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Advancing JESSICA in Poland an overview of the implementation Magdalena Piotrowska

Advancing JESSICA in Poland an overview of the implementation Magdalena Piotrowska Ministry of Regional Development Sofia, 5th June 2012. Poland - main beneficiary of EU structural funds – 20% of allocation within cohesion policy (EUR 67 bln)

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Advancing JESSICA in Poland an overview of the implementation Magdalena Piotrowska

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  1. Advancing JESSICA in Poland an overview of the implementation Magdalena Piotrowska Ministry of Regional Development Sofia, 5th June 2012

  2. Poland - main beneficiary of EU structural funds – 20% of allocation within cohesion policy (EUR 67 bln) The support of endogenic development of regions based on decentralised system of implementation of structural funds – 16 operational programmes Opportunities and challanges for Poland and Regions 2007-2013

  3. OP Innovative Economy OP Technical Assistance OP Human Capital Programmes of the European Territorial Cooperation Objective 16 Regional Operational Programmes OP Development of Eastern Poland OP Infrastructure and Environment Structural Funds Programmes in Poland

  4. 16 Regional Operational Programmes EUR per inhabitant 570-751 510-570 478-510 413-478 356-413 ERDF allocation

  5. Division of ROP resources according to the areas of support Research, innovation, entrepreneurship (1-9) Information society (10-15) Transport (16-32) Energy (33-43) Enviromental Protection (44-54) Tuorism (55-57) Culture (58-60) Urban and Rural Regeneratin (61) Social Infrastructure (75-79) Technical Assistance (85-86)

  6. Institutional system 2007-2013 in Poland NSRF coordinationand programming managing authorities for 5 OP’s on the national level Ministry of Regional Development ROPCoordinating Authority (16 programmes) managing authorities for ROP’s (marshall offices) 16 voivodeship boards responsible for implementation of particular op priorities/ actions e.g. line ministers, special agencies intermediate body intermediate body II

  7. Joint venture of the EC, the EIB and the Council of European Development Bank The aim is to promote investments to ensuresustainabledevelopment in cities Goals: revitalisation of disadvantaged areas in cities and strengthening the regional innovation systems by reinforcing the potential of the institutions that support business enviroment Beneficiaries have access to suitable, repayable financial instruments but will not be able to obtain grants In Poland JESSICA is being implemented in 5 regions within their Regional Operational Programmes: wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie, śląskie, pomorskie and mazowieckie. In total, approximately 257 mlnEURwas allocated for the implementation of JESSICA JESSICA > Joint European Supportfor Sustainable Investment In City Areas

  8. Implementation of JESSICA initiative in Poland The division of resources in voivodships: - wielkopolskie 67 mln -zachodniopomorskie 33 mln -pomorskie 57 mln -śląskie 60 mln -mazowieckie 40 mln In total: 257 mln euro

  9. JESSICA in WielkopolskaVoivodship

  10. JESSICA in WielkopolskaVoivodship

  11. Potential investors: local authorities, municipal companies, private investors, public-private partnerships, NGOs, etc. Loan conditions: preferential loans of durability maximum 20 years grace period - 4 years loan interest rate is set on the basis of the reference rate of the National Bank of Poland reduced by revitalisation index no fees from investors required JESSICA in WielkopolskaVoivodship

  12. satisfying level of interest of both public and private investors high diversity of planned projects (shopping mall, business incubators, office spaces, hotels, underground car parks, municipal market place, etc) substantial difference in amount of support requestedfor the projects rather small influence of individual projects on cities small number of PPP projects (project in Sopot – railway station) insufficient cooperation of public authorities and private investors commercial nature of the projects First conclusions of UDF in Wielkopolska Voivodship

  13. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative Revitalisation of post-industrial areas in the centre of Leszno though construction of „Galeria Goplana”

  14. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative Development of Science and Industrial Park in Poznań

  15. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative Revitalisation of deprived areaat Małachowskiego street in Poznań and construction of Podwale Office Centre

  16. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative The culture centre in Koźmin Wielkopolski

  17. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative The Conference and tranining Centre in Ostrów Wielkopolski

  18. JESSICA in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship

  19. JESSICA in Pomorskie Voivodship

  20. Examples of good practiceswithin the framework of JESSICA initiative The Old Brewery as a chance for development of Kościerzyna`s urban area.

  21. Cultural Garrison Examples of good practices within the frameworkof JESSICA initiative – projects to be selected Cultural Garrison (Gdańsk)

  22. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative – projects to be selected Railway Station (Sopot)

  23. JESSICA in Silesia Voivodship

  24. Examples of good practices within the framework of JESSICA initiative Examples of good practiceswithin the framework of JESSICA initiative The revitalisation in Tychy, Andromeda cultural mall

  25. JESSICA in Mazovia Voivodship

  26. UDFs conditions

  27. urban transport, water-pipenetworks and sewage systems historical infrastructure for tourism or other purposes convenient for sustainabledevelopment recultivation of post-industrial areas (including clearingand removing of contamination) recultivation of post-military, post-railway, harbourand near harbour areas office areas for small and medium enterprises (e.g. from IT or R&D sectors) universities buildings (including buildings of faculties such as medicine, biotechnology and other specialisations) projects within the scope of renewable energy and energy efficiency Possible types of urban projects

  28. There isalso the state aid programme envisaged for JESSICA projects: Ordinance of the Minister of Regional Development of 21st December 2010 on Regional Investment Aid Granting by Urban Development Funds within Regional Operational Programme. It came into force on 30 December 2010. It was prepared on the basis of the Regional Investment Aid Scheme according to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 (so-called general block exemption regulation) State aid within JESSICA initiative

  29. Thank you for your attentionMinistry of Regional Development 2/4 Wspólna Str., Warsawwww.mrr.gov.plwww.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/RPO

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