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Lecture 05 – Extracellular Signal Receptors III

Lecture 05 – Extracellular Signal Receptors III. BIOL 5190/6190 Cellular & Molecular Singal Transduction Prepared by Bob Locy Last modified -13F. Extracellular Signal Receptors II. Voltage - gated ion channels ( VOCs ) Ligand - gated ion channels. Ion channel receptors. Voltage gating.

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Lecture 05 – Extracellular Signal Receptors III

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  1. Lecture 05 – Extracellular Signal Receptors III BIOL 5190/6190 Cellular & Molecular Singal Transduction Prepared by Bob Locy Last modified -13F

  2. Extracellular Signal Receptors II • Voltage-gated ion channels (VOCs) • Ligand-gated ion channels

  3. Ion channel receptors • Voltage gating

  4. Ion channel receptors Voltage Operated Channel • Multisubunit – a1, a2, b, d, & g • Calcium channel – in PM • a1 – contains voltage sensor • a1 – also contains drug binding sites • Large cytosolic loop, links to synaptic vessicle and/or ryanodine receptors • a2 – extracellular, regulatory, glycosylation • d – transmembrane region • b – intracellular and functions to mediate intracellular effects in different cell types

  5. Ion channel receptors Detailed structure • A1 has 4 repeat domains (I-IV) each with 6 MSDs • MSD6 of each domain makes the pore • b has 4 alpha helices, but no MSDs • a2 and d (single MSD) associate via disulfide • g has 4 MSDs • Regulation by protein kinase A (AKAP18) phosphorylation.

  6. Ion channel receptors • 1.2 L-type channel (shown) differs in regulation from 1.1 L-type channel • PKC • Calumodulin (CAM) • G-protein regulation of PP2A

  7. Ion channel receptors

  8. Ion channel receptors

  9. Ion channel receptors

  10. Ion channel receptors – ionontrophic glutamate receptors

  11. Ion channel receptors • Cyclic nucleotide- gated channels

  12. Ion channel receptors • Calcium signaling and intracellular calcium channels • IP3 • Ryanodine

  13. Ion channel receptors • IP3 Receptor animation

  14. Ion channel receptors • Ryanodine

  15. Ion channel receptors

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