17 and he lived until the time of UthmanIbn-Affan—long life. He was an arrow that was shot and hit the target.

  25. What was unique about him? Nothing, but his house. He offered his house and donated it for Islam that made him unique.

  26. Out of gratitude . . . when the Prophet (saw) immigrated from Makkah to Madinah he bought a house for Al-Arqam there—the other companions stayed with other people. Prophet (saw) stayed in a tent.

  27. What to offer to your community, to Islam, to your people, to humankind? Al-Arqam had nothing else to offer but his house, and he did. What about you? Being actively involved in your community should not be limited to charity work. It can also extend to participating in the revival of the Ummah through excelling in science, technology, media, science, and education—doing well in school, having good manners etc.

  28. Al Arqam found pleasure in giving . . . It extends your life to that of every life that benefits from your benevolence—when you give you live on in others . . . your meter is running even when you are gone!

  29. Today, idea of Dar Al Arqam . . . Is indeed an example that should be followed today to guide the young to new horizons—good idea for how to have our youth spend their summers. Should be taken into consideration for youth centers, summer camps, youth Islamic centers . . .

  30. Surat AL Mutaffifin is revealed • This is an interesting timing, and one cannot help but wonder what this Surah has to do with the current situation of Muslims. • This Surah speaks of fair trade and cheating in commerce where Allah (SWT) says, “Woe to those that deal in fraud,- Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.” (83: 1-3)—HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY!

  31. Is a way of life . . . Allah (SWT) is sending a message that development and revival are not only through worship and prayer. Islam’s message is to fix everything in the society through a comprehensive viewpoint that offers wide-ranging remedies for ailments plaguing nations and communities.

  32. Quraysh is suffering from ideological starvation . . . Despite Quraysh’s desperate attempts to stop the spread of Islam, the number of Muslims kept increasing –now about 300. Furthermore, the fact that Muslims were gaining strength filled Qurayshwith frustrations—so more plans are devised.

  33. So, their plan was . . . New maneuver consisting of: • negotiations, • temptations, • and bargaining . . .

  34. People differ in tolerance . . . 1)Some people can withstand torture when struggling for their beliefs, but cannot stand strong against temptations—money, privilege, popularity, fame etc. 2) Some are easily confused and jaded in negotiations and lose track of what they should hang on to—esp. when they don’t have firm principles.

  35. They were the best of the best . . . Allah (SWT) tested the companions in all sorts of trials; torture, bargaining, and temptations. Why? To see how dedicated they can be. They actually remained steadfast to pave the way for their personal success and for that of their great nation.

  36. Quraysh is ideologically bankrupt… Battle of wills: • Qurayshtheir bargaining partner is supposedly strong, yet broke in essence for they have no ideology to enrich them. • Muslims, on the other hand, are supposedly the weak party, though they are actually rich with their belief.

  37. Quraysh tried bargaining with Abu-Taleb Prophet’s (saw) uncle and strongest ally. Some of them then went to see him once more taking with them a youth called ‘Amarah bin Al-Waleed bin Al-Mugheerah, and said, "O Abu Talib! we have brought you a smart boy still in the bloom of his youth, to make use of his mind and strength and take him as your son in exchange for your nephew, who has run counter to your religion, brought about social discord, found fault with your way of life, so that we kill him and rid you of his endless troubles; just man for man."

  38. Abu Talib replies . . . Abu Talib’s reply was, "It is really an unfair bargain. You give me your son to bring him up and I give you my son to kill him! By Allah , it is something incredible!!"

  39. Their reasoning . . . Al-Mut‘im bin ‘Adi, a member of the delegation, interrupted saying that Quraish had been fair in that bargain because "they meant only to rid you of that source of hateful trouble, but as I see you are determined to refuse their favors." Abu Talib, of course, turned down all their offers and challenged them to do whatever they pleased.

  40. Abu Taleb speaks to the Prophet … Asks Aqeel to summon the Prophet (saw). Abu Taleb said, "Save yourself and I, and do not ask of me what I cannot handle".

  41. What was the Prophet’s response? The Prophet (saws) firmly told him, "By Allah, if they put the sun on my right and the moon on my left to leave this matter, I would not, until Allah shows me otherwise or I die trying for its sake“ [this is a week narration] A stronger narration is? Meaning is the same though.

  42. To non-muslim families . . . Although Abu-Talebnever became a Muslim himself, he was very supportive and committed. If you have a family member defending the truth, would you do what Abu-Taleb did and be there for him? We are lacking this! Hence many of our new Muslims suffer a lot after accepting Islam . . .

  43. Qurayshnegotiates with Prophet (saws) The leaders of Quraysh chose to send ’UtbahIbn-Rabee’ah to the Prophet where he usually was, by al-K’aba. Note here how the Prophet (saws) was actively present and involved in society, and not hiding or avoiding public life.

  44. UtbahIbn-Rabee’ah • praising his lineage. • confessed that Islam has caused division in their community. • he offered money, prestige, power, or marriage to the prettiest girl in Makkah, if that was what the prophet could was aiming for by his message. • He also offered him medical insurance for whatever ailment the Prophet (saws) was suffering from that was making him propagate this new belief.

  45. Prophet’s manners . . . During the negotiations, the Prophet (saws) was extremely polite and civilized. He listened to what ’Utbah had to say patiently, without getting offended by his offers. If you want to be heard, then listen first.

  46. Before he started, Prophet (saw) asked Are you done? Will you hear from me? Then he read to him verses from SuratFussilat (Expounded) where Allah (SWT) says, "Ha, Mîm.. A successive sending down from The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. A Book whose ayat(signs) have been expounded, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know, Bearing good tidings and a warning; yet most of them veered away, so they do not hear. And they have said, “Our hearts are under lids from what you call us to, and in our ears is an obstruction, and between us and you is a curtain; so do (according to your belief); surely we are doing (according to ours).”

  47. Say, “Surely I am only a mortal like you. To me it is revealed that your God is only One God; so go straight to Him, and ask for His forgiveness; and woe to the associators, Who do not bring the Zakat, (i.e., pay the poor-dues) and they are the ones (who are) disbelievers in the Hereafter. Surely the ones who have believed and done deeds of righteousness will have a reward bountifully unfailing.”

  48. Say, “Is it true that indeed you surely disbelieve in (The One) Who created the earth in two days, and do you set up compeers to Him?” That is The Lord of the worlds. And He made therein anchorages (i.e., mountains) from above it, and He blessed it, and determined therein its nourishments in four days, equal to the questioners. Thereafter He leveled Himself (How He did so is beyond human understanding) to the heaven (while) it was smoke then said to it and to the earth, “Come up

  49. willingly (Or: in obedience ) or unwillingly!” They (both) said, “We come up willingly.” So He decreed them as seven heavens in two days, and He revealed in every heaven its Command. And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and (set Angels) preserving them. That is the determining of The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Knowing. Yet in case they veer away, then say, “I warn you of a (stunning) thunderbolt like to the (stunning) thunderbolt of Aad and Thamû‍d" (41:1-13).

  50. Utbah was terrified . . . As the Prophet (saws) was finishing the last of the ayahs ’Utbah put his hand to the Prophet’s mouth out of true fear that what the ayahs were promising will take place as he was profoundly moved by the ayahs.

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